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Unit 3 Revise & Practise

1. Explain the difference between these pairs.

journal - magazine

encyclopedia - WWW

biography - autobiography

author - publisher

contents page - index

paper - article

abstract blurb


2. Divide into 5 teams. Each team completes word webs for the words information (adjectives), information (verbs), book (adjectives), knowledge (adjectives), knowledge (verbs) using its own colour marker. Mind maps are rotated every 1 minute, then the results are checked in class. The team that works out the more phrases is the winner.


3. Read these sayings. Comment on the one you like most.

Ø ?Know where to find the information and how to use it ? That?s the secret of success.? Albert Einstain

Ø ?The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book.? Northrup Frye

Ø ?We are drowning in information and starved for knowledge.? Kofy Annan

Ø A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.? Shelby Foote


4. Complete this questionnaire for yourself. Then divide into groups and take turns to explain how to perform each of these actions.

Do you know ? yes no
how to use Brainboost search engine?    
how to conduct field search?    
how to find sites that have phrase ?information literacy? in the title?    
what can save you time when you are searching for necessary sources?    
where to look for information on popular science topics?    
how to quickly check the authority of the site?    
how to check the reliability/accuracy of the page?    
what kind of information you need to find a particular book in a library catalogue?    
how to differentiate information Web page from an advocacy one?    
how to understand the purpose of the Web site?    


5. Work with a partner. Hold a competition and brainstorm about 10 terms to do with the library search. Compare the lists. Cross out the terms that are on the both lists. Explain the meaning of the rest of the terms.



Progress Test


1. Put these instructions for truncating back a URL in the correct sequence.

a) Stop when you reach the first single / which is preceded by the domain name portion.

b) This is the page's server or "publisher."

c) In the top Location Box, delete the end characters of the URL stopping just before each/.

d) Press enter to see if you can see more about the author or the origins/nature of the site providing the page.

e) Continue this process, one slash (/) at a time.


2. Rewrite the sentences passive.

a) Wilhelm Schickard made the first known adding machine.

b) MIT?s laboratories carry out a great deal of research.

c) The fact that biological sciences are more popular with school leavers than computer science surprised me.

d) You should know the procedure of the experiment before you start doing it.

e) The NASA specialists are planning to launch a space platform to Jupiter.

f) The BBC Company has released a new documentary series about space



3. Spot the odd one out.

a) library internet www database
b) journal magazine periodicals newspaper
c) biography bibliography glossary plagiarism



Self study


  The battle for your mind at your fingertips   If you are like most students, you are relying heavily on resources from the Web for your research. Not all Web resources are created equal. In fact, there are great variations in the quality of the resources you access. The rule of thumb is "when in doubt, doubt." When you carefully select your resources, when you understand their strengths and limits, you create better products. Making smart choices about the information you find is just like making other choices- it really helps to know your options. Your task is to create a resource (a poster, a handout) for your fellow students to use in the library or the classroom to help them to evaluate websites on their own. Use these questions to guide you. What are the types of Web pages? How do they differ? What are the criteria for a Web page evaluation? ü Search the site http://www2.widener.edu/Wolfgram-Memorial-Library/webevaluation üMake a list of at least 10 questions you need to answer to evaluate a web page ü Make a resource for your fellow students. You can do this in the form of a handout, a poster, a checklist, etc. Make it by hand or on the computer. Be creative and have a good time! Remember, this is something you are going to share with your fellow students. Make sure you include all of the following in your resource: a) who made it- the names of everyone in your group; b) a creative title; c) at least five criteria/10questions to ask when evaluating a web site. The Internet is not the only information option. Remember that journals, books, videos and other sources are available as well. Evaluating information is a skill you will be using throughout your lifetime.



Date: 2016-06-12; view: 293

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