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A Warning about Books

Unfortunately, most people today purchase books that they start but never finish. I believe the reasons for this are threefold: (1) the small financial investment required for a book makes it easy for us to buy them by the dozen and read very few; (2) we don?t have to make a commitment to finish by a particular date; and (3) many books contain a lot of misunderstood words.

I want you to finish this book. I guarantee that if you read it in its entirety, you?ll be able to create the economy and success you want for yourself, your company, and your family?and be first in your field.

So, that said, let?s dissect the above-mentioned reasons. First, people approach books as though they are worth only the price they paid for them rather than seeing them for the millions of dollars worth of information in them. This book can be worth millions to you, so read it with that kind of outlook, and approach each action as though it will make you millions (because it can!)

The second reason people don?t finish books is because they never pick a target date by which to finish. That is crazy to me; you would never do this with any other project, would you? The average person reads about 200 words per minute,


so he or she?if not interrupted?could finish this book in less than five hours. Before I start anything?whether read- ing a book or building an addition to my home?I always decide upon a target date for completion. So stop reading now and commit to a ?due date? for reading this book. Just write today?s date and the date by which you want to finish on the inside cover.

The last reason people don?t finish books is because they run into words they don?t understand and often elect to stop reading the book. For this reason, I included a very extensive glossary of words in the back of this book. The glossary does not include every way in which the word can be used: just the context in which I used it in this book. Take the time to look up the meaning of every word about which you have even the slightest doubt. Remember: your success in an area depends on the degree to which you understand the terminology being used in that area!

So treat this book like it?s worth millions of dollars to you; set your target date to finish, and don?t gloss over any words you don?t understand. Each time you read an action be sure you fully understand exactly what I am explaining in that action. While many of them may seem clear, the only reason you won?t engage is because of a lack of understanding. Don?t ignore or gloss over any of the actions and I assure you that you will master your markets, and this book will become a resource for not just you but everyone in your organization.

The information contained herein will see you through any recession regardless of how bad or deep it is or how long it lasts. I know because I have used these exact techniques


to get me through three recessions?and I came out of each one stronger, more capable, and more profitable. I am using them at this very moment to advance my position in the market, grab market share from my competitors and actu- ally take ground in markets I was not in before.


Date: 2016-06-12; view: 87

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