Education listening, reading, writing, via the Internet
Education listening
Company Website Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs division it allows you to hear the sound of any phrase in a foreign language. There developed a speech synthesizer that converts printed text into sound. The site you can choose one of seven languages - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish (Fig.1). [???4] Then you need to enter through the window something in the chosen language. A few seconds would be written if somewhat pronounced mechanical, but the same voice. That is, the voice can be any phrase from the book or any other allowances and benefits are particularly suited online where you can easily copy chunks of text, not bothering to re-printing. All spoken can not just listen, but also to keep in their drive to, if necessary, go back to listening to, without going to the Internet.
Reading Education
Internet - an excellent tool to get information on the latest developments in the world. Thus, you can use the Internet to turn the classroom into a news agency, and their students - first-class reporter. This activity is suitable for high school, because it includes a three-dimensional art of reading and interpretation, fluent speech.
Almost all the important newspapers in the world have their own web-page. To find out where and what the newspaper can offer to students to visit a page MEDIA LINKS (<>), offers links to a variety of publications.
Media sites in English:
All that can be read in the newspaper, is seen on the first page - it is a combination of advertising billboards and content. Here are the names of the most important articles with excerpts from them, which, according to the authors, should attract the attention of readers, and the main provisions discussed in them. Like any edition of the periodical press, web-newspapers are divided into headings and subheadings, ie, have a user friendly interface that allows mouse-click to go directly to a specific section and article of interest. The Washington Post has 5 main categories: News (news), life style (style), sport (sports), advertisements (classifieds) and market news (marketplace).
In terms of acquisition of intercultural competence online newspaper is an indispensable tool. It will allow students to plunge into the thick of world events taking place almost at the moment, to see things from different perspectives. Especially valuable for classroom work is the link - send us feedback, the reader carrying out an interaction with the publishing house. Give your opinion on reading and personally talk to the author of a particular article may be due to the section "journalists today" ("Today's Columnists"), where the choice of certain names will connect you directly with him. Sometimes you may receive an extra connection to the protagonist of this article.
BBC World Service (<>),
The Washington Times (<>)
The New York Times (<>) - all these and other news agencies have a similar user-friendly tree structure links. The name and number of columns may vary from publisher to publisher, but they cover the main spheres of human activity.
BBC World Service ( provide the ability to not only read, but also listen to the news, in many languages, and you can even choose a suitable level of English, and listen to the news mode LEARNING ENGLISH . Interesting may seem a dual classification of items - by topic and by continent. Feedback from the publisher by using links CONTACT US.
ABC News ( accompanies their publications in addition to audio and video even underneath. We can also talk on the proposed topic among readers in CHAT sections.
CNN World News ( also provide information in several languages and a double classification of articles. Perhaps the cause of audio and video support. Interaction readers with editorial staff and with each other is possible under the rubric DISCUSSION (discussion), which has a board (MESSAGE BOARDS), room for a chat (CHAT) and communication with the editorial board (FEEDBACK). The New York Times in addition to the above offers its readers a training version of the paper with pre-job development.
You can invite students to work in pairs or threes, research articles covering all aspects of life: editorials, sports, weather, culture ... The advantage of this work lies in the full involvement of the whole class in conjunction with the differentiation of tasks: the strong students can do research more difficult articles, while the weaker may be assigned a report on weather conditions or anything from the area of culture.
In addition to work on reading and speaking skills, you can fill up your vocabulary. For this we need to offer students make entries, based on the read information. Perhaps the acquisition of new grammatical skills, examples of which are met in the articles.
The result of this work could be the creation of its pages devoted to one particular event, where it is necessary to try to give a neutral view of the problem, based on the analysis of information of different news agencies. Here you must specify hyperlinks to sources. For the development of intercultural competence research articles on a specific topic is only one of the news agencies for a long period of time also has its advantages: thoroughly examining the problem, the students will be able not only to determine the position of the country to study the problem, but also to identify the reasons for this view and, accordingly, will be able to predict events. After this work requires a discussion or a teleconference, where the work of each student or group will be a separate sector of the overall problem. Thus, by sharing the results of their work and folded them into a single unit, the students will receive a multi-faceted picture of the events, which will allow them to understand the causes of what is happening, and it is likely they will aim to find the optimal solution - for understanding, establishing causality - is the only correct basis for the exit from the conflict.
The main advantage of this work is that the students have access to first-hand information, rather than a week or more ago of print, and are involved in the thick of world events, personally exerting an influence on him.
And the Internet may be used not only passively but actively. Students can try yourself as not consumers, and providers of information. Website THE YOUNG VOICES OF THE WORLD (<>) - an open forum, which is a kind of publishing, where anyone can publish his works, making them accessible to an audience of millions and expressing to discuss their views. All works are accompanied by their creator's email address, which allows the implementation of feedback and tying discussions.
The authors Language Learning Activities for the World Wide Web noted tremendous opportunities WWW on the use and creation of a two-language pages, providing optimal results Internet integration in lesson process for both parties involved (class, learning English in Russia and class, studying Russian in the US or England). Here are just some of the possible topics discussed: an overview of the books, fairy tales, newspaper articles, television programs, quotes and sayings, sayings, jokes and riddles, local recipes, menus, traditional medicine, folklore, sports, school and its problems, etc. Students must seem exciting and important process of creating your page.
