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I. The following questions and considerations should be used prior to conducting an engineering data review. These are suggested guidelines, and should be used as such.

II. Pre-briefing preparation:

a. Answer these questions:

1. What is the purpose of the Review?

2. What does the Contract require?

3. How will the drawings be used?

b. Arrange briefings:

The Contractor shall brief the team on contractual

Requirements and status.

The Engineering Data Management Officer (EDMO) or

Chairperson should brief the team on the review


Discuss corrective action procedures.

III. The Data Review:

a. Build the package:

Select sample of top assembly drawings.

Look at Parts List of the top assembly or major

Subassembly drawings.

Are other subassembly drawings listed in the top

parts list?

Are all drawings listed in the top parts list


Are all drawings listed in the subassembly parts list


6. Is manufacturing planning documentation available?

b. Examine the engineering data for the following:

1. Is the drawing legible and suitable for reproduction?

2. Are processes/specifications listed?

Look at notes on all drawings. Are all notes

understandable? Are notes clear and concise?

4. Are peculiar symbols, abbreviations, etc, explained?

5. Are all dimensions and tolerances shown?

6. Is the material identified?

7. Are any reports referenced? If so, are they supplied

in the package?

Are copies of non-government specifications supplied

as part of the package?

9. Correct use of limited rights legends (DAR/FAR)?

Are control drawings (particularly Source and

Specification Control) properly used and marked?


Are hardness critical items and hardness critical

process markings correct?

Are electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS)

symbology and cautions included, as appropriate?

Have changes been incorporated as required in the


14. Are index and data lists available and correct?

Is there a distribution statement on each piece of

engineering data?

Have specific marking requirements (MIL-STD-130) been


Are acceptance test requirements included on all

subassembly/detail drawings for items that might be

spared separately by competitive reprocurement?

Is the proper engineering design information included

for the level of drawing stated in the contract?

Could a military standard or specification be used in

lieu of drawings?

Are applicable security classifications marked


21. Are the contractual requirements adequate?

Does the drawing package appear to be adequate to

Support the intended end use (i.e. logistics support,

competitive reprocurement, etc)?

c. Record all deficiencies/discrepancies on the Engineering

Data Discrepancy Sheet (see Figure 6) in sufficient detail to

Completely define the problem and action required for



At the end of the review, the EDMO (or Review Team Chief) collects all discrepancy sheets, signs them, and determines appropriate disposition. After resolution of discrepancies, the sheets will be filed in the Engineering Data Files.



Date: 2016-06-13; view: 5

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Review Time Phase Primary Documentation | Physical Engineering Institute of the UFU
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