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Cultural heritage of the Turks.

The Turks had known with the process of melting metal in the V., While still dependent on Zhuzhansk Khanate, they paid tribute to him with iron.Located along the Great Silk Road, the Turks in the VI-IX centuries. built along the caravan routes "sardob" - domical structure over the well.With the coming of the Turks in territory of Kazakhstan there are stone sculptures "balbals", which installed on the graves of people. In VI-IX centuries. Turks were built monuments in the style of "dyn" - stone structures in the form of yurts, again on the graves of people. These Turkic monuments in the style of "dyn" and "balbals" refer to the pre-Islamic period.Ancient Turks had an independent writing and used runic letter. Old Turkic runic alphabet, consisting of 35 letters, was established on the basis of tribal tamgas. Sources said that ambassadors of the West Turkic khanate brought to Byzantium a letter written by the Scythian letter.The largest monument of the ancient Turkic literature the letters "Kultegin" and "Tonyukuk" created during the Turkic khanate. Monuments of Ancient Literature "Kultegin" and "Tonyukuk" are historical poems and written in runic letter. Along with the Turkic letter in VI-IX century on the territory of Kazakhstan was used Sogdian letter. By the literature of Turkic peoples VIII - IX century refers book "Korkyt-Ata." In the XIII century famous Persian historian Rashid al-Din was written version of the ancient poem "Oguzname."In the early Middle Turkic tribes worshiped a female god Tengri and Umai, which is considered the patroness of the hearth and children. During this period, the Turkic tribes worshiped a “Kok bori (wolf). One of the first scientific papers written in Turkic language, is the work of the XI century "Qutatqu Bilik" Yusuf Balasaguni. This book reflects the socio-political life, customs, traditions and beliefs of the Turkic peoples in the XI. For the creation of works of "Kutadgu Bilik" Hagan Yusuf Balasaguni awarded the title of "the vizier."History, ethnography, folklore, language of the Turkic peoples of the Middle Ages is reflected in the book Mahmud Kashgari "Diuani lugat at-Turk." A scientist A.N. Kononov wrote that the establishment of his book, Mahmud Kashgari set purpose - to glorify to the world Turkic language and prove that turkic language is not below the Arabic language.


39.Formation of Mongol Empire.

The founder of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan was born in 1155 at birth he was named Temujin. At the Congress of the Mongolian nobility in 1206 Temujin was proclaimed supreme ruler - Genghis Khan.According to "The Secret History of the Mongols," Mongolian tribes at the beginning of the XIII century were in a peaceful and good neighborly relations with Kerayit. Established in 1206 the Mongol Empire led by Genghis Khan was based on the principles of military and administrative aimags. All of Mongolia, its army and the population was divided into three aimag. The army consisted of the Left, center and right wing, which consisted of three military and administrative aimag. The Basic Law of the Mongolian State "Yasa" consisted of two parts, the first part were the words of edification of Genghis Khan. According to the "Yasa" the highest body of the Mongolian state was kurultai, who met once a year. Mongolian state ruled mainly by nomads, from the urban population Genghis Khan took only needed "special people." Great kurultai of the Mongols elect Khan decides to difficult political issues. After the conquest and the accession of the population of agricultural, settled regions, the nature of the empire began to change. It is increasingly losing the nomadic nature. Nevertheless, principles based on democratic solutions to the questions continue to operate


40.Ghenghis Khan’s aggressive policy in Kazakhstan.

Naiman Khan Kuchluk forbade citizens of Zhetysu implementation of Muslim rites. The persecution of Muslims, ban the Naiman khan performance Muslim rites led to Zhetysu interfaith confrontation. By using the tense situation caused by religious confrontations, the Mongols invaded in 1218 in Zhetysu. Wanting to attract people to his side Zhetysu, Mongolians have published a decree by which forbidden to rob the local population. The oppression of the Naiman, many of the city surrendered to the Mongols Zhetysu without a fight, including Balasagun. The reason for the invasion of the Mongols in the territory of Kazakhstan and Medium Asia was the death and devastation in Otrar in 1218 trade caravan sent by Genghis Khan.In 1219, 150 thousand army of Genghis Khan invaded the territory of South Kazakhstan, the population of Otrar six months kept the defense, led by the governor of Cair Khan. This was “Otrar catastrophe”.Mongols were completely destroyed three South-Kazakhstan cities: Otrar Sygnak, Ashnas. All Syr -Darya cities were completely under the control of the Mongols as a result of military companies 1219-1220


41.Kazakhstan as a part of the Golden Horde.

