I'd like to tell you about my character (at least, the one for whom this guide is good, since I'm playing at least two characters at any given moment, but that's another story). He is an Elf fighter/bard that due to becoming undead and being resurrected lost 1 Constitution point from his original 11. He asked to return to life (you won't believe it) because he fell in love with a Druid. Due to his chaotic nature, he did some nasty things later (like tempting the police-chief for a gain of about 300 gold pieces...) and had a lover-fight with the druid, but as he apologized to her and did everything he could to please her - they are back together again, and then what? Just as we leave the city, towards the castle that contains a sword and a horse dedicated for the paladin in out party by his god, we meet three(!) medusas!!!! And guess who's becoming a stone on the spot? Yes, me!!! (The other me is a holy-ghost, an undead lawful-good priest of the God of the Sun (I know it sounds crazy) and he is protected by him, so he only got paralyzed in another medusa attack). However, one of my best friends, a vampire magic user (would you please repeat THAT???!!!) succeeded in using him vampiric abilities and use a higher level vampire mage to cast stone-to-flesh on me. He did that three times, 'cause I failed the system shock twice... So, and here we get to our point, I'm left with a Constitution of 7!!! (I still have a Dexterity of 19 and Strength of 17, but I LOVE having sex!!!) ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!! Since my GM makes me, as a bard, write and sing REAL songs for my spells (I need no spell-books or material components - just a suitable song), I am announcing my next spell-song, which I hope to complete by next session: Luwain's Ever Lasting Hard-On!
Lately, the Fellowship has found itself at Salba-the Layer of Momentary Pleasure (this is a part of the Layered World, an anomaly located in the Mirn-Kaia Universe, where sex is a requirement for all visitors, and the local monetary unit is one Orgasm (four Orgasms = Multiple Orgasm). The local dominant race, the Salbars, can (and do) grasp momentary sexual pleasure as a physical object in the fabric of Time (in Mirn-Kaia metaphysical terms, Salba is related to the Sphere of Time in a passive way). The job of the second species of Salba, the Timplags, and of all visitors, is to provide sexual divertissement and new experience to the Salbars. As can be imagined, this did give a rise to a lot of really good role-playing. And the bard Luwain, remaining faithful to himself, has sneaked away from the party and remained in Salba, in the bed of no less than Salibu, the Mistress of the Layer.
– Luwain
A Cleric's Vow
I've been in a party with a very complex character. He was a powerful cleric, who had entered clerichood as a sort of escape from his sexuality. He took a vow of chastity of his own accord (his deity certainly didn't care so long as he was a good, faithful cleric).
Once, he was put into no win/no win situation. The only person who could help him was a evil female mage who found him, and his resistance to her many charm, very appealing. Needless to say, the cleric, in order to achieve the good and righteous end, offered himself up.
He stills plays in my world, and now has the terrible guilt (which I use to my advantage) about his poor, illegitimate child, who being raised by an evil mother, may come back to haunt old dad some day. He is actually an excellent character and is very clever when around those hearty fighters going out on the town.... you know the type. From a GMing perspective, I'd have to say, there's not much difference... it's all in how good a roleplayer they are!