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Fight of Kazakhs against the Djungarian invasion

At the beginning of the XVIII century international relations in Central Asia intensified the aggressive actions of Jungar Khanate. The most significant impact on international relations in Central Asia during this period exerted Jungar-Kazakh rivalry.

The greatest danger for the Kazakhs in the first half of the XVIII century hung from the Jungar Khanate. The main purpose of the invasions of the rulers of the territory Jungar Kazakh Khanate was subordinate to the Kazakh steppes of his power, in the capture of nomads and pastures. In an advantageous position with respect to the Kazakh militia, Jungars set that they have guns. For the war with the Kazakhs Dzhungars buy weapons and guns at Russian gunsmiths.

In the late XVII - early XVIII centuries Tauke Khan sent a major country's efforts to repel the raids of the Oirat, restored the state and preserve the territorial integrity of the Kazakh Khanate. In the summer of 1710 with the aim of creating a single militia against Jungars, in Karakum district, the first kurultai of three Kazakh zhuzes held. By the decision of a single militia kurultai Kazakhs against Jungars Bogenbai headed warrior.

After the death of Tauke Khan, because of the separation of three zhuzs internal situation in the Kazakh Khanate became tense and contradictory. Using the uncoordinated actions of the Kazakhs and their military superiority, Jungar troops in 1711-1717 occupied part of Zhetysu. In 1718, near a three-day battle Aiaguz with Dzhungars due to the fact that the Kazakh sultans acted separately, the Kazakh militia defeated.

1723 - 1727's. entered into the history of the Kazakh people as the "Year of the Great Disaster," in this period, especially the affected areas Zhetysu. The main reason for the tragedy of 1723-1727 years. is the absence of Kazakh society, political unity. In 1724-25 he. Dzhungars were captured in the city of Turkestan and Tashkent.

The aggressive policy of Junggar Khanate was a real threat not only for the Kazakhs, but also for Russia. In defending their economic interests, Russia in 1742 demanded that the rulers of the aggression Jungar. On the diplomatic protests of Russia in 1742 of non-interference in the affairs of Kazakhs Jungars Galdan-Tseren not only did not react, but also demanded the destruction of the Russian fortresses in the Upper Irtysh.

In the 40 years of the XVIII century. Russia to protect its economic interests of Jungars erected new fortresses and outposts in the Upper Irtysh. Kazakhs do not interfere with their construction, suggesting that the fortress will be a mainstay in the fight against Dzhungars, and they played an important role in protecting the Kazakhs during the Junggar aggression in the first half of the XVIII century. The main force combating Junggar aggression remained the liberation struggle of the people.

The real threat of enslavement Dzhungars Kazakh lands were eliminated with the death in 1745 the governor-Galdan Tseren. After the death of Galdan-Tseren in 1745 begins to fight for the throne among the heirs, which led to a decline in the Djungarian state. Weakened the military power and Dzungaria Ablai, relying mainly on people's warriors. China used weakening of Dzungaria . In 1756-1758 years. Dzungaria was finally defeated the Manchu-Qing troops (China) and ceased to exist as a state in 1761 was converted into the Qing imperial governorship – Sincyan`.

54 The accession of Kazakhstan to Russia.

In the late XVI - early XVII century after the establishment of economic and political relations with the countries of Central Asia, Kazakhstan is increasing interest in Russia.

In order to ensure trade and development of land east of the Urals Russia since the end of the XVI century started the construction of fortified settlements on the border with Kazakhstan. Forts and castles were strongholds for colonizing Russia's advance in the north-eastern lands of Kazakhstan. In the first quarter of XVIII century. situation was aggravated not only Kazakhs Jungar aggression and attack from the north of the Siberian Cossacks.

Expansion of economic ties between Russia and Central Asian countries in XVII-XVIII centuries. helped strengthen its military and colonizing policy of Kazakhstan. In the XVIII century. Russian government considers Kazakhstan as a "key to the gates" of Asia. For political and military penetration into the interior of the Kazakh lands in Russia's 1716-1720 military is building a fortress on the Upper Irtysh.

Letter of acceptance Junior Juz of the Russian Empire was signed February 19, 1731by Anna Ioannovna. To sign the instrument of Russian citizenship in Kazakhstan were sent to the Russian embassy, headed by A. Tevkelev. A considerable part of the sultans, and the elders of the biy Junior Juz opposed the adoption of Russian citizenship. But in October, 1731g. much of the elders, led by Abulkhair adopted Russian citizenship. The beginning of the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia refers to 1731.

55 Joining of the Junior and the Middle zhuzes

Joining the Senior and Middle zhuzes to Russia was delayed for many years. Legally joining Senior zhuz held June 10, 1734, in accordance with the decree of the empress. However, the remoteness of the past Russia has complicated their practical entry into the Russian Empire. As a result, the beginning of XIX century, much of Senior zhuz fell under the rule of the Kokand ruler Alim Khan. In 1818, Elder Horde again requested the adoption of Russian citizenship. In May 1824, Emperor Alexander I signed a letter of acceptance into citizenship 14 sultans Senior zhuz, wandering in the Seven Rivers. In 1830, took the oath of the population of several districts of the Middle Horde. Then for 15 years in the Russian citizenship to take almost all other Senior zhuz. It should be noted that joining Russia was the only one at the moment out of this situation, because the risk of loss of statehood was very great. Naturally, the Russian Empire, wanting to protect their new ownership, has taken several steps to ensure the safety of the annexed territories. In addition, Russia was necessary to ensure the security of caravan trade routes leading to western China and Central Asia.