The Mongol conquests in the XIII century have covered. vast territory of Eurasia. The conquest of Eastern Europe, led by Batu Khan. As a result, the European campaigns of Batu, which lasted from 1236 to 1242, established the Golden Horde, whose territory extended from the Altai Mountains to the Danube. Batu founded the Golden Horde state in the written sources called Ulus Juchi. In the lower reaches of the Volga located the capital of the Horde, the city of Sarai-Batu. This was the first major state created on the spot Jochi Ulus. During the reign of Khan's Golden Horde Berke becomes independent of the Mongol Empire. To strengthen links with Muslim countries ,Berke Khan spread Islam. Especially by Uzbek Khan (1312-1342) and Zhanibek Khan (1342-1357) the power of the khans intensified,stopped convening kurultays, centralized power. From 1357 to 1380 - the era of "Great Troubles" in the Golden Horde for the Khan's throne was replaced by two dozen of the khans. The decline of the Golden Horde as a result of internecine strife gain observed in the second half of XIV century. Taking advantage of the defeat of Mamaia on the Kulikov field, the power of the Golden Horde in 1380, seized Khan Tohtamysh. The Golden Horde was a multinational state.


42.Genghis Khan’s aggressive policy in Kazakhstan.

After the conquest of the territory of Kazakhstan, Genghis Khan divided it into uluses among his sons:Juchi,Ugedei,Chagatai,Tului. Genghis Khan the conquered lands divided between the sons of the Four uluses In the ulus of Juchi included territory from the Irtysh to Eastern Europe. Jochi died in 1227, and ulus inherited by his son - Batu.In the Chagatai ulus included the territory of the South and South-eastern Kazakhstan and Central Asia with its center in Almaly. In the mid-fourteenth century the state was divided into Chagataid's state Moghulistan and Maverannahr.Tarbagatai territory and the upper reaches of the Irtysh River entered the ulus of Ugadei. In 1251 Ugadei ulus was eliminated.



Ak Horde - the first major public education on the basis of local ethnic after mongolic period in Kazakhstan created in XIII-in the beginning of XV cc.Founder – Orda Edzhen (1226-1280). Officially, the first Khan of White Horde elected Sasy-Boke (1309-1315).When the ruler was his son Erzene (1315-1320) in White Horde was the growth of cities, trade, crafts.Khan Erzen, defining the boundaries of principalities, appointed his deputies - oglanov. Mubarak Khan Khoja (1320-1344) managed to break White Horde with a nominal dependence on the Golden Horde. Elevation at White Horde occurs Urus Khan (1361-1375),finally White Horde separated from the Golden Horde. In 1375 against the White Horde began hiking protege of Tamerlane Tokhtamysh (son of Tuka Timur, the 13th son Jochi Khan). As a result of fierce battles, Urus Khan was killed, and power in the White Horde passed to Tohtamysh.As a result of aggressive wars and internal strife Timur in the late XIV - early XV centuries., White Horde significantly weakened. In 20-ies. XIV century. White Horde split into two parts: the Khanate Abulhair and the Nogai Horde.


44.Timur and his conquests.

Emir Timur, from Turkicized Mongolian tribe- Barlas, moved during the feudal strife, and in 1370 seized power in Maverannahr (area between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya), ruled in Central Asia in 1370-1405 years. In the north and west conquering Timur's plans prevented the state Golden Horde. Before the Golden Horde break, Amir Timur decided to conquer the Ak Orda. In 70-80 years. XIV century. Amir Timur made ​​numerous forays into the Ak Orda and Moghulistan. In 1380, the White Horde and Moghulistan set up a political alliance directed against the Emir Timur. In order to established a political union and contact people Ak Orda and Mogulistan great importance was the joint struggle against the state of Timur. State of Ak Orda and Moghulistan weakened as a result of the raids Emir Timur.In 1380, the power of the Golden Horde captures the descendant of Juchi- Tohtamysh, under his authority and is the Ak Orda. Combining Gold and White Horde ruled Tokhtamysh threatened the power of Emir Timur. In 1389, 1391 and 1395 years of Emir Timur makes ruinous campaigns against the Golden Horde. The Golden Horde was finally defeated by the last campaign Emir Timur in 1395. The long and bitter struggle between the Emir Timur Khan and Tokhtamysh promoted the decline of the Golden Horde and the liberation of the Russian lands.Because of the military campaigns of the late Emir Timur in XIV-XV centuries on the territory of Kazakhstan's population has decreased, it is in economic decline. Timur died in 1405 in the city Otrar.


