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Fear of particles to lose the most important to them energy contacts often takes on the character of struggle with those other organisms that are for the particles direct or indirect threat.

Negative information – this is information about the organism or from its side, carrying the danger for the organism, perceiving it.

A threat – it is a danger or separation of the particles from the conglomerate, of which it is part (or separation of its smaller conglomerate from the bigger conglomerate, for example, from the chemical element of the body), or the destruction of the conglomerate.

A direct threat – it’s a danger of the power effects on the body that will cause its destruction.

An indirect threat – this is the danger of involving the body in situations that entail its destruction from the third forces (for example, the shortfall in food for animals, lack of heat or its excess, as for plants and animals).

The fighting of conglomerate of particles (of the body) with other organisms can take many forms. In this – there is the entire history of our planet. It’s a constant war of all with all.

This may be as a direct power struggle of individuals, and avoidance of the body of the particles and conglomerates that are capable of causing it harm, disrupt its integrity.

At the same time the organisms want to be as close as possible to that which contributes to their prosperity, security and well-being.

Predator is committed to its victims. Animals and plants co-exist side by side, when it suits them. Animals form groups, if it leads to increased survival rates. Parents stay with their cubs and support them, because it increases the species as a whole (they see the joeys as part of themselves, because they are genetically transmitted to them their own Information).

We can continue for a long time and refine the list, in which we will give examples of cases where organisms tend to live together.

As you can see, there is a very interesting feature. Any free particle absorbing the Ether has nothing against to be identified with absolutely any source of Information. Any perceived information will be for it near and dear. However, the same can’t be said of the particles within the conglomerates. That body, in which it now resides, is of paramount importance for.



The particles, in more than half of the cases, are part of conglomerates – unstable elementary particles (if to use the terminology of nuclear physics). The largest species of the conglomerate – is a chemical element. Neutrons, protons – are small aggregates as compared to the chemical element.

Particles Yin are always the part of any body. Except for those times when they move freely in the space. However, cases of their movement – it is only a transition from one conglomerate to another.

As for the particles Yang, then they themselves do not form the bodies, and in their composition are with a difficult. It depends on the speed of their emission of Energy (Ether) – on the value of their Field of Repulsion. Those whose speed is small (small size of the Field of Repulsion) is easy enough to tolerate staying in the conglomerate, as their rate of emission of Ether is inferior o the total rate of energy absorption by this body.

Particles Yan of three lower Plans can often be found in the bodies, that can’t be said about the particles Yang of three highest Plans. Moreover, from the lower to the higher Plans, this probability decreases.

What are we all talking about? But to the fact that in nature there is an unimaginable quantity of conglomerates in which the particles Yin are combined with particles of Yang.

These bodies represent in the same time the sources of information (due to the present of the particles Yang) and receivers (due to particle Yin).

Our human "I", our consciousness, which belong to the 4th Plan, Buddhic, is also composed of such unions of particles.

Being a part of the human body, our "I", a conglomerate of particles of the 4th Plan, remembers everything that happened with the person at the time when this consciousness was upon the head – i.e. while the person was alive and sentient being.

And the particles Yin and Yang can memorize. But the main role in the process of remembering, especially external information, it is still played by the particles Yin.

Free Yang particle remembers only what happened to it directly. To memorize the external information can only those Yang, which are part of the bodies (due to the transformation by gravity).

The same thing – are involved in the process of remembering everything that happens to the human body – make the associations of particles of remaining three Plans – Mental, Astral and Physical.

Particles Yin in their composition absorb any Energy-Information that reaches them during the life of this human body – whether external or internal (coming from the particles Yang of other bodies as part of the same organism).

When a person dies (physically or spiritually), the body-shell of Buddhic Plan is detached from the head and leaves the body.

However, in this Buddhiρ body-shell the information about what happened to it during the lifetime of a given organism remains. And this Information is stored as by particles Yin and by Yang. Why – it was said just that. Memory of particles Yin is deeper.

Generally, the larger is the speed of absorption of the Ether by the particle – i.e. the greater its Field of Attraction – the greater its ability to memorize.

However, only particles Yang have the ability to transfer the Information, which they own. The particles Yin are also can this, but only in one case – in a state of inertial motion in collisions with other particles.

