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Prostitute Generator


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<script language="JavaScript">



var abilityScoreBonus = new Array ( -4,-4,-3,-3,-2,-2,-1,-1,0, 0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5);

var sizeM = new Array ( 43, 55, 38, 60, 32, 60, 60 );

var sizeF = new Array ( 41, 50, 36, 58, 30, 59, 60 );

var sizeMod = new Array (10, 10, 6, 12, 16, 20, 30 );


var weightM = new Array (120, 90, 72, 110, 52, 140, 160 );

var weightF = new Array (105, 70, 68, 85, 48, 100, 130 );

var weightMod = new Array (40, 30, 20, 36, 20, 60, 70 );


var ageB = new Array ( 40, 100, 60, 15, 20, 15, 10 );

var ageMod = new Array ( 60, 120, 60, 20, 30, 20, 30 );

var costA = new Array ( 3, 5, 3, 1, 4, 1, 0.7 );


var raceA = new Array ( "Dwarf","Elf","Gnome","Half-Elf","Halfling","Human", "Half-Orc" );

var hairA = new Array ("Brunette", "Blonde", "Auburn", "Sable", "Crimson", "Silver", "White", "Sky Blue", "Lt. Green", "Lilac", "Iridescent", "Bald" );

var eyesA = new Array ("Lt. Blue", "Dk Green", "Hazel", "Brown", "Crimson", "Silver", "Lt. Green", "Dk. Blue", "Pink", "Brown", "Brown", "Each Eye Different" );

var complexionA = new Array ("Dusky Olive", "Bronze", "Milky White", "Ebony", "Lt. Red", "Yellow", "Brown", "Golden");

var waistM = 0;

var hipsM = 0;



function d100sub (randomizer) {

var randN = Math.floor(Math.random()*randomizer);

if ( randN < 13 ) { return 0; }

else if ( randN < 26 ) { return 1; }

else if ( randN < 34 ) { return 2; }

else if ( randN < 42 ) { return 3; }

else if ( randN < 50 ) { return 4; }

else if ( randN < 58 ) { return 5; }

else if ( randN < 67 ) { return 6; }

else if ( randN < 75 ) { return 7; }

else if ( randN < 83 ) { return 8; }

else if ( randN < 91 ) { return 9; }

else if ( randN < 99 ) { return 10; }

else if ( randN < 100 ) { return 11; }


function dX (die) {

var num = 0;

num += Math.ceil(Math.random()*die);

return num;


function d6 (times) {

var num = 0;

for ( i = 0; i < times; i++ ) {

num += dX(6);


return num;


// Main function

function calculateThePro () {

if ( document.forms[0].elements["charisma"].value=="" || document.forms[0].elements["charisma"].value.NaN ) {

var one = d6(3);

var two = d6(3);

var charisma = (one>two)?one:two;

} else {

charisma = document.forms[0].elements["charisma"].value;


one = d6(3);

two = d6(3);

var constitution = (one>two)?one:two;

// get vital statistics

var randN = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);

var vc = "";

if ( randN < 30 ) { vc = 22; }

else if ( randN < 50 ) { vc = 23; }

else if ( randN < 65 ) { vc = 24; }

else if ( randN < 77 ) { vc = 25; }

else if ( randN < 82 ) { vc = 26; }

else if ( randN < 85 ) { vc = 27; }

else if ( randN < 90 ) { vc = 28; }

else if ( randN < 94 ) { vc = 29; }

else if ( randN < 97 ) { vc = 30; }

else if ( randN < 99 ) { vc = 31; }

// get race and gender

var raceNum = document.forms[0].elements["race"].options[document.forms[0].elements["race"].selectedIndex].value;

var genderNum = "female";

if ( document.forms[0].gender[1].checked ) { genderNum = "male";}

if ( raceNum == 0 ) { constitution += 2;}

if ( raceNum == 6 ) { charisma -= 2; }

vc += Math.ceil( (abilityScoreBonus[constitution]/2));

if ( raceNum == 10 ) {

raceNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*raceA.length);


var raceName = raceA[raceNum];

// calculating size and wight

if ( genderNum == "female" ) {

var weight = weightF[raceNum] + dX(weightMod[raceNum]);

var size = sizeF[raceNum] + dX(sizeMod[raceNum]);

} else {

var weight = weightM[raceNum] + dX(weightMod[raceNum]);

var size = sizeM[raceNum] + dX(sizeMod[raceNum]);