56 Participation of Kazakhs in the peasant war led by Pugachev(1733-75)

The first joint performance of the Kazakh and Russian people against autocracy is the active participation of Kazakhs in the Peasants' War of 1773-1775. The main reason for the participation of Kazakhs in the peasant war of 1773-1775 is the land issue. In 1742 Khan Nuraly pressure of the people demanded the government to lift restrictions on cattle grazing along the Ural River, but the Russian government refused to meet this requirement. In the second half of XVIII century from the colonial policy of Russia to a greater extent Kazakhs suffered Junior Juz. Junior Juz Kazakhs discontent aroused predatory actions Yaik Cossacks army. In 1756, the tsarist government, protecting the interests of the Cossack troops, forbade the Kazakhs to roam on the right side of the Urals.

During the Peasants' War under the leadership of Pugachev known biy Dautbay Kazakhs urged to actively support the insurgents. Kazak troops in the peasant war of 1773-1775 united by tribal lines. One of the leaders of insurgent groups in the peasant war led by Pugachev was a Kazakh warrior Datyli. Supporting the rebellion led by Pugachev, the Kazakh troops were the main strike force in the capture of the Kulaginsk fortress. During the Peasants' War of 1773-1775. Nuraly Khan, adhering to the dual position, sought to use the rebellion to return the selected lands. Supporting the rebellion led by Pugachev, steppe aristocracy was designed to weaken tsarism in Kazakhstan. In 1771 part of the Volga Kalmyks trying to migrate through Kazakhstan to their homeland - in Dzungaria, but were defeated Kazakhs.

57 Revolt of S.Datov in the Junior Zhuze(1783-1797)

Junior Juz Kazakhs revolt under the leadership of raw Datuly occurred in the 1783-1797 years. One of the causes of the uprising the Kazakhs Junior Juz 1783-1797 gg. under the leadership of raw Datuly lay in the excesses of the Cossacks. The main driving force for the revolt led by Kazakh crude Datuly were poor, sharua. The uprising, led by raw Datuly participated Kazakhs who have seen the cause of all their troubles in the preservation of personal power Nuraly Khan. The deepening of the agrarian crisis in the second half of XVIII century weakened the positions of the khan's environment and strengthened the opposition against the heirs of Khan Abulhair. During the uprising 1783-1797 Orenburg governor Baron Igelstrom proposed new system of junior zhuz. Under the Igelstrom`s plan all power in the Junior Zhuz concentrated in the hands of the Border of the court. During the uprising inconsistency S. Datuly revealed that he was in opposition to the Khan's group supported the proposed Igelstrom`s reform . The Russian government refused to Igelstrom`s reform in the Junior Joseph because of the growth antimonarchic sentiment in Russia.

In 1797, the administration of Orenburg in the hope to win the S. Datuly not included in the council representative of the Khan Khan family Nuraly. The main result of the uprising, led by raw batir should be considered the government's decision of March 11, 1801, which permitted the Kazakhs to roam on the right side of the Urals.

The uprising led by cheese Datuly was the largest anti-colonial performance on the southeastern outskirts of the Russian Empire at the end of XVJII.

58 Culture of Kazakhstan in the 18 century

Poets - witness the tragic events of the first third of the XVIII century in his works reflected the effects of the Oirat aggression.

An important source in the study period are works of the poet Ablai XVIII century tatikary. Ablai, Bogenbai and other illustrious figures in the XVIII are central to the works of the poet Tatikary. Political history of the Kazakh state XVIII century recreates the poetic heritage Bukhar-zhyrau.One of the best versions of the poem "Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu" belongs to akyn 18 century -Zhanak.

The result of the expedition, GF Miller in the second half of XVIII century. was the work of "Siberian history," which contains valuable information about the Kazakhs of the Middle Horde

59 The charter of the Siberian Kirghizes

In order to ensure the safety of caravans passing through the Kazakh steppe, the Russian government in 1803 allowed the merchants to have militias. In the first half of XIX century in trade with Central Asia, from all the cities controlled by Russia was not equal to. There is a gradual adaptation to the needs of the economy of Kazakhstan the Russian economy.

Reinforcing the political fragmentation of the Middle Horde, the government appointed in 1815 second Khan's Bukei.

The situation after the death of Khan Bukei in 1817 and Wali Khan in 1819, the tsarist government was used to eliminate Khan's power in the Middle Juze. After the death of Khan Bukei and Khan Wali Khans new in the Middle Zhuz not approved.

Under the leadership of the Siberian Governor-General Speransky in 1822 was designed by the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz." The elimination of traditional Kazakh political system, change judicial administration in the north-east of Kazakhstan, was the main purpose "of the Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz" 1822

According to the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz" 1822 Middle Juze was eliminated Institute Khan's power. Horde territory became part of the West-Siberian General-Governorship with the center in Omsk. Average Horde was divided into administrative units: village, parish, district, and was "Field of Siberian Kirgiz."

According to the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz" in 1822:

- Senior management of the district passed the sultan, who was elected only by the sultans;

- Passed by inheritance township authority of the Sultan;

- After nine years of service (3 terms) for a knighthood could count on senior sultan;

- All the sultans not elected to retain their positions hereditary title, but without the right to intervene in management;

- Court cases were divided into three categories - criminal, lawsuits, complaints to management;

- Criminal cases were dealt with under the laws of the Russian Empire;

- Caravan trade between Russia and Kazakhstan are not taxed;

- In the Kazakh steppe prohibits the sale of wine

Date: 2015-01-29; view: 2003

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