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History of Kazakhstan in the studies of 18-20 centuries(Radloff).

The role of the V.V Radlov (1837-1918) in the study of Turkic peoples is very significant.

In 1862 archaeological work in Kazakhstan held V.V.Radlov, whose name is associated with first conducted on a scientific basis excavations of Bronze Age burials. Radloff proposed classification and periodization of the ancient monuments of northeastern Kazakhstan and Siberia. Cultural history of these areas he shared to the following periods: Copper and Bronze Age, Iron Age, the oldest, the newest Iron Age and early Middle Ages. To Radlov belong the honor of the discovery and excavation of mounds with permafrost in the Altai, including burial Berel. Works of this scientist were a big step forward in the development of archeology in Kazakhstan.

He owned a Kazakh language, collected works of folk literature and published his work "Samples of folk literature of Turkic tribes".


68.History of Kazakhstan in the studies of 18-20 centuries(Shcherbina F.A).

One of the major sources for the history of Kazakhstan in late XIX - early XX centuries is edition of "Materials for the Kyrgyz land, developed and assembled an expedition to the study of the steppe regions."

Budgeting Kazakh farms held by the Expedition for the exploration of the steppe regions of Kazakhstan under the leadership of F.A .Shcherbin.

Sherbin is known for his great contribution to the budget statistics. Was developed a detailed program of budget survey, which was refined and perfected in practice.

From 1896 to 1903 Sherbin on the orders of Emperor Nicholas II was sent to Kazakhstan to lead an expedition to survey farms of the land of the Kazakhs and the identification of colonization fund. F.A.Shcherbin led an expedition to the study of 12 districts in Aksyutinskoy, Semipalatinsk and Turgay regions in Kazakhstan.

Given the characteristics of the Kazakh way of life, Sherbin created an independent sample of monographic description ,where the special characteristics were villages and community-aul group, recorded land, which were used by the Kazakhs, and possible migrations.

Separately collected information about the natural and historical terrain, the dominant species of vegetation, landscape, carried out soil analysis.


69.Kazakhstan science in the 19 century.Ch Valikhanov.

In the 19th century in Kazakhstan began to arrive, scientists, geographers ,travelers,historians. In the XIX century contribution to the science of Kazakhstan made a prominent Russian and Kazakh scientists: PP Semenov-Tyan-Shan, N. Rychkov, P. Melioransky, WWRadloff, VV Bartold A. Diwan, S. C. Ualikhanov, A. Kunanbaev, N. Altynsarin and others.

Great influence on the development of science had Russia.

Chocan Valikhanov (1835-1865 gg.) educator, scientist and researcher. He was the first Kazakh scientist and educator. He was a member of the Russian Geographical Society.He studied at Omsk Cadet Corpus. During these years, Chocan communicated with the best Russian scientists, travelers and political exiles. Valikhanov defended the interests of ordinary people. Way of further progress of his country Valikhanov seen in the transition to settled life, agriculture. The young scientist called his people to a friendship with the great Russian people.Valikhanov tried to shield young people from the Kazakh influence of Islam.

A new stage of scientific activity of Chocan Valikhanov was confidential trip to Kashgar in 1858, where he wrote his famous work "On the state of Altyshar”.

Due to the socio-economic backwardness of Kazakhstan Chocan Valikhanov could not fully understand the program of Russian revolutionary democrats and rise to the recognition of the idea of a peasant revolution.

The scientific heritage of Ch.Valikhanov covers a wide range of problems in Kazakhstan and other nations in dealing with each of them, and manifested his powerful scientific talent.


70.Development of education in Kazakhstan.Altynsarin I.

Very much in the development of education in Kazakhstan did Ibrahim Altynsarin (1841 -1889), a prominent Kazakh educator.

As an inspector of Turgay schools Altysarin a lot of work put into organizing the educational activities. He was cared that the school gave the children a strong knowledge of Russian language, and genuinely enjoyed first successes in this regard.

Altynsarin first time in Kazakhstan opened Irgiz women's college . The girls studied general subjects and doing needlework.

Altynsarin required the creation of agricultural schools where Kazakh youth trained to various trades.

Drafted by Altynsarin "Kirghiz Reader" at that time was a popular compendium of scientific knowledge. It carried the idea of the need to move the Kazakhs to agriculture and a sedentary lifestyle, the benefits of scientific and technical knowledge. In the poem "Come on, children learn," commented on the importance of science for the people.Until the end of his life Altynsarin defended the interests of working people. He hated the feudal know, the colonial administration.

