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Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

1 I love going / seeing / having abroad.

2 Sydney Opera House is Australia’s most famous experience / tour guide / landmark.

3 The world’s largest tropical jungle / wood / rainforest is the Amazon, South America.

4 For a good holiday, I like lying on a rock / sandy /sand beach.

5 Prague is one of Europe’s great sensation / historic / history capitals.

6 We had a truly forgetful / forgotten / unforgettable journey around Russia.

7 Rome is full of monuments and museums. It’s a great place to go / have / make sightseeing.

8 There are many pack / packing / package holidays to Thailand, South-east Asia’s number one holiday destination.

9 Sun, sea and sand make Majorca the perfect place to have fun / funny /enjoy on holiday.

10 If you want to see Egypt’s localized / local / home culture, go to the market, Khan El Khalili.


3. Landscape and climate. Which word is the odd one out?

1 cloudy humid frosty lively

2 sunshine storm flood hurricane

3 mountain hill volcano lowland

4 showers snow overcast rain

5 jungle trek forest glacier

6 desert lake river fjord

7 humid windy wet damp

8 rainforest beach island fjord

Complete the sentences with words from the box.

steep extinct rolling sandy snow-capped dense stunning

1 It’s impossible to climb up the ……… cliffs.

2 Most of the island is covered with ……… forest.

3 Children will just love the ……… beaches.

4 In the distance you can see the ……… mountain peaks.

5 The volcano is ……… and hasn’t erupted for more than a thousand years.

6 The train journey takes you through a long valley surrounded by gentle, ……… hills.

7 If you climb to the summit there are some ……… views.


5. Complete the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or the –ing form.

After 1) ………… (leave) university in 1986, Luis Miguel knew that he wanted a career in travel. However, before 2) ……… (start) his own business, he got a job with a local travel firm, where he quickly learned how 3) ……… (operate) a small agency. A year later, he left 4) ……… (set up) his own company, Travelextra, which grew rapidly by 5) ……… (concentrate) on giving excellent value and top class customer service.


Fill in each gap with one word only.

Since its invention in the late 1970’s, the mountain bike (1) ……… become incredibly popular. Its attractions (2) ……… obvious: mountain biking combines the excitement of a fast sport (3) ……… the perfect excuse to get (4) ……… and really enjoy the countryside.

Mountain biking (5) ……… invented in California in the 1970’s by people looking (6) ……… a new thrill. They took traditional bicycles and started trying to find ways of making them strong (7) ……… to take off the roads and into the countryside. At (8) …….., mountain biking was only a downhill sport, but (9) ……… the sport developed, people began making the bikes lighter and fitting them with more gears, allowing them to ridden uphill as (10) ……….

Some environmentalists claim that careless cyclists (11) ……… destroying the countryside, and want to see the sport banned. This could (12) ……… avoided by creating marked tracks for the cyclists to use, and making (13) ……… that they do not just cycle anywhere. Then perhaps the sport could continue to grow (14) ……… affecting the numerous others (15) ……… enjoy the outdoors as well.



Date: 2016-04-22; view: 2361

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