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The Five most Popular Questions about Cruise Ship Jobs

1 ………………

Cruise ships are floating resorts – complete cities at sea. a typical cruise ship has a dozen decks and hundreds of cabins. A cruise vacation is about fun, entertainment, service and worldwide travel. There are more than 300 types of job aboard ship. Imagine yourself traveling to places you’ve always dreamed of and being paid for it.

2 ………………

Students, retired people, career changers, ‘people people’ who enjoy working with others. Cruise lines are always hiring people with experience in hospitality, tourism, entertainment, restaurants and bars, teaching, childcare, sales, customer relations, fitness, health and beauty, healthcare, finance and administration. Cruise lines hire dependable, competent people with outgoing, positive attitudes.

3 ………………

Familiarize yourself with the cruise companies. Where do there ships travel? What facilities do they have on board? And most importantly, what kind of passengers will you find on their ships? Choose several jobs that interest you and compare your qualifications and experience with the duties and responsibilities of the job. Learn what you need to add to your CV. For example, study a foreign language.

Sell yourself! Target your CV and covering letter to one specific job and show how your work experience, talents, skills and education relate to it. Show how you can contribute to the passengers’ cruise experience.

4 ………………

The cruise industry hires year-round and seasonally. Most employees work for six to nine months with one or two months off. Many departments need extra crew in peak sailing periods.

5 ………………

Cruise ship pay compares well with similar jobs ashore plus you save a lot of money because most expenses are left behind. On board ship your room and meals are included.


Cruises. Match the words with their definitions.

1 deck 2 cabin 3 entertainment 4 cruise lines 5 fitness 6 on board 7 crew 8 sailing 9 ashore 10 expenses a) money people spend while doing their work b) floor or platform built into a ship c) on a boat d) room in a ship where passengers sleep e) people who work on a boat, ship or airplane f) movement across water in a boat or ship g) anything people watch for pleasure: shows, films h) on land i) companies that have a number of cruise ships j) physical exercises to keep you healthy


Read the text below and describe which answer a, b, c or d best fits each gap.

Mount Etna

At 1)……………………………. 3350 metres, Mount Etna in Sicily is the highest 2)……………………………… volcano in Europe. In ancient Greek mythology, Mount Etna was the home of Hephaestus, the god of fire and one-eyed monster, Cyclops. Today, it is one of Sicily’s most 3)…………………………. natural attractions, amazing 5)………………………. . In winter, people can ski on the mountain and in summer, they can go on hiking tours through its various forests. In autumn, when the leaves on the trees change colour, it is a 6)……………………………sight. The volcano has had several 7)……………………….eruptions in the past century. the most 8)…………………………..was in September 2007, when it suddenly started violently spouting lava into the air. In 2002, many tourists had a(n) 9)……………………experience while attempting to 10)………………………the mounting; as they were climbing, the volcano started to erupt violently and molten lava started to flow down the mountains. Several witnesses recorded the eruption from safe distance and claimed that, although it was 11)………………………….., it was an impressive 12 …………………………………


a hardly b approximately c unusually d constantly
a active b appealing c untouched d enormous
a valid b remarkable c traditional d luxurious
a indulging b providing c associating d offering
a destination b scenery c option d site
a gentle b picturesque c spectacular d brilliant
a significant b challenging c unique d extraordinary
a recent b new c late d plain
a mysterious b scared c overwhelming d brilliant
a come b arrive c get d approach
a thrilling b elegant c mild d frightening
a spectacle b expedition c particle d obstacle


Date: 2016-04-22; view: 4032

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