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Arcticles of Orenburg Kirghizes 1824

"The Charter of Orenburg Kyrgyzs» designed by PK Essen, after consideration of the Asian Committee was adopted in 1824

According to the "Charter of Orenburg Kyrgyzs" in 1824 in the Junior Juze was eliminated Khan's authority.

Administrative and political reforms met with resistance of Kazakh society, and for a long time in the opposition led by the Sultan Karatay .

Khan's authority in the Inner (Bukeyev) horde continued until 1845.


61.Rebellion Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov.

Mahambet Utemisov & Isatay Taimanov/In the national liberation struggle of the Kazakh people occupies an important place uprising led by Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov (1836-1838). Rebellion has an anti-colonial and feudal character. The reasons for the uprising were: land crisis, the tax burden, the arbitrariness of tsarist officials, harassment, Jahangir Khan and his relatives. The reason for the uprising was the appointment in 1833, of Karaul Hodja Babazhanov as a ruler of Kazakh tribes, wandering in the Caspian Sea. The driving forces of rebellion: the Kazakh ball, representatives of elders, biy, whose rights were violated by the khan and the tsarist government.

The objectives of the uprising:

1. Limitation the power of Zhangir Khan.

2. Advancement of the ball.

3. Change the colonial policy of the tsarist government.

Periods of rebellion:

1. 1833-1836 years. - Formation of the main prerequisites of the uprising;

2. Beginning and the end of 1837 - a period of rebellion, clashes with punitive troops and the king with helper Khans;

3. December 1837. July 1838 .- weakening forces and their defeat.

July 12, 1838 in an area near the river Akbulak main rebel group, about 500 people, was destroyed, Issatay Taimanov was killed. Fighting the insurgents began to decline. Punishers staged a massacre of the participants in the uprising, they were punished with sticks, confiscated property, banished into permanent exile, sent to forced labor. Thus ended the rebellion led by Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov, which lasted from 1836 to 1838.


62. Kenesary Kasymov

The causes and course of the uprising.

On the 20th of the XIX century, some Senior Zhuz ,southern regions of Middle and Junior zhuzes

were under the rule of Kokand and Khiva Beks. In an effort to consolidate its rule,

Kokand rulers collected taxes from the Kazakhs, what caused discontent.

In 20-30s of the XIX century the Khiva Khanate in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya erected several fortresses.Khiva campaigns violate the peaceful life of Kazakh villages and looting caravans negatively

impact on the economy. This led to protests.

Dissatisfaction increased the seizure of land and also to create new orders in the districts of

Charter in 1822, resulting in worsened conditions for farming and ranching.

All this has led to an uprising led by 1837-47.It was head by Kenesary Kasim-uly. The main purpose uprising of Kenesary Kasim-uly preserve autonomy but not incorporated into Tsarist Russia and the termination regions of Kazakhstan Kazakh land colonization by building fortresses.

Rebellion Kenesary Kasim-uly seized nearly all of Kazakhstan. Actively participated in the revolt

Kazakhs of all three zhuzes. This is the only uprising in the history of liberation movements in the late XVIII and in XIX century which swept all the major areas of Kazakh tribes.

In September 1841 representatives of the three Kazakh zhuzes elected Kenesary Kasymov as a Khan.

Kazakh Khanate was restored. In August 1841 the rebels laid siege to the fortress Sozak,

Zhanakorgan, Ak-Mosque Zhulek, where they were struck by large forces Kokand.

Contributed to the defeat of the revolt as a political and intrageneric divisions

Kazakhs, the lack of support next feudal groups.

The reasons for the defeat of the uprising Kenesary Kasimov were:

1)intrageneric divisions of the Kazakhs;

2)lack of support for some of the feudal groups. Sultans and Bies have received many benefits from the imperial government of the Russian Empire, were not interested in creating a centralized feudal state;

3)crushed by zhuzs, Kazakh clans supported the uprising mainly within its limits;

4)Kenesary arbitrariness and violence with tough not support him auls were not in the traditions of the Kazakhs;

5) Kenesary not able to unite together the struggle against tsarist Russia, Bukhara and Kokand lords.


The largest national liberation uprising of Kazakh people in the XIX century. Aiming

restoration of the feudal state of Khan, and this time ended in defeat,

leaving an indelible mark in the memory of the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

The historical significance of the uprising is great:

1. It was the largest uprising against colonial oppression, swept all three Horde;

2. it was part of the liberation struggle in Russia in the first half of the XIX


3. shows the dependence of the internal contradictions of the Kazakh society from a policy of tsarism.


63. Administrative-territorial reforms in Kazakhstan in the second half of the 19 century

In 1867 was held "Provisional Regulations on Administration in Semirechensk and Syrdarya regions" and in 1868, "Provisional Regulations on the management of the steppe regions of Orenburg and West-Siberian General-Governorship." According to the reform the territory of Kazakhstan was divided into three general-governorship: Turkestan, Orenburg and West Siberia.

To the Orenburg general governorship belonged Ural and Turgay area.

West- Siberian General Governorship was divided into Akmolinsk and Semipalatinsk region.