45.Nogai Horde.

Nogai Horde was created in the beg.of XVc.,the territory was between the Volga and the Ural.The founder of the Nogai Horde was Nogai Edyge. At the beginning of the Nogai Horde Edyge stand apart from the Horde, with his son Edyge Hyp al-din became an independent state, separated from the Golden Horde. Edyge, who had no right to the title of Khan, was for many years the factor ruler of the Golden Horde. In the 90s of the XIV century Edyge waged war with Tohtamysh Khan for domination of the Golden Horde, and in order to expand the boundaries Nogai Horde. Edyge for 15 years was the ruler of the Horde (1396-1411 gg.). Under his rule, ownership of the Nogai Horde expanded to the West Siberian Plain. According to written sources, the leg in the middle of XV century, reached the middle reaches of the Syr Darya. captured the city. At the beginning of the XVII century the Nogai Horde was dependent on the Crimean Khanate and Turkish sultans. At the end of the XVIII century after the fall of the Crimean Khanate became the imperial government to pursue the Nogai. The survivors moved to Turkey. the Northern Caucasus, on the ground in Kazakhstan. Later, some of the tribes that were part of Nogai Horde, joined the Junior Juz Kazakhs. Basis of the population Nogai Horde was mangyt’s tribes. This political union was not created on an ethnic basis, but as a political entity.


46.History of Mogolistan.

Mogolistan created in XIV. The territory was the south-eastern Kazakhstan and East Turkestan and the north-eastern part of Central Asia. The founder of the state Mogolistan is the head of the feudal nobility of the tribe Dulat Puladchi emir. Not being Genghisides and not having the right to the throne, he was enthroned he established the state, a representative of the dynasty chagataidov Togluk Timur. The first Khan Mogulistan Togluk Timur (1347-1362) to strengthen the power and the state held a number of administrative, political and economic reform, islam was used as an instrument of power. . In 1361 Togluk Timur conquered the entire Mawannahr. When the ruler was Timur’s son Togluk Iliyas-Hodge (1362-1380) in Mogulistan begins a period of feudal fragmentation. Khan Mogulistan Kyzyr Hodja (1380-1399) was forced to acknowledge himself a vassal of Timur. In the first half of the XV century. increased fragmentation, and Timurids continued to claim the Seven Rivers and Kashgar. In the internecine struggle was won by the son of Uais Khan - Esen Boke (1433-1462). In the late 50s. XV century to migrate to Seven Rivers of East Dasht-i-Kipchak led by the sultans Kerey and Zhanibek. Esen-Boke Khan gave them land in the valley-Chu and Talas, where they formed the Kazakh Khanate.In the second half of the XV and early XVI centuries. subsequent rulers tried to strengthen the position of Mogulistan, but constant war for possession weakened state.


47.Khanate of Abulhair.(State of Nomadic Uzbeks)

Khanate of Abulhair created in 1428,the territory was from the Urals in the west to the east of Lake Balkhash.. In 1428 from the break the Ak Orda power at the main territory of Kazakhstan moves to the Khan Abulkhair dynasty from Shaibani. Capital of khanate - Sygnak. The main population of the state consisted of the tribes of the Kipchaks. Abulhair Khanate existed in 1428-1468 years and in the historical sources state called "Uzbek ulus", "Shaibani ulus." In 1456-1457 years. under Sygnak Abulkhair Khan was defeated by the Oirat, which was one of the reasons for its weakening and increase the growing discontent among the population. The defeat of the Oirat Abulhair also served as one of the causes of the migration of the Kazakh population, led by the sultans and Zhanibek Kerei in Moghulistan. The descendants of Khan Barack Zhanibek and Kerei sultans were hereditary rulers and ruled in the Syr Darya and the foothills of the Karatau lands. In 1468 Abulkhair Khan marched on Moghulistan to punish the sultans and Zhanibek Kerei. However, during the campaign Abulkhair Khan died. With the formation of the Kazakh Khanate power Abulhair descendants stopped in East Dasht-i Kipchak.


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