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Culture in 19 century.

At the beginning of the century XlX vast majority of the Kazakh population lived in yurts. Special Master (uyshy) made remarkable examples of the yurt, characterized as a bright beauty, and richness and conformity of all parts. Often, they were sent to various ethnographic exhibition (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Paris). The Russian government has gained a large number of tents for the army (especially during the First World War). The appearance of wintering was in the XIX century. "Kystau" - the winter home of the Kazakhs of XIX century. - A variety of structures, depending on climate and natural - historical conditions, as well as the degree of economic well-being of the owner. In mountainous areas, it was built of stone, tree, in the steppe part - of turf and stone, in the northern - most often made of wood, in the south - from sun-dried bricks. The windows were made in the ceiling or on the opposite wall to the door, the door came out into the yard. Kystau usually consists of two rooms (korzhun yi). Close to the dwelling are attached farm buildings. The concept kystau is also the surrounding area strictly protected from damage by cattle in summer. The clothes of the Kazakhs of XIX centuryis observed the influence of the changed conditions of social life, a strong influence of Tatar culture. If in the beginning of the century still were preferred the Central Asian fabric production of silk! velvet, satin, and especially the fool (polushelk), then at the end of the century are more enter cloth Russian factory. Many forms of archaic dress of the Kazakhs - saptama (boots with long tops), saukele (bride's headdress), ayyr kalpak (peaked caps males) gradually out of use. Surroundings the Kazakh steppe a network of military fortifications, usury and capitalist exploitation, the defeat of several major revolts - all these events gave rise to the Kazakh poetry pessimistic direction, known as - Zar Zaman. Prominent representatives of this direction were Shortanbai Kanayuly, Murat Monkeuly, Dulat Babatayuly, Abubakir Kerdery. In the XIX century. in Kazakh literature were well represented themes and subjects of the best examples of classic literature of the East. Significant progress in education reform has occurred after the 60s. XIX century. In the 70's. XIX century in Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions operated dozens of elementary schools, high school opened, there were libraries, etc. Same thing is seen in all other regions of Kazakhstan. Important landmark in this process may assume opening a girls 'school in the regional centers, teachers' seminaries, mobile aul schools. Since the middle of the XIX century, resulting in strengthening of Islam most common form of training in Kazakhstan were aul Muslim schools.


77.The Immigration policy.

The completion gains of Kazakhstan has coincided with the bourgeois reforms in Russia in the mid XIX century. The abolition of serfdom did not allow the agrarian question. Peasant disturbances continued. In these circumstances, the Government has taken several measures to divert farmers from the revolutionary movement. One of them - the activation the immigration policy. Relocation peasants in the eastern borderlands, not only permitted the land hunger in the central provinces of Russia, but also to create in their face support the government in the new location. Therefore, the tsarist government in the mid 60s of XIX century. transferred from the military Cossack colonization to mass. Have been developed "Provisional Regulations on peasant migrations in the Seven Rivers," in effect until 1883. According to "Provisional Regulations" settlers defined a number of benefits: vesting the land of 30 acres per head (male), exemption from taxes and duties of all kinds for 15 years, granting a loan of up to 100 rubles. In 1883, due to the transfer Semirechensk area in the Steppe general governorship the local administration has developed a "ground-rules of the sedentary population area device." In 1886, we developed "Regulations on the management of the Turkestan general-governorship." Special Provision "On the voluntary resettlement of rural inhabitants and petty bourgeois on state lands and on the order of identity as persons aforesaid estates, settled in the old days" of July 13, 1889 permitted the migration with the prior permission of the Ministers of Interior and state Property. Since the mid 90-ies of XIX century. began an intensive migration to Siberia and Kazakhstan. To identify of surplus land and placing it in the "emigrant fund"organized a special expedition, led by the famous explorer of Kazakhstan F. Shcherbina. In 1896-1902 years. 12 districts have been studied Turgay, Akmola, Semipalatinsk regions. On the basis of materials collected half of all land in the Kazakh population was withdrawn. As a result of the immigration policy of tsarism main fertile lands were transferred to the Russian peasants, and the Kazakhs herded into arid, unsuitable land.


