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Within texts of a certain orientation it is possible to mark out some language features, which influence on a course and result of translation process very considerably. In texts of an economic profile-it is lexical and grammatical features of economic materials which play an important role, and first of all, it is terminology and special lexicon. [15]


2.1 Translation of terminology and special lexicology


In modern science concept the term is treated as follows:

The term is the emotional and neutral word (phrase) transferring the name of precisely certain concept, relating to this or that area of science or equipment, or designating specific objects and concepts with which experts of a certain area of science and equipment operate [9;104]. The terminological lexicon gives the chance most precisely, accurately and economically to state the maintenance of this subject and provides the correct understanding of a being of a treated question. In special literature terms bear the main semantic loading, taking the main place among other common-literary and syntactic words. [15;45]

The special lexicon is understood as words and the phrases which aren't possessing property of the term to identify concepts and objects in certain area, but used is almost exclusive in this sphere of the communication, selected by a narrow circle of the experts, habitual for them, allowing them not to think of way of expression of thought. [8;104]

The economic science, as well as all another, has own terms. In principle the term is unambiguous. However blank terms are very rare. More often the word term possesses several values.

For example, term "economy": 1. Science (political economy) 2. Economy (national economy). 3. Economy (means) [1;57]

Let's review examples of translation of terms in articles studied by us:

No end to Japan's industry woes

Japan's manufacturing output has fallen for the fifth straight month in February, official figures show. Production fell 9.4% annually, but rebounded from January's record 10.2% plunge, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said. Industry data showed that car production in Japan dropped 56.2% last month from a year ago., which relies heavily on exports, has been hit as the global downturn has sapped demand for its goods. Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association said that automobile production in February dropped to 481,396 vehicles, also down for the fifth month. Output fell in all areas, including passenger cars, trucks and buses., Japan's Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano said that Japan was prepared to implement an economic stimulus package that would "far exceed" 2% of its gross domestic product.2% target was set out by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a guide for the minimum that nations should inject into their economies to revive economic growth. IMF has predicted Japan's economy will contract by 5.8% during 2009.Yosano said in an interview in the Wall Street Journal the government would aim to inject more than 2% to avoid that outcome.

(BBC NEWS, 30 March, 2009)

In this text a large number of economic terminology and special lexicon is used. The following economic terms when translating from English have steady analogs in

Thus, besides that above quoted confirm such phenomenon as a term polysemy, they say that their value depends on a context. I.e. when translating, finding compliances to these words, we incorporate those values which approach on sense closer and correspond to this context.

For successful implementation of transfer at the disposal of the translator are available a number of lexical and lexico-semantic transformations. On the basis of the conducted researches it is possible to tell that very large number of terms and special lexicon practically represent tracing-papers, i.e. reproduction not sound, but combinatory structure of the word or the phrase when components of the word (morpheme) or the phrase (lexeme) are translated by the corresponding elements of translating language.

For example: economic growth - the economic growth, global downturn - global economic recession, industrial production - industrial production, gross domestic product - an internal gross product, etc.

Transliteration use: export-export.

The transcription meets when translating proper names and other names: Kaoru Yosano - to Kaor Yosano, Wall Street Journal - the Wall Street äæîðíàë.

Generalization reception, i.e. widening of unit of language meets extremely seldom when translating economic texts since such texts set the purpose - to inform to the reader a certain information with the maximum accuracy and concreteness. [4]

The specification, i.e. narrowing of a reference value, also meets in economic tests, for example, manufacturing output - not simply outputs, and industrial outputs.

Use of antonymous transfer, i.e. replacement of an affirmative design in negative or on the contrary is possible:

Its coming, whatever governments do; but they can make it better or worse. - It approaches that the governments wouldn't undertake, but they can turn a situation in the best or for the worse. (The Economist, 12 March, 2009)

Also the following receptions can be applied: addition, omission, compensation, descriptive translation which in analyzed article doesn’t meet.

In economic articles except special lexicon and terms, the common lexicon meets also, but here it is necessary to consider the next moments: one part of common words (work, company, office) doesn't cause difficulties when translating. Other part can be divided into the following groups [8;48]:

The words used in values, other than daily use. For example, to offer verb in the special text is more often used in value to show (resistance), instead of to offer, to attack verb - to start the solution (task), instead of to attack, to happen verb - to appear, instead of to occur, casually to appear. For state noun major importance is the condition, situation, instead of the state. [8;49] chain management oversees the enterprise relationships in order to get the information necessary to run the business, to get product delivered through the business, and to get the cash that generates profits for the business. (The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2002)

The department of the organization of delivery watches enterprise communications, with the purpose to receive information necessary for a business management, production delivery, and the receiving cash generating profit.

In economic literature the most widespread compliance of this word is the verb "to operate", in difference from its such common compliances how "to run", "pursue".