// age and looks

var age = ageB[raceNum] + dX(ageMod[raceNum]);

var hair = hairA[d100sub (100)];

var complexion = complexionA[d100sub (75)];

var eyes = eyesA[d100sub (100)];

var bust = abilityScoreBonus[charisma] + 7 + dX(3) + vc;


if ( charisma < 4 ) { waistM = d6(5); hipsM = d6(6);}

else if ( charisma < 6 ) { waistM = d6(2); hipsM = d6(2);}

else if ( charisma < 9 ) { waistM = dX(4); }

else if ( charisma < 12 ) { waistM = dX(2);}

else if ( charisma < 15 ) {}

else if ( charisma < 18) { hipsM = -1;}

else { hipsM = -2;}


var hips = vc + hipsM;

var waist = vc + waistM;

if ( raceNum == 0 || raceNum == 2 || raceNum ==4 ) {

hips -= 2;

bust -= 2;



// putting it out

var putOut = genderNum + " " + raceName + " prostitute\n";

putOut += "Charisma: " + charisma;

putOut += "\nConstitution: " + constitution;

putOut += "\nHeight: "+size+ "\"";

putOut += "\nWeight: "+weight;

putOut += "\nRace: "+raceName;

putOut += "\nAge : "+age;

putOut += "\nHair: "+hair;

putOut += "\nEyes: "+eyes;

putOut += "\nComplexion: "+complexion;

putOut += "\nBust: "+bust+ "\"";

putOut += "\nWaist: "+waist+ "\"";

putOut += "\nHips: "+hips + "\"";


// Prostitutie Extras


var putOutW = "";

for ( i = 0; i<1; i++) {

randN = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);

if ( randN < 50 ) { putOutW += "" }

else if ( randN < 79 ) { putOutW += "Natural Disease; " }

else if ( randN < 89 ) { putOutW += "Magical Disease; " }

else if ( randN < 99 ) { putOutW += "Insanity; " }

else if ( randN < 101 ) { i-- }


if ( putOutW != "" ) {

putOut += "\nProstitute Extras: "+putOutW + "\nA prostitute may have more than one extra of each category. Same result indicates two different diseases or insanities.";


// Prostitute Specialties

var costPer = 0;

putOutW = "";

var indicator = new Array ( "", "", "", "", "" );


for ( i = 0; i<1; i++) {

randN = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);

if ( randN < 50 ) { putOutW += "" }

else if ( randN < 70 ) { if ( indicator[0] == "" ) { putOutW += "Massage; "; costPer += 10; indicator[0] = "1" } else { i--; } }

else if ( randN < 80 ) { if ( indicator[1] == "" ) { putOutW += "Anal Sex; "; costPer += 20; indicator[1] = "1" } else { i--; } }

else if ( randN < 90 ) { if ( indicator[2] == "" ) { putOutW += "Oral Sex; "; costPer += 40; indicator[2] = "1" } else { i--; } }

else if ( randN < 99 ) { if ( indicator[3] == "" ) { putOutW += "Bondage; "; costPer += 60; indicator[3] = "1" } else { i--; } }

else if ( randN < 89 ) { i--; }

else if ( randN < 101 ) { i = -2 }


if ( putOutW != "" ) {

putOut += "\nProstitute Specialties: "+putOutW + "\n";


// Prostitute Disposition

var inclinationMod = abilityScoreBonus[document.forms[0].elements["clCharisma"].value];

putOut += "\nDisposition: ";

randN = Math.floor(Math.random()*20);

if ( randN < 3) { putOut += "Angry"; inclinationMod = -3 }

else if ( randN < 5 ) { putOut += "Jealous"; inclinationMod = -2 }

else if ( randN < 8 ) { putOut += "Pensive"; inclinationMod = -1 }

else if ( randN < 11 ) { putOut += "Tired"; inclinationMod = 0}

else if ( randN < 14 ) { putOut += "Tender"; inclinationMod = +1}

else if ( randN < 16 ) { putOut += "Excited"; inclinationMod = +2}

else if ( randN < 18 ) { putOut += "Ardent"; inclinationMod = +3 }

else if ( randN < 20 ) { putOut += "Erotic"; inclinationMod = +5 }

else if ( randN < 21 ) { putOut += "Obsessed"; inclinationMod = +6 }


//Prostitute Inclination

putOut += "\nInclination: ";

randN = Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+ inclinationMod;

if ( randN < 2) { putOut += "Loathe"; costPer += 100; }

else if ( randN < 5 ) { putOut += "Hate"; costPer += 75; }

else if ( randN < 8 ) { putOut += "Dislike"; costPer += 50; }

else if ( randN < 7 ) { putOut += "Aloof"; costPer += 25;}

else if ( randN < 9 ) { putOut += "Sympathetic"; costPer -= 30;}

else if ( randN < 12 ) { putOut += "Interested"; costPer -= 40;}

else if ( randN < 14 ) { putOut += "Playful"; costPer -= 50; }

else if ( randN < 17 ) { putOut += "Capacious"; costPer -= 60; }

else if ( randN < 19 ) { putOut += "Fondness"; costPer -= 70; }

else if ( randN < 20 ) { putOut += "Infatuation"; costPer -= 80; }

else { putOut += "Passionate"; costPer -= 90; }

// calculate Price

var numOP = document.forms[0].elements["numOP"].value;

var price = 1000/numOP;

putOut += "\nAverage Cost of Prostitutes: "+Math.ceil(price);

var perCalc = 0;


var percentage = price/100;

if ( costPer < 0 ) {

costPer *= -1;

price = price - percentage*costPer;