Letter Education
Communication in virtual reality by means of e-mail, which for the acquisition of intercultural competence can be used as follows:
1. Establishment of a friendly correspondence.
International exchange of letters can be made in any class and at any level of proficiency. In addition to the targeted use of the target language, establish friendly contacts and learning so that culture, e-mail correspondence has its advantages over paper: it is faster, easier and cheaper.
Find partners in correspondence to their students as follows:
1. refer to the corresponding request to the TESL-L (computer-assisted language learning sub-branch listserv@cunyvm.bitnet) or TESLK-12 (;
2. turn to the list server for intercultural (Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections <>, <>), proposing the establishment of correspondence with different objectives: to carry out joint projects, discuss the pressing issues of debate between whole classes;
3. visit the homepage E-mail for ESL / LINC Students (<>). It offers help and on the use of e-mail instructions, free access to e-mail, help to find pen pals, offers part in paired and group projects, and, in addition, offers links to all sorts of useful resources.
For best results, this type of activity is necessary to highlight some of the problems that may arise during the work.
Teachers, integrate e-mail into the educational process, note the lack of depth of the content of the correspondence. The initial interest passes quickly and the students find themselves in a quandary, not knowing what to write about. To avoid disappointment it is imperative to relate this kind of work with the general curriculum and cannot let it slide. For example, you can offer to students to ask their pen pals for a particular topic, and on the basis of the results to make a presentation in class.
Not all letters come answers that entails a profound disappointment. To avoid this, you can offer students to communicate with several partners (in the same group or in parallel, in another city or even country).
After analyzing the experience of e-mail use in the process of learning foreign languages, Mark Warschauer and other teachers came to the following conclusions:
1. Preference is given to work in small groups, without a strict control on the part of the teacher. Best results are achieved by allowing students to choose the topic, not unquestioningly follow the instructions of teachers and most of the group (in this case, a new group is formed).
2. Electronic communication - an excellent language practice, where the transition from form to content - in the direction of true fellowship and free flight of thought. The presence of a real audience enhances the quality of writing - it school becomes more expressive, to conventional narrative and descriptive genre argument was added.
3. Changes the process of writing - more attention is paid to work editing and correction of errors, even for the compilation of monologues, students often ask for opinion or advice to its partners - such work is the embodiment of the principle of interactivity.
4. The use of e-mail increases the interest to the process of learning the language.
In addition to the formal language of the experience gained by means of telecommunications, it is undeniable, and the development of intercultural competence. Moreover, we can safely say that today the use of Internet resources, including e-mail - the most effective and affordable way to master cross-cultural literacy in a real dialogue.
As noted above, to improve the efficiency of the use of e-mail should be targeted. A set of tasks can be as follows:
? Put your ad on the search for friends on different sites by correspondence;
? contact information about yourself;
? send multiple messages, such as 2-3 week;
? In order to receive a reply, set the end of the message your questions;
? Take at least three responses to your posts;
? provide a full report on the work done, what have you done, that came out of it that you learned, how would you rate the job. Include in your letter and report their answers.
2. Creation of joint training projects.
Students do not just share information with partners from across the globe, and working together on any project: choose a theme developed research methods, creates its own stand, where and put the results. The theme of the project can be selected from the already proposed by someone on the list server, or put to their contacts and wait for the response. Page Email Project Home Page (<>) offers to the study of the following problems: drugs, stress, food, power, influence of advertisements on human health, Compare the prices of goods in different regions, folk medicine and many others.
Who developed the following projects:
Email Project ( <mailto:>) - students from different countries formed a multinational team, who have been invited to participate in one of three projects: the competition to address environmental problems, urban project and a competition for the creation of an international robot. In the course of the study team were numerous documents: introductory articles, technical reports, essays. One result of this project was to create a home page International Writing Exchange (
K-12 Projects ( <mailto:>), Global School Net Foundation ( <mailto:>) - projects for younger students, including the publication of the works of students, exchange - from postcards to opinions, comparative studies.
Project Icons ( <mailto:>) - in its structure resembles a project of the United Nations. Students from different countries form negotiating groups representing individual country on a given topic (demographic control or global warming). Groups share information and with the help of e-mail are transnational negotiations, which end the debate in real time system.
International calls in real-time system - possible via IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and schMOOze University (<>). Print information immediately appears on the screens of all the participants, simulating a live international communication. In this case you can move from room to room (on interests), to come up with an image, to play games. However, we must learn a series of commands in order to ensure successful communication:
? telnet - for connection to MOO;
? connect guest - to enter the apartment dialog;
? who - provides a list of those present in it;
? join xxx - to enter the room xxx;
? go xxx - to move from room to room;
? look - look of the room;
? say xxx - to send the message;
? xxx - for the transfer of actions and emotions;
? quit - to exit from the MOO;
? help - help with MOO.
Website SchMOOze University puts Sway purpose of learning the language directly in the communication, the exchange of experience and ideas among students. The Internet provides access to all sorts of linguistic games, online dictionaries, access to the various search engines and global catalogs. Much attention is paid to intercultural exchange. To learn more about the opportunities offered by schMOOze University, you can visit their homepage at: <>.