When translating articles we met the following examples of change of major importance at words:

In the rich world the job losses are starkest in America, where the recession began. (The Economist, Mar 12th 2009)

Special attention some syntactic words, such as: for deserve, as, since, after, before, etc. Feature of these words is that they can carry out functions of various parts of speech and, besides, some of them have various values within one part of speech. For example, the word for can be a pretext and the union.[9;110]

Words and the phrases serving for expression of the relation of the author to the stated facts or for specification of these facts. For example: needless to say doesn't raise doubts, unfortunately, strictly speaking strictly speaking. In a sense in a sense, at most at the best, etc. [8;50]

In linguistics ability of the word to enter phrases with in other words is called as valency. In special lexicon the extensive list of combinations of words which form peculiar micro contexts with various levels of internal organization is allocated. Here some examples with the word "problem": basic (chief, main, essential, specific, difficult, complex, etc. ) problem; This is a problem dealing (concerned) of with (bearing on... relating to... ) computer science; The main aspects (core, essence) of the problem is the... The main (main, essential, certain, difficult, difficult, etc.) problem; It is a problem, dealing (interested) (leaning... concerning...) informatics; main aspects (kernel, essence) problems).

It is necessary to allocate that there is an extensive group of words and the terms which have received the name of "false friends of the translator" (for example, data - data, decade - decimal, instance - a copy, simulation - modeling) which transliterations translation leads to text being translated distortions of meaning. [12;36]

Disclosure of value of language unit in special terminology, passes through ability of the translator to understand the text being translated, to make general idea about system of terminology and to carry out on the basis of own knowledge and with use of the corresponding reference books structural and semantic and parse of unfamiliar terminological unit. [6;88]

For special texts it is characteristic as existence of reductions and abbreviations the majority from which are used only in economic texts and documents:

Abbreviations (abbreviations) are formed from initial letters of significant words of the phrase: letters of reduction can be written with points, but in modern English them usually avoid. [3;165] Acronyms (acronyms) represent reductions which, unlike abbreviations (letters read, said and perceived on names), are read and perceived as usual lexical units. Acronyms are formed of different combinations of letters (from the first letters, from the first several with the last, etc.). It is necessary to refer formation of the term to acronyms by truncation of two words and their association in one. [3;166]

Ways of translation of abbreviations:

1. Translation, by finding of original elements of an abbreviation

For example, IMF - International Monetary Fund -Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé âàëþòíûé ôîíä (BBC NEWS, 30 March, 2009)meeting was a bridge-building exercise by the Obama administration after coming under fire last week for allowing huge bonuses to be paid to AIG executives. - American International Group, Àìåðèêàíñêàÿ ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ ãðóïïà.

(BBC NEWS, 20 March, 2009)'s only recently that computer hardware and software of the type needed to run enterprise resource planning (ERP) have become powerful Translation by transliteration and transcription

ÂÂÑ - «áè-áè-ñè»


chief executive of JP Morgan Chase - ðóêîâîäèòåëü Äæè Ïè Ìîðãàí ×åéç

2. Translation by value reconsideration in an initial abbreviation:

In the article France is threatening G20 walkout" we met G20 abbreviation - France is threatening G20 walkout … The G20 countries are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Russia, etc. group of 20 countries in the world means.

In Russian it is accepted to call similar group "big twenty" (it is comparable, G8, G7 respectively - "the Group of Eight, the big seven").«Capturing accurate, high-velocity information at the point of sale can replace the need to keep every SKU in inventory at every warehouse».

(The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2003)

The Multitran dictionary gives us some variants of translation of the term - SKU-stock keeping unit abbreviation: assortment position, pocket for paper, unit of accounting of stocks, storage unit. In our case, in our opinion, from all offered options the following transfer best of all conveys meaning: "Careful and fast collection of information on points of sales can replace requirement to keep each position of the range in the list of each warehouse".

SCM (Supply chain management) oversees the enterprise relationships in order to get the information necessary to run the business … The department of supply watches enterprise communications for the purpose of obtaining information necessary for business … (The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2003)recently, the Supply Chain Council established a long-term goal to benchmark cross-industry best practices based on a generally accepted Supply Chain Operational Reference (SCOR) model.

Later, Council for supply established a long-term goal - to define efficiency of the best methods of the cross industry based on the standard model of operating supply (SCOR).

(The International Journal of Logistics Management, 2003)

Names of the companies generally are subject to a practical transcription and shouldn't contain transfer elements, without considering patrimonial words the company, corporation, etc. In Russian they have to be quoted, for example, General Motors Corporation, the Hyundai Company, Ernst & Young firm.

In the article "Insurance of investment risks in the transnational companies" we met the following abbreviation: Forming their strategy TNC. Forming the strategy Multinational Corporation. (BBC NEWS, 20 March, 2009)

When translating this proper name there was a difficulty as in one dictionary there was no value. Having used a Google search engine (google.com), we found out, what Bancorp the name of the big finance company including and Bancorp bank. It can be translated into Russian as Bancorp as it is conformable "bank + corporation" as well as in English.

It should be noted that when translating the majority of abbreviations, the translator needs to consult to the dictionary, the directory or a search engine for the purpose of understanding of value of these reductions.


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