Pronoun in Old EnglishThey were very primitive . Three numbers:
· singular
· dual
· plural
They had no gender distinctions for the third person plural.
There were many suppletive forms
Personal pronouns:
· three persons, ( 1,2 person)
· three numbers (--)
· two numbers (3 person0
Pronouns of the 1-2 person have a lot of suppletive forms. They began to lose some of their case distinctions ( Ac-Dat). Genative case divided into two groups (Objective/ Attributive). Oblinque casde ( Adjective self reflexive pronoun groop of suppletive form)
Demonstrative pronouns
prototype of NE ( that) 3 genders in the singular/ 1 form in plural
the prototype of NE ( this)
were declined like adjectives according 5 case system
Adjective in OE is very difficult & develop
Noun feature ( 3 genders/ 2 numbers/) Case gender Noun = Adjective.
Adjective divide into weak ( nouns n-stem) & strong ( a-stem, o-stem) forms
The choice of declension
· the syntactical function of Adjective
· the degree of comparison
· the presence of noun determ ( strong used predicatively, use attributably without any determines & weak forms adjective were preceded by a demonstrative pronoun or the genitive case of a personal pronoun)
In OE strong ( eall all/ oper other) & weak (superitive/ comparative degrees/ ordinal numerals/ same ( ilca)
Degrees of comparison for adjectives:
· positive
· comparative
· superlative
using different suffixes. For comparative ra/ for superlative est/ ost. Suppletive forms ( god-betera- beste)
In OE Adverbs were represented with the very small group of words/ There were two types:
· Primary
· secondary ( derived from some other part of speech)
Substative or Adjective + e Adverb
Degrees of comparison Adjective + o + r
Degrees of superlative Adjective + o + syffix ly
Noun Adjective Adverb
freond + lic Freondlic friondlice & lice ly
craft craftlic craftlicly
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 2335