I now play a psionicist named Cassandra Wissenkunstler, raised from infancy as an orphan by a group of priestesses at a monastery devoted to Areya, goddess of Time and Prophecy. I put in her character background that this had caused her to be celibate so that none of the other players' characters (all male) would stand a chance of scoring with her, but last gaming session - well... I guess I'd better let her tell you.
Cassandra, a slim girl (5'5", 113# only 17), steps forward, seeming a little nervous. "I feel easier talking to a group of strangers about this, for I know not what my companions or my priestesses would say, and I fear what my goddess might do were she to discover what has happened.
"Two months ago, while taking a midday meal at the Blue Boar, a most interesting incident occurred. My server was Camillia, a most attractive girl [17 Comeliness], and while refilling my mug of ale, she chanced to spill some in my lap. She apologized profusely, and quickly began drying my robes with her cleaning rags. Her light touch, as she rubbed the cloth on my inner thighs, sparked a desire in me I have never known before; and when our eyes met I saw the same hunger in her. 'I would do anything to make it up to you,' Camillia whispered. I told her I would like her to make it up that night, and she suggested the residence of Lady Rebecca, where she lived.
"In the arms of Camillia and Lady Rebecca I learned what true pleasure is, and was taught how fingers, lips, and tongue might repay the pleasures I was given." She blushes and falls silent.
Well, since Cassandra can't finish, I'll do it for her. Suffice it to say that the rest of the guys in the gaming group were jealous as hell, but since everyone was on "solo" adventures for the night, none of the other characters found out about it for two full months of game time.
During that interval, Lady Rebecca began calling Cassandra "Clarissa," and my character learned from Camillia that this was actually Rebecca's daughter, whom the lady had hacked to pieces and buried under the cellar when she tried to flee her lesbian mother. Camillia had stayed on out of a combination of fear and love for the older woman, and due to Lady Rebecca's strong personality (save vs. charm with a +4 bonus). I also learned that Rebecca was something of a dominatrix, who routinely bound both Camillia and Cassandra in order to playfully whip them and "tease" them with leather-wrapped wooden, shall we say, "implements."
Finally we (the gaming group) were getting together to leave town on an adventure, except that Lady Rebecca didn't want her precious "new" Clarissa to leave her. I went ectoplasmic in the middle of the night (scared poor Camillia nearly to death) and got out, only to find the thief of the party coming to check up on me. I quickly covered myself by saying that I had been held captive by Rebecca (sure, with the ability to escape ectoplasmically?) and telling him of the implements of torture and the body under the house. The thief and one of our fighters returned the next night in order to steal a couple of whips and "implements" as evidence against her, which my character then took to the guards, claiming to have escaped with them. When I told the guards of the body, they marched to the house, dug up the skeleton, and summarily executed Lady Rebecca for the crime of murder. Camillia was freed, for they determined that she had been virtually "enslaved" upon fear of her life, and possession of the house reverted to her.
Now she and my character are living there together (except when the group is adventuring), and the other characters in our group are trying hard to help me cope with the awful ordeal of extended captivity and rape I've had to endure (men, they'll believe anything a woman tells them while shaking with terror and crying big crocodile tears).
– Kenneth Nuckols
Apendix B: Random Generator Sourcecodes
Surely, you can do the generators differently. But I did them this way. Feel free to do your own and send them in (go to http://rpg-uni.de-4u.com/conatct.php)
Periodical Names
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