Shortering in Close SyllableVovel + consonant + consonsnt short Vowel in closed syllable
Inf. Cepan kepan (keep)
Past Cepte kepte(e) (kept)
e\e:\ \e\
long Vowel was preserved without any changes at all in the thoughtant condition + lengthening Consosnant Claster ( ld\nd)
inf. Wenan wenen (think)
past wende wende
Consonant Claster
long vovel + consonant in 3 sylabyc word > vovel became short ( laferce laferce larke (lark)
The main distinctive in OL is shorteting of vovel
2. Lengthening in the open syllable (ME, NE)
All volvels became long
Open syllable V > vovel V
o, a Q
ca-ru care (care)
ta-lu tale (tale)
ma-cian maken (make)
we-rian weren (wear)
ste-lan stelen (steel)
specan speken (speak)
3. Monoftongisation of old English dipfthongs
1. During the OL->MD all d. disappeared to monophthongs
11c 12c
ea --- -\\-
ae-> ae -> e
ae:-> ae: -> a:
eo -\\-
e->e -> e
e:->e: -> e:
ea -ae a:
eald - ald(old)
healf half
deop dep\deep
2. Rise of new diphth. In ME
1st narrow+2nd wide (wider them the 1st) 1st wid, broad + 2nd short, narrow
Types of dyphth. In ME:
1) Vovel + peletive fricative Η \J\ -> diph.+i
+ Vidar spirant 3 \γ\ -> diphth. w \u\
ΐe3 -> ai\ay dae3 -> dai\day [day]
eη -> ei\ey wei\wey
e3 -> ei\ey 3re3 -> grei\grey
2) W
a3 -> aw dra3an -> drawen
aw -> o:w a3en -> owen (own)
3) AU Vowel + h (voiceless spirant) -> diph.
A+h -> ough
O+h -> ough
dah -> dough [u:] -> [au]
3enoh inough (enough)
Changing in long vovels
Rise of long fround \ back labialised vowels
When Narrow vowel was followed by fricative cons. -> long vowel
I: --
+3 -> (ti3le tile; sti3en stien (ascend)
I --
Y: --
3 -> I (ry3e -> rie (rye); gry3e drie (dry)
U: --
3 -> u (ou, ow) bu3an -> bowen (bow); fu3ol -> foul (bird)
3 \γ\
5.Sometimes no changes:
Vowel +l\r +3 -> no vowel ( l3 -> lw ();
r3 ->rw)
3al3e -> galwe (gallows)
mor3en -> morwen -> to-morrow-> morning
6. Leveling in unstressed syllables (innovation in ME)
*\ ύ\ it caused changes in spelling and grammar
Inf.suffix an- -> en -> e -> 0 ( bindan -> binden -> to binde; stanas -> stQnes -> stones )
ME grammatical changes
Noun grammatical catigories
Gender 3-> 0
Case 4->2
Nomber 2 -> 2
Plur.end. -as->es
Of genitive case
To+ Dative case
With\by + Instrum.
OE -> Early ME -> Late ME -> Early -> new
Nom -- -\\-
Acc- --- -\\-
Dat --------------- -\\-common
Gen -----------------------possesive meaning
Adjective OE LME
Gend 3->0
Cases 5 -> 0
Number 2-> 0
Def\Indef 2-> 0
Compar. 3- 3 analytical form
Degrees of comparison
Comp -ra -er
Super -est\-ost -est
More, most +polisylabics
Case changes:
Nom +Acc
Dat --
Instr -- Datve
Weak forms preserved final e in sing.and pl. and in LME e disappeared, so no diff. between weak and strong
ME Pronounce
ςθ βθ
Thee\thou you (then only in poetry)
Many personal pronouns is Scandinavian origin: we wij; sei she
Los of unstressed a
-final e
plural forms of substanstanive ( noun) # pers sing present indicative ~ ed (past tens)
- e + consonants
es \iz\z\s\
In some cases A was preserved & was transformed in short I in certain groups
The same situation happened with adjectives Participle 2
learned - nd ed id
Spelling rules with A
mute e - was preserved to indicate a long root vowel - was introduced to new words to indicate new long sounds
| ME
| NE
| hus
| hous
| house
| ston
| stoun
| stone
| wrot
| rot
| wrote
Final letter e was lost in words ending we as morwe ( morning) In the 16 th st. final W developed in to diphthong \ou\ morrow
| Early NE
| Present NE
| morwe
| morw
| morrow
| sorwe
| sorw
| sorrow
| narwe
| narw
| narrow
Loss in consonants in clusters
Type of consonant simplification
Final cluster
| Initial cluster
| Consonant + consonant ( the final is not pronounce)
| Consonant + consonant ( the first is not pronounce)
| Consonant+ consonant+ consonant ( middle is not pronounce)
| Vowel + consonant + consonant
| Stressed vowel + consonant + consonant ( the middle is not pronounce)
\SJ\ - \S\
\ZJ\- \Η\
\ZJU\ -\ΗU\-\ ΗE\
\TJ\ - \TS\
\TJU\ - \TSE\
gnat komar
Vowel + k\g + n \kgn\ acknowledge \n\ knight
* h despaired forehead, shepherd, Notingham
mb m thoumb
mn n column
n l myln mill
ndm mn grandmother handsome
mdk nk nk handkerchief
stl sl castle
ktl-kl directly
skl sl muscle
\w\ +\r\ write, wrap, wring
\hw\ -\w\ who which why
Separet fonetic changes in the 17 th st .
London dialect
BBC English
Short u short a
- u- spelling o spelling because of fracture come, some, love,
ou- spelling rought, enough, young, double
oo spelling - a blood, flood
\u\ was not transformed in short\a\
labial ( p, b, f, w)consonants + \u\ = \u\ bull bully bullet bulletin bullion butcher bush pull pulpit push pudding put puss full wolf
NB bulp pulse pulmonary butler
NB \k\ + \u\ - u cushion
Development & disappearing of some sounds
vowel + \X\ + \\ - vowel + t light brought ou monoftongonaised
Final x- f caught
final x despaired at all dough though through
Sound l was lost before certain consonants l + k talk walk
l+m\f\v\ - mfv palm calm half
l + d d should would
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1315