Altynsarin largely promoted among the Kazakh people the Russian language and secular education.

He fervently believed that the time will come, and his nation will live free and happy life.


71.Poet and educator Abai.

Abay (Ibrahim) Qunanbayuli (August 10, 1845 - July 6, 1904) was born in Semipalatinsk Oblast.He was a great Kazakh poet, composer and philosopher,father of modern Kazakh written literature. He was also a cultural reformer toward European and Russian cultures on the basis of enlightened Islam. Abay's main contribution to Kazakh culture and folklore lies in his poetry, which expresses great nationalism and grew out of Kazakh folk culture. He ridiculed Islamic dogma and the outmoded customs of the ancestral aul (village) and protested the servile position of women.

Among Abay's students was a historian, philosopher, and poet Shakarim Qudayberdiuli.

Abay also translated into Kazakh the works of Russian and European authors. Abay's major work is “The Book of Words(Kara Sozder)”. It is a philosophic treatise and collection of poems where he encourages his fellow Kazakhs to embrace education, literacy.

He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in trying to solve complicated problems justly. Abay was against the feudal-tribal strife and discord.

Role of Abay in the history of Kazakh people is extremely high. Abai – is a classic of Kazakh literature, the founder of the Kazakh language. He enriched the Kazakh literature by excellent translations of Russian classics, contributed to the growth of spiritual culture of the Kazakh people.



72.Joining of Zhuzes to the Russian Empire.

At the beginning of the XVIII century the Kazakh Khanate was a politically fragmented country. Kazakh tribes were grouped into three - zhuzys: Senior, Midlle and Junior. From the east serious danger was Dzhungar Khanate. From the south Kazakh Khanate Khiva and Bukhara were threatened. Heavy political situation within the khanate and the ongoing internal conflict, greatly weakened the Kazakh Khanate.

In 1730, Khan of Junior Juz Abulkhair appealed to the Russian government to the military alliance. It was rejected and instead invited to the protection of Russia. February 19, 1731 Empress Anna Ivanovna signed the charter of voluntarily enters of Junior Juz to the Russian Empire. In 1740, Middle Horde came under the patronage.

Joining of the Senior and Middle zhuzes to Russia was delayed for many years.

It should be noted that joining to the Russia was the only one right decision at that moment , because the risk of loss the state was very great.

To ensure that the Russian presence in kazakh lands were erected fortresses. At the same time, the Russian Empire eliminated the khan's power in the Kazakh zhuzhs,instead, introduced in 1822, the “charter of the Siberian Kirghiz”.


73)Kazakhstan history: The 19th century In the first half of the 19th century the influence of Russia’s economy on the backward economy of Kazakhstan grew stronger: an increasing number of Kazakhs settled down and took up crop farming.As the output of agriculture produce rose, Kazakhstan’s trade and economic ties expanded. In the late 19th century capitalism penetrated into agricultural sector, intensifying the process of stratification in the auls (Kazakh villages).The Russian Empire introduced a system of administration and built military garrisons and barracks in its effort to establish a presence in Central Asia in the so-called "Great Game" between it and the British Empire. The first Russian outpost, Orsk, was built in 1735. Russia enforced the Russian language in all schools and governmental organizations. Russian efforts to impose its system aroused the resentment by the Kazakh people, and by the 1860s, most Kazakhs resisted Russia's annexation largely because of the influence it wrought upon the traditional nomadic lifestyle and livestock-based economy, and the associated hunger that was rapidly wiping out some Kazakh tribes. The Kazakh national movement, which began in the late 19th century, sought to preserve the native language and identity by resisting the attempts of the Russian Empire to assimilate and stifle them.The competition for land and water that ensued between the Kazakhs and the newcomers caused great resentment against colonial rule during the final years of Tsarist Russia, with the most serious uprising, the Central Asian Revolt, occurring in 1916. The Kazakhs attacked Russian and Cossack settlers and military garrisons. The revolt resulted in a series of clashes and in brutal massacres committed by both sides. Both sides resisted the communist government until late 1919


74.Folk art in 19 century

«XIX century we have inherited the concept that only sedentary peoples have created a progressive civilization, and in Central Asia, as if reigned or barbarism or wildness" - wrote LNGumilev. The ancestor of this direction in the literature was the poet Shortanbai Kanayuly (1818-1881). In his works, "Zar Zaman," he calls the era trouble period following the accession of Kazakh history of Kazakhstan to Russia. Shortanbai criticizes a new social group in Kazakh society, baystvo, resulting from the steppes of commodity-money relations.

