Two main perspectives in explaining collective behavior -o Emergent-norm and value-added perspectives
12. The system of economic relations in primitive society was based on the following characteristics…
o Hunting, collecting , absence of private property
13. The system of economic relations in slaveholding society was based on such characteristics…
o Operation of another’s work with full assignment of his products
14. The system of economic relations in feudal society was based on such characteristics…
o Labor, either natural, or the monetary rent, including by craft
15. The system of economic relations in capitalist society was based on such characteristics…
o Development of business, a competition, trade through a personal freedom
16. The system of economic relations in socialist society was based on such characteristics…
o A state ownership on all means of production
17. The system of sociopolitical relations in primitive society was based on…
o Elective board of elders
18. The system of sociopolitical relations in slaveholding society was based on…
o A unlimited monarchic despotism
19. The system of sociopolitical relations in feudal society was based on…
o Unlimited, or a moderate monarchy, at an opportunity of existence of trading republics
20. The system of sociopolitical relations in capitalist society was based on…
o Different variants of democracy and parliamentary
21. The system of sociopolitical relations in socialist society was based on…
o One-party dictatorship
22. The system of social-stratification relations in primitive society was based on presence of such social groups as…
o Stratification on age, sex, abilities, individualities
23. The system of social-stratification attitudes in slaveholding society was based on presence of such social groups as…
o Imperial family, small representation of aristocracy and slaves
24. The system of social-stratification attitudes in feudal society was based on presence of such social groups as…
o Imperial family, insignificant groups of nobility
25. The system of social-stratification attitudes in capitalist society was based on presence of such social groups as…
o Bankers, businessmen, proletariat, intelligencia, farmers
26. The system of social-stratification attitudes in socialist society was based on presence of such social groups as…
o Workers, collective farmers, intelligencia, party elite
27. Crowd is …
o A temporary gathering of people in close proximity who share a common focus or interest
28. Natural disaster is…
o A sudden or disruptive event that overtaxes a community’s resources, so that outside aid is necessary
29. Fads are …
o A temporary patterns of behavior involving large numbers of people; they spring up independently of preceding trends
30. Fashion is …
o A pleasurable mass involvements that feature a certain amount of acceptance by society
31. A panic is…
o A fearful arousal or collective flight based on a generalized belief that may or may not be accurate
32. Crazes are …
o An exciting mass involvement that lasts for a relatively long period
33. A rumor is …
o A piece of information gathered informally that is used to interpret an ambiguous situation
34. The term public refers to…
o A dispersed group of people, not necessarily in contact with one another, who share an interest in an issue
35. The term public opinion refers to…
o Expressions of attitudes on matters of public policy that are communicated to decision makers
Date: 2016-04-22; view: 980