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The main task of each particular person and of humanity as a whole – is to achieve the state of Bodhisattva.

Bodhisattva (from Skt. Bodhisattva) – it’s a creature with an awakened consciousness.

“Bodhi” means "enlightenment," "awakening".

"Sattva" – "purity" – is a guna (quality) of goodness. Sattva – it’s the harmony of Rajas and Tamas, Spirit and Matter.

"Bodhi" – it’s a term that comes from the verb "Budh" (to wake up, realize, see, understand).

"Buddhi" is translated as "mind", "Spirit".

All this, taken together, indicates that at the Bodhisattva the Spirit (Ether) is manifested in harmony: half as much as the elements (elementary particles) of Spirit (Rajas), and half as much as the elements of Matter (Tamas).

Just to the attainment of a state of Bodhisattvas all existing spiritual practices are devoted. Yoga, for example, is directed exactly at it.

In Buddhism, the process of becoming a Bodhisattva called the Enlightenment, in Christianity – the Transfiguration.

In the book of Alice Bailey "Esoteric Psychology" (Volume 2) of it is spoken of as the "Great Way of liberation or enlightenment". But regardless of the religion the essence of what is happening with the person is the same. The human body is exposed to the New Light, the New Energy. It is no accident the people have taken the path of spiritual self-improvement and successfully moving ahead on it, referred to as the Saints and Enlightened. And the bodies of such people literally begin to contain more light (energy).

The Spirit – is επσ Light and Buddhi – is the Light. Enlightenment, transfiguration of the person thus increases in the organism the rajasic element, i.e. shifts compared to the normal state of the ratio of Yin / Yang in the side of Yang. This does not mean that Yang (Rajas) begins to dominate. No, just in comparison to the ordinary people the Holy person has Yin less, and Yang more. And he (she) is closer to their harmony.

Yin makes the body too dense, inert, sluggish, although durable. Yang, by contrast, gives sparseness, leads to excitation, hyperactivity. However, excess of Yang can destroy the body, to make the connection between the chemical elements fragile.

The aim of any person – is to balance and stabilize both qualities, to come to their harmonious parity.

The practice of the "Middle Way" is also teaches that – the balancing of the pairs of opposites. At ordinary people the quality Yin predominates, though different types in varying degrees. They do not even know what heights in terms of increasing the body's own energy can be achieved, and absolutely no harmful effects on health, in contrast to the methods associated with drug use.

The only sure way of energizing – it's vegetarianism with a gradual transition to a state of prana-eating plus physical activity. And along with it – different ways of knowing the world, combined with service to the benefit of the common good.

All we need is love – best words for everyone!

A man should cultivate the spiritual origin and at the same time to pacify and transform the material.

Is not about that we hear the conversations in the intelligent environment, and is not to this encourages us the thinking part of human society?

It’s raising the energy level of the organism, becoming a Buddha, finding in the heart of Christ. After all, the Buddha, and Christ – they are symbols of the Spirit, its synonyms, and not that other, as Energy.

A usual part of humanity is a prisoner of the Matter, Yin. Yin, Tamas guides their actions and thoughts. Three lower Plans – Physical, Astral and Mental – that's the focus of Yin. In these three Plans the particles Yin prevail, and Yang particles are lacking. Here it is, the symbol of the Beast, 666, were each Six – is a particle of one of the lower Plans. These three Plans just symbolize the Matter in the Universe.

While the human mind in relation to them – it is the Spirit, because in the Buddhic Plan the particles Yang prevail. To the human "I" of Buddhic Plan need to subdue the influence of this "lower origin" – that is, the bodies (shells), consisting of the particles of these three Plans. This "submission" marks the Third Initiation.

In the future, if the human guide – the human body – would be well-adjusted, it will be used – will bower – any higher consciousness, the Fifth Plan – Atmic, even more saturated by the Spirit than Buddhic.

The merge and the influence of the particles of the Fifth Plan – this is the Fourth Initiation.

Finally, the further evolution turn of creatures that have passed this Initiation will lead to that beings, consisting of particles of higher, the 2th Plan (Monadic), will pay attention to them, which will result in the fact that they will be led by the creature, bowering his head.

So there is a birth of Mahatmas – the Great Souls, the Masters. There is a sequential addition of bodies consisting of particles of higher and higher, of more spiritual Plans.

Accordingly, in the being, passing through a series of such consecutive Individualizations (connections), Initiations and Identities, more and more increases the percentage of Yang and decreases the percentage of Yin. That is, such being increasingly closes to the ideal – to the harmony of Yin and Yang – to Sattva. The human body in the course of this evolutionary process is becoming more ethereal, more spiritual, because the Ether – is also one of the synonyms of the Spirit.

Thus is born the Son of God, the perfect man, the likeness of God. Similarity – because in the universe there is an equal number of particles Yin and Yang, in which the substance tends to harmony, the number of particles of both types is also seeking to balance.