In tune with the poetry and the works Shortanbaya Dulat Babatayuly (1802-1874). In his moralistic poem "Osiet-Name", he sings of past life of the Kazakh people. The modern era of his time, he calls a general moral degradation. Dulat condemns the actions of the Kazakh khans of XVIII century. Who have allowed Russian to Kazakh land, draws the future of the Kazakhs in the gloomy form. In the XIX century in the Kazakh literature were well represented themes and plots of the best examples of classic literature of the East. At the end of the XIX century "Kiss" and "Hick", "epics" have been circulated very widely. In this direction, worked fruitfully Akylbek Ibn Saba (author of 60 Kissy), Shady torus Zhangir, Mashhur Zhusup Kopeyev etc.
Music of Kazakhstan of the XIX century - the golden fund of spiritual culture of the Kazakh people. This is the true legacy of the best that has been created by nomads for millennia.At this time lived and created outstanding composers, singers and kyuishi. Ingenious kyuishi-composer, classic of Kazakh instrumental music in the second half of the 19th century, Kurmangazy Sagyrbajuly. Of his works have survived and reached our days 60 kyuis. Motives of the unwavering will people to freedom, homeland, boundless steppes hears in Kurmangazy kûe "Sary-ARKA". His first kyui, Kurmangazy devoted "kishkentai 1836-1838 rebellion leader. Isatai Tajmanuly.Kyuishi-composer of the second half of the 19th century, the founder of the lyrical direction of dombra music Dauletkerej Šygajuly.On the formation of the views of the kereâ influenced the composer Daulet-1836-1838 rebellion.Composer, poet and publicist second half of the 19th century, author of the texts and music 70 songs-Zhayau Musa. He composed the music for the poem Altynsarin "personal" balalar ", okylyk". On the formation of ideology poet-publicist Zhayau Musa influenced exiles Decembrists and the Petrashevsky Circle.Author of the songs "Balhadiša", "Manmanger", "Kulager" is a great composer Ahan SERE Koramsauly. Kyuishi-composer, kobyzist the second half of the 19th century Ykylas Dukenuly revived the tradition of kobyz music Korkuta.Kazakh themes all his significant works dedicated to the artist N. Hludov.


75. Changes in KZ in early 20 century

The development of capitalism in agriculture in Kazakhstan harmful impact on the Kazakh nomadic herding. June 6, 1904 the tsarist government promulgated the Law "On the voluntary relocation of rural inhabitants and petty bourgeois landowners." Resettlement Administration conducted a seizure of land from the Kazakhs, thus adding emigrant fund. However, a major wave of immigrants rushed to the Kazakh lands during the Russian revolution of 1905-1907. As a result of colonial agrarian policy of tsarism in the 1853-1905 years. Kazakhs have been selected 4 million acres in 1906-1907. As a result of mass migration of peasants from the central provinces of Russia, the area selected by the Kazakh land has reached 17 million acres. Presentation of Kazakh ball in the Revolution of 1905-1907 was an expression of protest against the seizure of land mass. January 9, 1905 in Kazakhstan started the revolutionary activities of such famous figures as Frunze and Kuibyshev VA. One of the first Marxist groups in Kazakhstan was established in 1902 in the city of Orenburg.
One of the organizers of the anti-government rally in Karkaralinsk in 1905 was M. Dulatov. In October 1905, was a mass political strike in the main administrative and political center of the Western Kazakhstan to Orenburg. Royal "Manifesto" of October 17, 1905 Kazakh national-democratic intellectuals criticized.
During the First Russian Revolution (1905-1907 gg.) Largest internationalist action of the workers in Kazakhstan was a strike at Uspensky mine. Action of the workers at the mine strike committee headed - "Russian-Kyrgyz alliance against capital."
This strike was the largest action of the workers against foreign capitalists. The main demands of the strikers at the Assumption mine were the socio-economic in nature. in nature. Requirements of the largest international actions of the workers in 1905-1907. Assumption on the mine had been partially met. In order to extensive use natural resources of Kazakhstan tsarism in the late XIX - early XX centuries. began the construction of railway lines. Establishment of lines contributed to the involvement of Kazakhstan in the new all-Russian economic system.



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