The particles of any Plan that absorbed in the process of life in this human body Information from other bodies (internal and external), then, after the separation, will be associated with them, and will seek to re-merge with them. To re-absorb their Information that will restore their lost sense of the former unity.

They will seek again to incarnation – to connection with the carriers of the same Information that they took in previous incarnations.

This is how another rule acts under the Law of Identifications – the Rule of attraction like with like. And the question here is not about the Law of Attraction.

“Magnetic attraction” of which is said much in the books of Alice Bailey, in particular, in "Esoteric Psychology", this is precisely the tendency of particles identified with someone Information, to re-unite with the source of this information.

"Magnetic attraction" of Alice Bailey – this is the aspiration to incarnation. And it should not be seen as a direct reference to Magnetism, of which tells the story the human science, and which, by the way, is nothing other than the gravitational interaction.

Let's sum up a little in our reasoning and thinking about this extremely interesting Law of the Universe.

This topic is very complex and pervasive in order to be able to just like that, all at once, in one article to cover all its details and illuminate all the nuances.

The Law covers every inch of our phenomenal world.

That Law of Identification, along with the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion, is the main controlling factor in the Universe. Absolutely everyone obeys to them.

So far, science has recognized and realized the effect of only one of them – of the Law of Attraction. And it stays on the verge of recognizing the second - the Law of Repulsion.

However, before the recognition of the third – the Law of Identification – it is still far as it is even unaware of its existence.

Any elementary particle as part of any Plan is involved in the processes of identification – either as identifying (emitting Information) or as identified (absorbing Information).

Take a look around. How many subjects, how many bodies are around you – the living and non-living (as defined by science). And each contains both these types of particles. This means that each body is involved in the identification of – either on one side or the other.

Maybe you are a mystically minded person who is interested in everything the unknown, the mysterious, such as extrasensory perception, clairvoyance and clairaudience.

Or you are a religious person, and often pray, crying out to God for the satisfaction of your desires and needs.

Or you are a man of the scientific mindset, and you just interested in the mechanisms of memory, storage and transmission of information.

So, the mechanism of extrasensory perception – it is nothing like the mechanism of prayer – speaking by the language of science, the mechanism of transmitting the Information (Energy, Spirit). Information - it’s the Energy, Ether, Spirit. It is emitted by the particles Yang. Information can be distributed directly without elementary particles.

Also, any free particle (including Yin) is the source of certain information, and, going from a conglomerate to a conglomerate, the particles thus transmit information.

And conglomerates themselves, moving in space and touching, share information.

From this we can draw a simple conclusion: no one action, any thought do not go unnoticed.

The more powerful is the source of Energy-Information, the better you will be "seen" and the faster will be noticed.

It follows the simple conclusion about the necessity of healing the body, because only a strong organism can shine brightly without damage to itself and without discomfort.

All of the above rules, clarifying the Law of the Identifications, with the main part, underlie the mechanism of the endless incarnations and reincarnations of living beings (here it should also include and chemical compounds – the Mineral Kingdom).

The particles absorbing the Energy-Ether, always identify themselves with the particles which emit this energy-information (Spirit).

And let’s list the rules:

1) The Rule of subordination of the Matter (particles Yin) to the Spirit (particles Yang), and of the lower to the higher (in the conglomerates);

2) The Rule of dependence the Degree of Identification from the element of the particle;

3) The Rule of most value the strongest, the closest and the latest energy contacts;

4) The Rule of avoidance of negative information and fight with it, and aspiration to the positive;

5) The Rule of attraction like with like.

The Law of Identifications with its complementary rules explains why Life on Earth is there, why not stop and how the transmission of hereditary information occurs.

And also explains the reasons for the behavior of living things - how they relate to themselves and to other beings.

It reveals the reason for the existence of self-preservation and of the struggle for existence.

A lot of useful information we can learn from observing the world around us, while bearing in mind about the processes of identification of particles.



The Buddha after reaching Enlightenment plunged into Nirvana.

Jesus Christ, after Transformation, reached the same status – the nirvanic.

They both came to the same – they have reached the Ascended State, were Rescued. They accomplished the Plan of God, each in his particular case. They reached perfection.

What is the perfection for God? And why is it so important for everything in the Universe?