78.Revolution 1905-1906

The reason for the revolutionary actions of the Russian Empire were the events of "Bloody Sunday" January 9, 1905 in St. Petersburg, news of which reached Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan was growing revolutionary movement among the workers, it more actively extended to residents of the Kazakh village and emigrant villages. In May 1905 workers' strikes took place in Vernyi, Kustanai.
In the summer of 1905 protests of the Kazakh population became more organized and politically motivated. During the events of that period with a loud voice announced himself as the mouthpiece the interests of the Kazakh people intelligentsia, undisputed leader of which became Alikhan Bukeikhanov. He took an active part in the movement Karkaralinsk the summer of 1905, during which the Koyandinskoy Fair brought together representatives of the Kazakh population in different districts and took a petition to the king, known as Karkaralinsk. It contained demands an immediate solution of vital issues and above all the agrarian problem associated with the withdrawal of the Kazakh lands, as well as the Russification of spiritual culture. October 18-19, have been mass political strikes in Orenburg, October 25, a political demonstration in Omsk, 16-28 November postal strike telegraftsyh officials in Semipalatinsk. In December 1905, disturbances took place in several cities and towns, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Pavlodar, and others. Requirements of participants in the revolutionary movement became more political, along with the slogans of higher wages, better working conditions and there were calls for the overthrow of the autocracy, changes in the existing system. In February 1906, in Semipalatinsk, a congress of the Kazakhs, who put forward the demand for cessation of resettlement land, the recognition of land owned by the Kazakh population, religious freedom and equality of languages, the development of education pa native language.
July 3, 1906 took a major strike of the workers in Semipalatinsk, the number of participants reached 500. At this time, rise an agrarian peasant movement against the colonial policy.Participation of the population of Kazakhstan in the revolutionary movement of 1905-1907 was a great school, gaining experience in the struggle for national liberation and social emancipation.



The aggravation of the agrarian problem in central Russia the tsarist government attempted to solve by colonizing their suburbs relocation of peasants. Stolypin paid Special attention margins of the empire, including Kazakhstan - favorable for arable farming region. Therefore, one of the most important tools of destruction of the peasant community was the policy of mass resettlement of peasants in the Urals and Kazakhstan. The migrants were freed for a long time from taxes received in the property area lands. All this process, ie, the colonization of land, accompanied by a run in the Kazakh population, under the guise of "surplus" the best fertile land in a number of habitable and cultivated. Only in 1906 - 1912 years, was seized more than 17 million acres of land. Total to 1917 the Kazakhs - cattle were seized 40 million dozens. Agrarian reform was intended for at least 20 years. However, voltage maintained in the village. Many farmers, mostly poor and middle peasants, went bankrupt growing stream of "inverse" immigrants, and returning to their homeland, they had not received any court or the ground. In addition, farmers did not consider the reform of the fair, because it did not affect landlordism.


