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Marketing and Promotion

A campaign to promote a tourist destination takes a lot of careful planning.

a ………………

First, you have to decide exactly what your region offers to visitors – the weather, the natural features (beaches, mountains, scenery), the culture, historical buildings, etc.

b ………………

Next, you need to identify your target market. This means knowing who your customers are. What are they interested in? How much money will they spend?

c ………………

Then you need to decide on the objectives for your campaign. Are you trying to attract new visitors, keep your existing customers, or raise awareness about your region?

d ………………

Once you’ve decided who you are talking to and what you want to say, you need to decide the best way to communicate your message. What’s the best way to promote your region – advertising, cultural events, etc.?

e ………………

Finally, you need to plan your resources – this means how much money, how much time, and how many people. Think about all the activities within your campaign, give each one a budget (money), a schedule (time), and the people to make sure it happen.


1 What resources will you need?

2 Who are your customers?

3 What promotional methods should you use?

4 What does your region have to offer?

5 What are your objectives?


Reasons for travel. Match the words in A with the definitions in B.


1 Sightseeing a) A long hard walk lasting several days or weeks, usually in the mountains.
2 Trade fair b) Tour or excursion that leaves in the morning and returns the same evening.
3 Study tour c) Visiting the famous places in a city or town.
4 Trek d) Trip, often to a city or a countryside hotel, that includes Saturday and Sunday.
5 Conference e) Religious or artistic celebration that comes at the same time every year.
6 Wedding f) Large official meeting, often lasting several days, for members of an organization or company to discuss subjects related to their work.
7 Pilgrimage g) Large exhibition and meeting for advertising and selling a product.
8 Day trip h) Visit organized by an airline or tourist resort, etc. where tour operators and journalists can get to know the facilities and services offered.
9 Festival i) Trip to a country or an area that includes visits, lectures, and classes.
10 Weekend break j) Journey or holiday given to a worker or group of workers as a reward for good work.
11 Familiarization (or ‘fam’) trip k) Travel to an important religious place.
12 Incentive tour l) Ceremony where two people get married.

Read the advertisements and substitute the words in brackets with words from the lists.

welcoming, elegant, spacious, luxurious, delicious


Business or pleasure? The 6) ……… (high class and expensive) Chester Hotel in the heart of Bangkok offers visitors to this exotic city to relax in style. Whether you wish to rest in our 7) ……… (large) and 8) ……… (beautiful) rooms, dine on 9) ………(tasty) cuisine in our exclusive restaurant or unwind in a relaxing sauna, the Chester will cater for your every need. Every year thousands of visitors choose to stay in these stylish and 10) ……… (friendly) surroundings, so this year, why don’t you?

Write one word in each gap.


When you travel 1) ……… the other side of the world, jetlag is a real problem. You find yourself awake 2) ……… the middle of the night and you feel like going to bed 3) ……… the morning, just when everyone around you is getting up.

Jetlag happens when you go 4) ……… a country where the time is very different. For example, you might leave London 5) ……… midday and fly 6) ……… Los Angeles. The flight takes about eleven hours, so when you arrive 7) ……… Los Angeles airport, your body thinks you’re there 8) ……… 11 pm. But Los Angeles is eight hours behind London, so you actually get there 9) ……… 3 pm local time. So, 10) ……… midnight Los Angeles time, your body (which still thinks it’s 11) ……… in London) says it’s 8 pm. It takes a few days for your body clock to change.

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 1976

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