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Experiment 2. Investigation of the transient process when connecting an inductor through a resistor to a DC power source and when disconnecting an inductor from a DC power source

Collect the scheme shown in fig. 6. 2.

Fig. 6. 2. The scheme for the study of the transition process when connecting the inductor through a resistor to a DC power supply and when disconnecting the inductor from a DC power supply

Start the modeling process. Get an extended image of the oscilloscope by double-clicking the LMB on its sign. Set the following settings of the oscilloscope: horizontally-5ms / div, on vertically-5 V / div (channel A) and 20 mV / div (channel B). Draw the processes of changing the current through the inductor and the voltage on it when connecting it through the resistor to the DC power supply and enter the simulation results in the table 6. 3. When measuring current and voltage on the oscilloscope screen, use visors to improve accuracy.

Table 6. 3

The results of the study of the transient process when connecting the inductor through a resistor to a source of constant EMF

  Time, ms Experiment Calculation
uC, V iC, mA uC, V iC, mA


Draw curves of current change through an inductor when it is disconnected from DC source and its pins are connected to the resistor, and record the simulation results in table 6. 4.

Get the calculated values of the voltage on the inductor current through it when you turn on and off the coil at the time given in the table 6. 3 and table 6. 4. Enter the calculation results into the corresponding rows of these tables.


Table 6. 4

Results of the study of the transient process when switching off the inductor

  Time, ms Experiment Calculation
uC, V iC, mA uC, V iC, mA


Compare the results of experiments and calculations. Pay attention to experimental confirmation of the first law of switching.


6.2. Transients in circuits with two energy storage devices



1. Investigation of the transient process caused by capacitor discharge through a series-connected resistor and inductor when complex conjugate roots of the characteristic equation.

2. Investigation of the transient process caused by the capacitor discharge through a series-connected resistor and inductor when the real negative roots of the characteristic equation.

Devices and elements


1. Oscilloscope.

2. The DC voltage source.

3. Resistor.

4. Capacitor.

5. Inductor.


Date: 2018-08-27; view: 28113

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