80. Duma

The revolutionary events in Russia have lasted about two and a half years. Manifesto of October 17, 1905 established State Duma. I Gov. Duma on the structure of the Cadet-liberal force from April 27 to July 8, 1906, from Kazakhstan into it had been elected 9 members. The structure of 1 and 2 of the Duma deputies were elected, and from Kazakh fields, including the release of Pavlodar prison Bokeyhan A., S. Kozhagululy, B. Karatay. They have called for a new agrarian reform, the revision of the immigration policy. At the meeting of two of the Duma May 16, 1907 B. Karatay gave a report on the impact of migration on the economy of the Kazakhs. When the presiding judge interrupted the deputy, made ​​his famous statement Karatay that Kazakhs support any Russian opposition movement, advocating for confiscation "of privately owned land to meet the peasants' land hunger." However, the proposals of the Kazakh deputies went unanswered. Moreover, the new electoral law of June 3, 1907 the peoples of Central Asia and Siberia in general were denied seats in the Duma. After this, the new repression against the leaders of the liberation movement of Kazakhs. In 1908 he was arrested again Bokeyhan A., and in July 1909 - A Baitursynov.
Special urgency in the Duma got agrarian question, which has led to its dissolution. State Duma II began its work February 20 1907., As in the first, central to her work has won the agrarian question. Compositionally, it was again the Cadet-liberal. From Kazakhstan, it had 13 members. In Akmola region was elected AD Vinogradov. In the Semipalatinsk region - NY Konshin. The nomadic population of Akmola region, was elected mullah S. Kosshygulov, seek preservation of Muslim educational system, from Semirechye - M. Tynyshpaev. Ural Kazakhs chose a cadet Birimzhanova. The decline of the revolutionary movement has allowed the king of June 3, 1907 to dissolve the Doom II. This meant the defeat of the revolution.


81. The First World war

The First World War, which began in the summer of 1914 immediately shows the backwardness of tsarist Russia in the economic and technical terms. Failures at the front required new resources, human and material. The labor shortage has created a crisis in many sectors of the economy. Heavily damaged during the war and the economy of Kazakhstan. Taxes increased by 3-4 times, in some cases 15 times. Introduced a special military tax Dispite direct and indirect taxes, collected various "contributions" against which the Kazakhs going to cattle and tents. The Kazakhs were free to supply meat, bread, cattle and tents the troops, following the front through the territory of Kazakhstan. Kazakh economy has suffered enormous damage in the millions rubles. In 1915 there was a question about the direct participation of Kazakhs in the war. The Kazakh intelligentsia through the newspaper "Cossack." proposed use as a fighting force of the Kazakhs in cavalry units. At the same time pursued two goals:
First, should have been saved from seizure under the resettlement land of the Kazakhs serving in the army;
Second, participation in hostilities could prepare skilled, seasoned and well-trained military personnel in case of the formation of an independent army Kazahstana.25 June 1916 published a decree by which all non-Russian male population aged 18-43 years should have been "requisitioned "for work on the creation of defensive structures in the area of ​​the army and to the rear of work. In all, according to preliminary calculations, should be mobilized 390 thousand people. The decree set the Kazakh steppe in an extremely precarious position. Mobilization was carried out during the harvesting and preparation of livestock for ferrying to the winter pastures, senozagotovki. Call for all able-bodied male population undermined the economic base of the Kazakh economy, already shaken the permanent withdrawal of lands for the settlers. In fact, the rest of the Kazakhs were doomed to die of starvation in winter 1916-1917 gg.


82. Revolt 1916

Revolt in 1916 in Kazakhstan, as a complex phenomenon and, to some extent contradictory, is one of the brightest pages in the chronicle of the liberation movement of the Kazakh people. It happened in the midst of the imperialist world war, in a powerful upsurge of the working and peasant movement in Russia. Appeal to the rear of the Kazakhs gave rise to the top of a powerful Kazakhs revolt and other Central Asian peoples against Russian colonialism. Movement developed spontaneously and at different times in different areas. The end of July - early August 1916 disturbances began to grow in the Kazakh revolt, gradually swept almost the whole of Kazakhstan. One of the largest districts was Zhetisu, where in July, began an armed struggle against the colonialists. By October 1916 uprising was crushed. In Torgai Uyezd formed a major rebel group, which was headed by Amangeldy Imanov. Punitive detachments could not put down the rebellion. Thus, the tsarist government could not put down the rebellion of the Kazakhs but socio-economic status of the Kazakh village during revolt has deteriorated sharply. Many farms were pillaged punitive, part of the rebels were forced to migrate to China and Mongolia. In general, over the years, the number of Kazakhs in the Russian Empire was reduced by more than 600 thousand people.


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1810

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