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Procedure for conducting experiments


Experiment 1. The study of amplitude-phase relationships in parallel circuits with sinusoidal varying current


Collect the scheme shown in fig. 4. 7.


Fig. 4. 7. The scheme for the study of the parallel sinusoidal current circuit

Start the modeling process. Two clicks of the LMB on the sign of the wattmeter achieve its expanded image. Calculate the values of reactive and total power, as well as the value of the angle φ. The results of modeling and calculations are listed in the table 4. 7.

Table 4. 7

The results of the study of the parallel circuit of sinusoidal current

Measured Calculated
E=U,V I,A IR,A IK,A IC,A P,W cos Q,VAr S,VA ⱷ,?


According to the data obtained as a result of measurements, build, for example, using an oscilloscope, on a selected scale, a vector diagram of voltages and currents on a complex plane.


Experiment 2. Study of resonance phenomenon in parallel electric circuits of sinusoidal current

Increase the resistance of the resistor in fig. 4. 7 from 120 Ohm to 900 Ohm. Changing the values of the capacitance of the capacitor of this scheme according to table. 4. 8, complete this table.

Table 4. 8

The results of the study of the resonance mode currents

?, mcF

Build the dependence I(C). For the circuit mode corresponding to the resonance mode, construct, for example, using an oscilloscope, at the selected scale on the complex plane of the vector diagram.



1. How to determine the inductive and capacitive resistance of the sinusoidal current circuit elements?

2. What is the resistance complex?

3. Write down the expression for the complex resistance of the bipolar.

4. Write down the expression for the complex conductivity of a bipolar.

5. Write down expressions for Ohm's laws in a complex form.

6. How to determine the active, reactive and full power in the sinusoidal current circuit?

7. What is called complex power?

8. Draw a vector diagram of the signals of the sinusoidal current circuit when connecting the resistor, inductor and capacitor in series.

9. Draw a vector diagram of the signals of the sinusoidal current circuit with a parallel connection of the resistor, inductor and capacitor.

10. What are the modes of the circuit called voltage resonance and current resonance?



Date: 2018-08-27; view: 27623

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