Secondary Purposes of The Cold Call1. Identify decision makers
2. Identify influencers
3. Determine what is needed
4. Create interest
5. Get an appointment
6. Get contact information for follow up
7. Move from cold to warm
8. Add to your pipeline

Preparing for the Cold Call
1. Do the math – Cardone call calculation
2. Build a list
3. Research / investigate the list
4. Look for personal connections
5. Build script
6. Anticipate objections
7. Get calling
8. Take good notes -‐ store data
9. Follow Up
Cardone Call Calculation Worksheet ™
1. Annual desired income
2. Divide by commission per sale
3. Number of Sales
4. Divide by Closing Rate (Direct Mktg Assoc)
5. Number of Contacts
6. Divide by number of days worked
7. Total Contacts per day
8. 10X Rule
191 calls per day

Cardone Call Calculation Worksheet ™
1. Annual desired income $
2. Divide by commission per sale $
3. Number of Sales
4. Divide by Closing Rate (Direct Mktg Assoc)
5. Number of Contacts
6. Divide by number of days worked
7. Total Contacts per day
8. 10X Rule calculation x 10

Define a contact
1. Talk to decision maker
2. Leave voice message with decision maker
3. Speak with gate keeper
4. Leave message with gate keeper
5. Speak to influencer in organization
6. Leave message with influencer
Calculate the value of each call
Annual desired income Total number of annual calls Value of each call
10X Rule Calculation /10
$60.00 per call
$ 6.00 per call

Calculate the value of each call
Annual desired income $
Total number of annual calls Value of each call
10X Rule Calculation /10

What determines YOUR Calculation
1. Qualified able buyers
2. Talking to Decision makers
3. Presentation Skills
4. Sales Skills
5. Negotiation Skills
6. Closing Skills
7. “10x double my income and I've increased my income 45% heading towards the 200's soon.”
-‐ Rick Montilla
| | Follow Up Skills

Building a list
1. Sold customers
2. Servicing customers
3. Lost customers
4. Orphaned customers
5. Unsold customers
6. Move outward
7. Referrals
8. Buy list – USData Corporation, Sales Genies, GoLeads
9. Social Media Groups

Pre-‐Call Investigation
1. List of common problems your customer will pay to solve
2. Seek out personal connections
3. Search for media coverage of the prospect
4. Check out prospects website
5. Search social media pages for inside info

1. Believe you can sell anyone
2. Believe your product is worth 10X
3. Willing to call back until someone dies
4. KNOW your pitch cold
5. Everything to gain nothing to lose
6. Believe you are lowest price/best value
7. Treat everyone respecrully
8. Never depend on one call

Parts of the Call
1. Greeting (one name only)
2. Reason you are calling and Big Claim
3. Qualify the lead
a. Recurring problem
b. Magic problem
c. Money Question
d. Decision makers
4. Appointment
“Grant Cardone’s materials changed my perspective and my routine.”
-‐ James Garlin
| | Close

Date: 2016-04-22; view: 848