For any particle THE STRONGEST, THE CLOSEST AND LATEST energy contacts have the greatest significance and value compare with any other energy relations, not as much strong, close and late.
This means that any particle which has absorbed the energy of someone else, is afraid most of all to lose energy connection (and it regards these contacts as the most important and significant) with the particles Yang, which have the largest Fields of Repulsion (i.e. emit Ether with a higher speed). The largest Fields – it’s compared with others, with which it is linked at the moment due to the absorption of their Energy-Information and which are closest located to it at the moment.
At the same time, the particle is less worrying about the loss of connections that existed once before, and connections with the particles Yang, which are more distant from her, and ties with the particles whose Fields of Repulsion has a lower value.
Exactly this rule – the Rule of most value the strongest, the closest and the latest energy contacts – is the basis of self-preservation instinct of any organism.
For this reason, it is often that, even though the occurred physical contact of two different organisms and sharing of Energy-Information, they can start to fight with each other.
Importance of occurred contact with each other in these organisms is less significant compared to the value of the existing links between the particles comprising each of the organisms. Declare unto easier for each of the organisms “own skin is more expensive”.
This Rule of most value the strongest, the closest and the latest energy contacts is at the heart of such a large-scale phenomenon on Earth, as the struggle for existence.
Two organisms, even though their arisen identification to each other will fight for the conditions that support the existence of the integrity of each.
Predator, clutching his teeth into the victim, of course, is also identified with it. However, the need of its own organism in food and inability to obtain it by any other way but to kill another being, overshadow the sympathy for the victim. The main thing for it – is to save its own life. Therefore, the arised identification does not prevent the predator to kill in order to be saturated, and to allow its existence.
Now think and remember - unless people do not exactly in the same way? Well, yes, exactly. After all, we're animals, intelligent, but the animals. Although often we manage to block in ourself these powerful impulses of self-preservation.
You may ask, but that people can sacrifice themself to save others? Yes, people behaviors differ from animal programs. Although not every person is able on the deed. Only in the event that human consciousness had or has contact - was identified - with particles of higher Plans. Because of this the person has an aspiration not only in the world of Matter, but in the world of the Spirit too.
The world of Matter in this case – it's the world of three lower Plans, and the world of Spirit – is an area three highest Plans. That is, man in this case is enlightened, awared of the fact that there is not only dense forms of life, but thin too, and that with the death this person will exist in other worlds.
For any particle that can take someone else's information, priority is always the one that received the latter. Absorbing it particle will identifies itself with this information.
However, in any organism, such as a chemical element, which is the smallest organism, there is its own, permanent, not disappearing source of information - in the form of present in it particles Yan.
This means that for any particle Yin as part of any organism the latest perceived information – is its own. And any incoming in it outside information, unless it has been passed by the accumulated particles Yang (which themselves become part of the body) will play a secondary role.