Descent bodies consisting of particles of higher Plans to merge with the bodies of the lower Plans, to assign them and guide them – is a “Dive Spirit into Matter”, or, in other words, "The Fall of Lucifer". Both of these expressions are very well known in occult literature.

If you remember, in heaven, or in the Universe, originally conducted the "war" between Rupa and Arupa, Yin and Yang, where Lucifer – it’s the Spirit, synonym of Yang and Arupa. And Rupa and Yin – it’s the Matter. The armies of Lucifer (Arupa, Yang) did not want to take shape, are reluctant to participate in their creation, which is not surprising, because they are characterized by Fields of Repulsion. Arupa themselves do not form the conglomerates of particles and into the conglomerates includes with hard way. They contribute likely to the destruction of most forms, not creation of them.

But God wants to combine all the Plans, i.e. make the Matter has teamed up with the Spirit, even despite the opposition of Arupa (Yang).

The meaning of "War in Heaven" is the polar opposite of all the properties and qualities of the particles of these two basic types.

"Dive Spirit into Matter" – that is, adherence to the human body the bodies consisting of particles of highest Plans (in which composition Yang predominates) – leads to the "Ascension the Matter to Heaven".

In the language of science, the Matter literally becomes easier, and organisms are less attracted to the heavenly bodies, to which they belong.

"Ease" of the Matter is achieved through its transformation. First, the staying the particles in the conglomerates (e.g. chemicals) always leads to their transformation. Therefore, the particles Yang are transformed themselves – by gravity.

The particles Yang themselves "ignite", just joining the chemical elements consisting of particles of the lower Plans. With them is the fact that in occultism is called the "ignition of Lights", or "rise of Kundalini" – or in other words – the transformation, transfiguration or transmutation. Speaking in a scientific way, the heating, the temperature rise.

And secondly, and most importantly, the particles Yang with their Fields of Repulsion, i.e. emitted by them the Spirit, transform the surrounding particles. They heat the body, to which are joined – all the particles in its chemical elements. There is the transformation of the anti-gravity.

This is the most important "ignition of Lights", which occurs in the body, and "Lights" – these are transformable particles in the body.

As you can see, there is a double transformation – of gravity and of antigravity. And all of this leads to an increase in overall temperature of the chemical elements of the body of a human being.

But do not imagine it literally – as a flaming fire. We are talking about a small increase in temperature. It’s changing the external quality of particles – their Fields of Repulsion grows and Fields of Attraction are reduced. The Agni Yoga is dedicated to this process of raising the Kundalini that from the standpoint of Christianity is called "Baptism by Fire".

Agni Yoga – it’s learning to the process of Baptism by Fire.

It can be assumed that the Baptism of Fire – it’s the rise of Kundalini, energizing of the shells of the body.

Bodhisattvas remain just in such state. The Matter within their bodies occultly «rises", "is saved".

Particles Yin within their bodies literally become easier because it reduces their weight (Gravity Field). The body becomes lighter, rises, soars.

The large energizing of the body may give rise to such phenomena as walking on water, levitating. And all because of the fact that the mass decreases and antimass grows. And the gravity of the planets can be overcome only with the help of antigravity – the Fields of Repulsion.

Bodhisattva wins the Matter, or rather, establishes a parity of Matter and Spirit. Lower Plans combined with the higher – and in such body the "War" waged since the beginning of creation stops. There comes a true peace, nirvana. When the Matter, interpreted as the lower Plans, ceases to dominate – this is the Salvation, Exodus, Easter.

If you start from the biblical texts, the "Egypt" in this case would symbolize the material principle, "The people of Israel" – is the Human Consciousness, and "Escape from Egyptian slavery" – is the end of the dominance of material principle over the spiritual.

Apocalypse – Revelation – it’s a symbol of opening the way to salvation for the Human Soul.

Apocalypse – it’s a story that is Easter, Baptism by Fire, passed in symbolic form.

"Revelation of St. John the Evangelist" – is an analogue of Agni Yoga – a story about the essence of the "Fires of the body", "Rise of Kundalini".

Everyone should realize this occult apocalypse in itself. And the Apocalypse - is primarily a private matter of everyone.

Of course, these individual processes for each in total have and the general planetary significance.

So we can talk about the Apocalypse of global scale. When the process of transformation, spiritualization of humanity gains momentum and strength, a lot of people come to this bright path of Ascension.

It is possible that the dark part of humanity, not wanting such a change will be for some time to counteract the Light Ones, eager for the spiritual life. But sooner or later everything will stabilize, and everyone in the world is gradually realizes the full benefits of such change.

Mankind is transformed into Superhumanity, and the face of the planet will change drastically. When the process is more or less complete, it will be possible to talk about the transition to the stage, which is named in the Bible book of Revelation, "the Millennial Kingdom of the Saints".


Date: 2015-01-11; view: 892

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