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Advantages and disadvantages of using Internet resources for foreign language lessons.

Advantages of information technology in the educational process.

Among the main advantages of the formation of the material on electronic media, in my opinion, the opinion, it may be noted the diversity of educational material (text, images, animations), interactivity, instant search. All this wealth of information, which opens great prospects for the teacher, of course, not possible on paper. The electronic media has a number of undoubtedly positive features, distinguishes it from traditional textbooks - the carrier is accompanied by a large number of slides and video sequences that enhance emotional and personal perception of the students studied material; the use of such media allows you to do in the classroom is much more than through traditional means, to increase interest in the subject of a foreign language. In their lessons using discs of teaching and methodological support in the English language.

The use of ICT allows you to:

? improve the efficiency and quality of education,

? focus on modern learning objectives,

? Enhance students motivation to learn,

? Use the related training different kinds of speech activity,

? take into account the regional studies aspect,

? make lessons memorable and emotional,

? implement an individual approach,

? strengthen the independence of the pupils,

? improve the quality of clarity,

? facilitate the work of teachers.

The use of ICT in teaching activities allows the teacher

? to present the material more intelligible, in less time, with greater understanding on the part of students,

? find the main and additional materials for lessons or elective course,

? saves time for speech practice,

? organize individual, group and frontal work with the class to simplify the control of educational activity of students,

? interest of students, increase their motivation to engage in the creative process of learning, to increase the speed and reliability of knowledge.

Electronic textbooks help students

? to develop systems thinking, learn to analyze, compare and summarize the facts,

? self-study, to consolidate and to repeat the material covered, ? to acquire computer skills,

? thoroughly prepare for UNT(???).


Disadvantages of using ICT and the Internet - resources for foreign language lessons

I would like to mention the following difficulties in the use of ICT:

? insufficient level of school equipment,

? Insufficient number of ICT,

? not all students have the skills to work with computers and the Internet,

? Not all teachers have the skills to work with computers and the Internet,

? part of the students and teachers have Internet access only in school.

Another problem somehow occurred when training with the use of IP-multimedia, is the inability of their constant use. Firstly, there are requirements for safety, which does not allow to neglect the health of students. Second, in the classroom carried out the tasks that can be solved only when the teacher and student communication and student together. Nobody can abolish the data of the problem and cannot give them up, because the purpose of the training - is to develop students' communicative competence, which allows to make foreign language communication tool, work, information retrieval.

What should I do if the lesson is planned to use a computer? Firstly, it is necessary to carry out exercises, relieve tension from the eyes and back muscles. Second, observe safety rules when working with this technique, namely, it is permissible to use a computer cannot be more than 10 minutes in the classroom.

Also, problems of concentration of attention of students in the target material due to its large volume or complex and intricate schemes of presentation of this material. Attention students begins to dissipate, they are diverted and the use of multimedia resources is reduced to nothing.

It is necessary to note one important disadvantage of the use of multimedia in the learning process - it time-consuming to create the finished product. In this case, it does not matter at what level of ownership of information technology is a teacher. The ability to create multimedia product at any level requires time-consuming.

Thus, the advantages of a computer-based training a lot, but not abused, and computerization. Necessary criteria for the usefulness of computers in the classroom for each age group of the students on the topics of target objects, criteria for evaluating educational software.

Regarding the criteria for the usefulness of a particular technology in education, I believe they can be formulated as follows: one or the other learning computer technology is suitable if it allows you to get such learning outcomes, which cannot be obtained without the use of this technology.



Date: 2016-06-12; view: 110

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