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Comprehension check

1. Answer the following questions.

a) Does the author sound optimistic or pessimistic about the future of libraries?

b) What should libraries be like not to disappear?

c) What is an E-book?

d) Why are E-books not widely available for the public?

e) What fact about modern libraries upsets the author? Why?



Recording 3.2

1. Which of the following adjectives can be used with the noun goal? Use a dictionary if necessary.

ambitious available accessible ultimate unabashed achievable innovative


2. Match the verbs in A with thenouns they often go with in B.

1) to equalize a) books
2) to digitize b) access
3) to scan c) opportunities
4) to have d) information
5) to disseminate e) published works
6) to lend f) materials


3. Listen to the programme about the Universal Digital Library and answer the questions.

a) When and where was the Universal Digital Library started?

b) What is the purpose behind this project?

c) What kinds of published works does the library include?

d) How many works are planned to digitize?

e) How many of them have already been added to the library collection?

f) How are works selected to be digitized?


What do you think?

Ø How many libraries are there in your city? Are they well equipped?

Ø What is the most popular library in your city? Why?

Ø How often do you go to a library?

Ø What kind of information is available in your university library?



1. Look at the abstract of the article and answer the questions below.


Abstract? A knowledge-based learning environment, called ENIGMA, has been developed. This system is centered on an arithmetic game and is intended at being used in teaching arithmetic in primary /secondary school level (pupils from 9 to 12). The underlying pedagogical choices of the system are analyzed and the corresponding technical solutions which have been adopted are illustrated.

a) What kind of information about the article is presented?

Managing your learning Abstract is a brief summary of a journal article or other library resource that classifies, evaluates, or describes the important points of the content Abstracts can save you time by helping you identify the best articles on your topic.

b) How long is it?

c) Does it follow any pattern?

d) What grammar tenses and voice are used?

e) What is the purpose of an abstract?

f) Who would be interested in this article?

2. Work with a partner and discuss.

? How often do you read abstracts? Do you find them helpful?

? In what other cases are abstracts often used?

? How can readers benefit from reading an abstract?


Get real

Go online. Find the guidelines on how to write an abstract. Discuss as a class and work out the ?Golden rules? for abstract writing.



1. Search the Internet or popular science magazines to find an interesting article. Write an abstract to the article using the clichés from the Toolbox.

Tool box: Abstract writing
  The article was written by ?
was presented at ?
was published in ?
comes from ?
  reports on ?
discusses ?
The author describes ?
The article informs on/about ?
  deals with ?
  considers the problem of ?
The information presented in the ? is very interesting because ?
The problem is widely-discussed in the press because ?
is the most up-to-date/urgent as it ?
    is/can be recommended   to a wide range of readers.
The article  
  to specialists in ? .


2. With a partner exchange and check each other?s abstracts.


In the Realm of Science

1. Some letters of the Greek alphabet are widely used in many natural sciences especially in mathematics. Learn how to read some of them.

Capital and small Name English equivalent Russian
A α a [′ælfə] a ?????
B β beta [′bi:tə]/[′beitə] b ????
Γ γ gamma [′gæmə] g ?????
Δ δ delta [′deltə] d ??????
Λ λ lambda [′læmbdə] l ??????
Μ μ mu [′mju] m ??/??
Ξ ξ xi [′ksai] n ???
Π π pi [′pai] p ??
Σ σ sigma [′sigmə] s ?????
Ώ ω omega [′oυmigə] o ?????

What other letters from the Greek alphabet are used in your subject area?

2. Many English words and word parts can be traced back to the Greek language. The table below lists some common Greek roots.

Greek root Basic meaning Example words
-anthrop- human misanthrope, philanthropy, anthropomorphic
-chron- time anachronism, chronicle, synchronize,
-dem- people democracy, demography, pandemic
-morph- form amorphous, metamorphic, morphology
-path- feeling, suffering empathy, sympathy, apathy
-pedo-, -ped- child, children pediatrician, pedagogue
-philo-, -phil- having a strong affinity or love for philanthropy, philharmonic, philosophy
-phon- sound polyphonic, cacophony, phonetics


3. Read and remember some of library terms.

Article a contribution written by one or more persons and published in a periodical or as part of a book.
Autobiography a written account of a person?s life written by that person
Archives a special collection or collections that house the records of organizations, governments, universities, etc. considered worthy to be kept permanently and as nearly as possible in their original form.
Bibliography a list of books and/or other materials written by one author or on one subject and having something in common with each other.
Biography a written account of a person?s life.
Call Number the unique numbers and letters given to each item in a library used to identify and locate the item
Citation an identifying reference to a text. Usually includes the title, author, and publishing information
Edition the whole number of copies of a work issued from one setting of type
Glossary an alphabetical list of terms within a subject field together with definitions.
Paper a piece of writing on a particular subject written by an expert in that subject and usually published in a book or journal.
Plagiarism "to copy the writings of another person and publish the same as original work."
Record the complete collection of related data found in an electronic catalog or index which describes a single book or article in that database
References a list of publications referred to by the author of a paper or book. Also called "Works Cited" or "Bibliography."
Subject the word or phrase which describes a theme of a literary work
Truncation using the root word in a online search to find all items containing that root and different endings

(Adapted from the site http://library.mtsu.edu/help/terms.php)



Unit 2 Progress Monitoring In this unit you have worked on the following vocabulary related to the topic ?Information Search?
? an issue of a magazine/journal ? to cite a source
? popular or scholarly sources or periodicals ? to provide overviews on a wide variety of topics
? to collect reliable/historically relevant/ valuable sources ? to contain audio-visual/multimedia materials/computer databases
? print or electronic magazines/books, etc. ? to update resources
? a large collection of periodicals ? to be available for the public
? to subscribe to a magazine/journal, etc. ? the contents of a book/magazine
? to publish an article/ book/magazine, etc ? graphics/drawings/charts
? to cover specific topics/narrow fields of research  

Tick (V) the points you are confident about and cross (X) the ones you need to revise.


Date: 2016-06-12; view: 289

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