| Doom and Gloom Is the Time to BoomMany of the economists, pundits, and media talking heads are predicting doom and gloom and end-of-the-world scenarios with their 24-hours-a-day round-the-clock rant- ing and raving. They?re entirely focused on the problem and who may be to blame and don?t seem to offer much in the way of a solution for surviving and prospering. You have probably already experienced a slowdown, as business has been shrinking significantly in most parts of the world. Regrettably, I?m sure you are feeling the effects?and I?m sure you don?t like it. In fact, I hope you don?t like it, and I would encourage you to hate it so much that you are will- ing to do anything to fight back. Despite the fact that we?re enduring a time when many people will suffer?with mil- lions out of work, companies failing, and entire industries disappearing?it is also a time to learn and use specific strategies to turn the tide. New companies, products, and even industries are born out of economic challenges. I want you to be a person who wakes up every day wanting to be first in your industry or field, who is not victimized by what appears to be reality but who creates a new reality out of the opportunity and rubble of the old.
By taking very precise, exact, correct actions, you can combat any economic pullback and achieve any level of suc- cess you desire. You can continue to expand and conquer in your endeavors and move your goals and dreams forward, literally creating your own new economy. The truth is that it doesn?t take a recession or contraction to create problems for a person?s business or finances. I?m sure you know a fair amount people who weren?t doing well, even during periods of economic expansion. Contractions introduce a different set of problems for everyone, and these different problems require varying degrees of willingness and thinking, along with a new set of actions. Financial hardships come about as a result of not being able to sell your products and ser- vices in quantities great enough and at prices high enough to make the business profitable and viable.
There can be a great many reasons for not being able to get your products and services into the marketplace?and even more excuses. The reality is that every business has ups and downs, and every economy has its cycles. Along the way to creating success and security, you have to make adjust- ments to accommodate ever-changing market conditions. It is impossible to be in business for any length of time and not experience a tough economy at some point. Some downturns will be worse than others: some long, some short, some very painful, and some just a blip. The good news is twofold:
(1) there are exact and precise actions that you can take to counter any contraction and (2) contractions are excellent opportunities in which to expand and conquer market share. Use the doom and gloom to make this your time to boom!
Date: 2016-06-12; view: 90