“Perfection” means the fulfillment or completion. Buddha and Christ completed the construction in themselves Seventh, the comprehensive Plan, Logoic, which combines six simple Plans. All the main types of elementary particles – Souls – were represented in their bodies. This means that after their bodies were repeated in miniature the Cosmos and became a microcosm.

The particles of different Plans side by side with each other and exchange Information. Lower Plans are identified with the upper, upper – with the lower. No more suffering particles of different Plans because of separation from each other. All six Plans are together.

In the bodies of the Mahatmas Energy formed a channel, the channel of Light, which is carried out by the interaction of the Matter (lower Plans) with the Spirit (upper Plans).

This channel is in the body of any living being, passed the stage of initiation. When the Energies radiated by the different bodies are merged together, occurred, identified with each other.

However, only in the body of the Mahatma is the union of bodies belonging to six different Plans, while in people only four Plans – Physical, Astral, Mental and Buddhic – are united together.

In the body of the Mahatma the Matter and the Spirit are equal. This is the true Sattva, in perfect harmony.

Joining by Mahatmas in their bodies of two particles of higher Plans – Atmic and Monadic – leads to the Earth (or to any other inhabited planet where there is a similar process) New Energy, which, from the point of view of science, have a greater value than that of the lower Plans. If you speak the language of the occult, these Energies have thinner, more powerful vibrations.

These new Energies carry on Earth are a new quality of Life, change the physiology of creatures, assimilating them, change their way of life. And everything the Mahatma touches, even all, of what he (she) thinks, is beginning to bear the imprint of the new vibrations. He (she) seemed to blows new life into everything. He (she) reports to all around the new, more powerful impulse, stronger aspiration. By his (her) presence in the world he (she) clears all and ennobles, makes switching from their own narrow self-interest to a more spiritual motives and motivation.

Mahatma, that combines all six simple Plans in the body which completed the process of initiation, i.e. was the identification with each other all the elementary particles, devoid of Suffering of a separation.

All combined in him Consciousness does not want more at the same time in different directions – to the Matter (to the lower Plans) and to the Spirit (to the upper Plans). All is merged, all is together and do not need to be torn between the pairs of opposites.

Much about that has been written in the books of Alice Bailey – about the sufferings of the human soul, the human consciousness striving simultaneously in different ways.

The poem "Bhagavad-Gita" is devoted to this theme.

The Battle of Arjuna (arjuna – white, light) – it’s the suffering of the human I, forced to choose between two opposite ways, both of which are equally dear to him and necessary.

Hence, there are all the suffering and pain of soulful anguishes and searchings for a human being. Every initiation carries a quieting, but the final one, which marks the achievement by the being of the state of the Mahatma – the Great Soul – gives a person the greatest possible sense of perfection and joy of the achieved.

"It is finished" – that Jesus proclaimed, going up to the final point, to the apogee. It was his personal apocalypse – Revelation. Earth has teamed up with Heaven, Matter with Spirit, there arose a channel through which the Energy-Information circulates in both directions. East has merged with the West.

Nirvana means peace and tranquility, the extinction of suffering and agonizing. This is true peace.

Alice Bailey is well aware of the true meaning of what Nirvana is, and a lot of it written. Djwhal Khul passed her information on the nature of what is the "Revelation of the sons of God", which is so colorful and faithfully is wrote by the apostle Paul in the New Testament:

“…19. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21. that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

22. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies” (Romans 8, 19-23).

The Revelation, Apocalypse can be understood as a revelation of Matter for occurrence into it the Spirit. This is the opening of the channel connecting the lower Plans with the upper (highest). Bud of the Matter is opening. The Spirit plunges into the Matter, which leads to the ascension the Matter into heaven.

Yes, the appearance on the Earth of the Kingdom of Superhumans the whole Universe is really waiting for and every thing of God, every creature will feel the power of the grace that comes from these holy beings – from Mahatmas, from Superhumans. By combining the Matter and the Spirit – lower Plans with higher, they thereby put an end to the “War”, which is in Heaven from the very beginning of the world – between the Warriors of Light (Lucifer), the Spirit and the Warriors of Darkness (Devil), Matter.



Date: 2015-01-11; view: 883

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