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Shortering in Close Syllable

Vovel + consonant + consonsnt – short Vowel in closed syllable


Inf. Cepan kepan (keep)

Past Cepte kepte(e) (kept)

e\e:\ \e\


long Vowel was preserved without any changes at all in the thoughtant condition + lengthening Consosnant Claster ( ld\nd)

inf. Wenan wenen (think)

past wende wende


Consonant Claster

long vovel + consonant in 3 sylabyc word –> vovel became short ( laferce – laferce –larke (lark)

The main distinctive in OL is shorteting of vovel

2. Lengthening in the open syllable (ME, NE)

All volvels became long

Open syllable V –> vovel V



o, a – Q

ca-ru – care (care)

ta-lu – tale (tale)

ma-cian – maken (make)

we-rian – weren (wear)

ste-lan – stelen (steel)

specan – speken (speak)

3. Monoftongisation of old English dipfthongs

1. During the OL->MD all d. disappeared to monophthongs

11c 12c

ea --- -\\-


ae-> ae -> e

ae:-> ae: -> a:


eo -\\-


e->e -> e’

e:->e: -> e:

ea -ae – a:

eald - ald(old)

healf – half

deop – dep\deep


2. Rise of new diphth. In ME


1st narrow+2nd wide (wider them the 1st) 1st wid, broad + 2nd short, narrow


Types of dyphth. In ME:

1) Vovel + peletive fricative Η \J\ -> diph.+i

+ Vidar spirant 3 \γ\ -> diphth. w \u\


ΐe3 -> ai\ay dae3 -> dai\day [day]

eη -> ei\ey wei\wey

e3 -> ei\ey 3re3 -> grei\grey

2) W

a3 -> aw dra3an -> drawen

aw -> o:w a3en -> owen (own)


3) AU Vowel + h (voiceless spirant) -> diph.

A+h -> ough

O+h -> ough

dah -> dough [u:] -> [au]

3enoh – inough (enough)


Changing in long vovels

Rise of long fround \ back labialised vowels

When Narrow vowel was followed by fricative cons. -> long vowel

I: --

+3 -> (ti3le – tile; sti3en – stien (ascend)

I --


Y: --

3 -> I (ry3e -> rie (rye); gry3e – drie (dry)

Y –


U: --

3 -> u (ou, ow) bu3an -> bowen (bow); fu3ol -> foul (bird)

U –


3 \γ\

5.Sometimes no changes:

Vowel +l\r +3 -> no vowel ( l3 -> lw ();

r3 ->rw)

3al3e -> galwe (gallows)

mor3en -> morwen -> to-morrow-> morning


6. Leveling in unstressed syllables (innovation in ME)

*\ ύ\ it caused changes in spelling and grammar

Inf.suffix – an- -> en -> e -> 0 ( bindan -> binden -> to binde; stanas -> stQnes -> stones )


ME grammatical changes

Noun grammatical catigories


Gender 3-> 0

Case 4->2

Nomber 2 -> 2

Plur.end. -as->es

Of genitive case

To+ Dative case

With\by + Instrum.


OE -> Early ME -> Late ME -> Early -> new

Nom -- -\\-

Acc- --- -\\-

Dat --------------- -\\-common

Gen -----------------------possesive meaning


Adjective OE LME

Gend 3->0

Cases 5 -> 0

Number 2-> 0

Def\Indef 2-> 0

Compar. 3- 3 analytical form

Degrees of comparison


Comp -ra -er

Super -est\-ost -est

More, most +polisylabics


Case changes:

Nom +Acc


Dat --

Instr -- Datve

Weak forms preserved final e in sing.and pl. and in LME e disappeared, so no diff. between weak and strong



ME Pronounce

ςθ – βθ

Thee\thou you (then only in poetry)

Many personal pronouns is Scandinavian origin: we – wij; sei – she




Los of unstressed a

-final e

plural forms of substanstanive ( noun) # pers sing present indicative ~ ed (past tens)

- e + consonants

es \iz\z\s\

In some cases A was preserved & was transformed in short I in certain groups

The same situation happened with adjectives Participle 2

learned - nd ed id

Spelling rules with A

mute e - was preserved to indicate a long root vowel - was introduced to new words to indicate new long sounds

hus hous house
ston stoun stone
wrot rot wrote


Final letter e was lost in words ending we as morwe ( morning) In the 16 th st. final W developed in to diphthong \ou\ morrow


ME Early NE Present NE
morwe morw morrow
sorwe sorw sorrow
narwe narw narrow


Loss in consonants in clusters

Type of consonant simplification

Final cluster Initial cluster
Consonant + consonant ( the final is not pronounce) Consonant + consonant ( the first is not pronounce)
Consonant+ consonant+ consonant ( middle is not pronounce) Vowel + consonant + consonant
Stressed vowel + consonant + consonant ( the middle is not pronounce)  


\SJ\ - \S\

\ZJ\- \Η\

\ZJU\ -\ΗU\-\ ΗE\

\TJ\ - \TS\

\TJU\ - \TSE\


gnat – komar


Vowel + k\g + n \kgn\ acknowledge \n\ knight

* h despaired forehead, shepherd, Notingham

mb – m thoumb

mn –n column

n –l myln – mill

ndm – mn grandmother handsome

mdk – nk –nk handkerchief

stl – sl castle

ktl-kl directly

skl –sl muscle

\w\ +\r\ write, wrap, wring

\hw\ -\w\ who which why


Separet fonetic changes in the 17 th st .


London dialect

BBC English

Short u – short a

- u- spelling – o – spelling because of fracture come, some, love,

ou- spelling rought, enough, young, double


oo spelling - a blood, flood

\u\ was not transformed in short\a\

labial ( p, b, f, w)consonants + \u\ = \u\ bull bully bullet bulletin bullion butcher bush pull pulpit push pudding put puss full wolf

NB bulp pulse pulmonary butler

NB \k\ + \u\ - u cushion


Development & disappearing of some sounds

vowel + \X\ + \\ - vowel + t light brought ou monoftongonaised

Final x- f caught

final x despaired at all dough though through

Sound l was lost before certain consonants l + k talk walk

l+m\f\v\ - mfv palm calm half

l + d –d should would


Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1315

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