Figure 2. Scheme of Electron orbital
Motion of electrons around nucleus is described by energy and structure of atomic orbital. State of electron is described by values of 4 quantum figures (Tables 3, 4).
Table 3. Names and physical content of quantum figures
| Symbol
| What’s determined?
| Possible values
| Main (Principal)
| N, n
| Orbital energy (main energy level)
| Algebraic integers from 0 to ∞ (infinity)
| Secondary
| L
| Orbital form (energy sub-level)
| Algebraic integers from 0 to n-1
| Magnetic
| ml
| Spatial orientation of orbital
| From –l to +l (ml=2l+1)
| Spin
| ms
| Own magnetic moment of electrons
| + ½ and - ½
Table 4. Schematic description of atomic orbital
| ml
| Quantity of orbitals
| Schematic imagination
| s
| p
| -1 0 +1
| d
| -2 –1 0 +1 +2
| f
| -3 –2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3
Example: To show a p-orbital:
l=1, ml= -1; 0; +1;
p-orbital has 3 variants of space orientation:

Figure 3. Spatial orientation of p-orbitals
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1107