Turkestan general governorship made the territory of the Syrdarya and Semirechensk areas.

Each area was divided into counties. Counties were divided into volost,each of which consisted of one to 2 thousand households. Volost divided into administrative villages of 100 to 200 households. In order to finally destroy the "generic top" instead of the traditional names auls been assigned numbering.

In the West of Kazakhstan were still 2 administrative entity not included in listed higher general governorship . They are Bokeevskaya Horde joined to the Astrakhan province and Mangyshlak, part of the Transcaucasian governorship, and then passed as a county to the Transcaspian region.

Administrative reforms of 1886 and 1891.

In 1886 was adopted "Regulations on the management of Turkestan area." In 1891 was adopted "Regulations on the management of Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechye, Ural and Turgay regions."

In Turkestan was established three areas: the Syrdarya, Ferghana, Samarkand. Control center region - Tashkent.

Akmola, Semipalatinsk, and Semirechye area were subject to the Steppe Governor-Generalship. Control center region - Omsk. Determined the number of counties(uezds) by region: Ferghana - 5, Samarkand - 4, SyrDarya - 5, Akmola - 4, Turgay - 4.

The most serious consequence of land reform was the declaring the territory of Kazakhstan as the property of the Russian Empire.


64. Revolt in the Urals(1868),Turgay(1869) and in Mangyshlak areas(1870)

Administrative Reform 1867-1868 violate the established order of the division of pasture, limited the power of local authorities ,have introduced new tax legislation. In December 1868 an uprising broke out in Turgay and Ural regions.It begun spontaneously. The reason was exit organized by the travel commissions in the steppe to implement the "Regulations" 1867-1868. It lasted until October 1869.By the spring of 1869 formed rebel militias ,they offered armed resistance to the king's orders.

The uprising was anti-colonial and was directed against: 1) Administrative Reform 1867-1868., Which has strengthened the colonial dependence of the Kazakh steppe, 2) Declaring the whole territory of Kazakhstan as the property of the Russian Empire and its use on a territorial basis. Introduction of new rules for land use, 3) construction of new fortresses and removal of fertile land of the Kazakhs, 4) raising taxes and imposing new duties, 5) Transitionof the feudal groups to the management service, strengthening of administrative pressure on their subordinates.

The rebels of the Ural and Turgay regions required: 1) To save the people from taxes, 2) Cancel the sale of land, 3) Save the freedom of migrations, and 4) Eliminate the principle of appointment of district chiefs.

The revolt was suppressed. The participants of the rebels were poor Kazakhs, a ball, which carried all the burdens of colonization. It participated in virtually all sectors of society, led by tribal rulers. But the Sultans, Bies and elders showed inconsistencies and failed to meet expectations of the rebels. After the uprising all participants were punished.


65.Development of industry and trade in the second half of the 19 century.

The development of industry and trade.

In the second half of XIX century the development of industry in Kazakhstan has been closely linked with the interests of Russian industrial capital. Kazakhstan was a source of raw materials and markets for products of capitalist industry in Russia. The main field of application was extraction and processing of minerals, which are distinguished by rich subsoil region, as well as the processing industry of agricultural raw materials and trade. Mining industry, mainly concentrated in Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions.

Along with the use of agricultural raw materials, Russian industrialists were interested in developing of the mineral resources of Kazakhstan - gold, coal and oil.

In East Kazakhstan in Ridder and Zyryan deposits and in central Kazakhstan were developing mining industry. Spassky, Uspensky, Atbasar, Ridder, Karaganda and Ekibastuz industrial centers have been bought by foreign capitalists. The greatest extent became the Orenburg-Tashkent railroad.

At the end of the century there are large companies with many employees in the 300-400 – Uspenskiy mine, Karaganda coal basin, Ekibastuz (Ekibastuz), Ridder.

One of the largest fairs - opened in 1848 in the area of Taldy- Koyandy is Koyanlinskaya Fair, also called Botov assembled merchants from China,Central Asia, Russian cities.

Industry in Kazakhstan in the late XIX century developed much more slowly than the capitalist industry in Central Russia.


66.History of Kazakhstan in the studies of 18-20 centuries.(Levshin)

A major total of the study of Kazakhstan by the Russian scientists came out of the book by Levshin, "Description of the Kirghiz-Cossacks, or the Kirghiz steppes and Kaisak hordes" in three parts.

Investigation of Levshin, the famous traveler and explorer of the XIX century, is perhaps the first comprehensive description of a science of nature, wildlife, history and ethnography of the peoples of the Kazakh steppes and their inhabitants (not in vain Levshin called by Herodotus of the Kazakh people .) Discussed in detail the question of relationships with the Kazakh and Russian, shows the historical circumstances that led to the occurrence of Kazakh territory to the Russian Empire.

His famous book –“Description of Kirghiz-Cossacks steppes and hordes”.

In it he described the location and nature of the Kazakh steppes, the history of the Kazakh people from ancient times to the end of XVIII century,said many of the original information about its lifestyle, economy, life and culture.

Levshin made a huge contribution to the history of Kazakhstan.


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1627

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