} else {

price = price + percentage*costPer;


putOut +="\nCost of this Prostitute: "+Math.ceil(price);








<div align="center">


<table width="600" border="0" bgcolor="#c9c9c9" cellpadding="0">

<tr><td><select name="race"><option value="10"> RACE: Does not Matter</option>

<option value="0">Dwarf</option>

<option value="1">Elf</option>

<option value="2">Gnome</option>

<option value="3">Half-Elf</option>

<option value="4">Halfling</option>

<option value="5">Human</option>

<option value="6">Half-Orc</option>

</select></td><td>female <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" checked>&nbsp; &nbsp; male <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male"></td></tr>

<tr><td><select name="clRace"><option value="5">CLIENT RACE: Does not Matter</option>

<option value="0">Dwarf</option>

<option value="1">Elf</option>

<option value="2">Gnome</option>

<option value="3">Half-Elf</option>

<option value="4">Halfling</option>

<option value="5">Human</option>

<option value="6">Half-Orc</option>

</select></td><td> Charisma: <input type="text" name="clCharisma" size="2" maxlength="2" value="10"></td></tr>

<tr><td> Charisma: <input type="text" name="charisma" size="2" maxlength="2" value="">&nbsp; Num of Pros. in Town: <input type="text" name="numOP" size="4" maxlength="4" value="15"></td><td><input type="button" name="submit" value="Generate a Prostitute" onclick="calculateThePro()"></td></tr>


<textarea cols=50 rows=30 wrap=physical name="view"></textarea>


<a href="/generators.php">Back to Mainpage</a>







- Averil Wehstrom (xagunder@yahoo.com) for: the spells Dire Chastity, MacFaileas' Virtuous Ward, and Succubus' Passion. The monster Slave Knight

- bramadan

- Evil Josef

- Ialdabode

- Isawa_Sideshow

- Janos Antero

- Jashin

- Kobold Avenger

- Kolvar (singewald@yahoo.com) for the site, the first editing, spell-converions, some new spells, pregnancy, generators and bloody stupid comments on the boards.

- Oddjob

- Riot Gear

- Rolland Therrien (rolland.therrien@videotron.ca) for contributing to the Orc sexuality.

- Snoweel

- Tanilen

- Zelda Themelin



Averil Wehstrom: Cover, Header and som Interior Art

Gwynn Kirkaldy: Periodica Covers

Isawa Sideshow: for the iconics.


Old Guide


· David Kelman for his spell Sacremon's Emperor's New Clothes.

· Sven De Kerpel for his comments and additions on the prostitute section of the guide which resulted in seven major chances to the tables to make them more realistic and playable.

· Steve Langton for the "Prostitutes are nasty" story in the story section.

· Tim Larson for inspiring the Skilled Perversion NWP.

· Lonadar the Wanderer bringing up the race question, commenting on a lot of the spells, adding the feather to the components of Leomund's Ting Brothel.

· Luwain "Don't Fuck With Me" The Nightingale of The Fellowship of the Flying Paladin for the Precise Constitution Points story. He created the A Bard's Sexual Spell-Songs section and contributed "Luwain's Ever Lasting Hard-On" to it.

· Andrew Lohmann for his Induce Pleasure Psionic Power.

· Mark Manning for his Teeny-Weeny-Bikini magic item.

· John M. Martz for his criticisms on the pregnancy rules and his clerical spells: Baltasar's Impediment, Fertility.

· Mizar, the Brilliant for assisting in the creation of the section "The Baby is Here! What Ya' Got?"

· Nige for his Sexual Phobia insanity.

· Hugo M. Nijhof who made a list of spells from which I took and modified the spells Don Juan's Irresistible Kiss and Vampiric Kiss.

· Kenneth Nuckols for his "Cassandra Gets A Friend" story in the story section.

· The Anti-Paladin, Nomed the Accursed for his abyss level in the section An Abyss Level.

· Nosferatu for The Rack Critical Hit Chart: For Men Only.

· Mike Parasich for the spells Cure Soreness, Enchant Condom, Delay Orgasm, Deep Throat, Power Word: Disrobe; all of which were mentioned.

· The Phantom for the Alternative Sexist Height & Weight rule in the baby section.

· Arron Sher, compiler of The NET.PLOTS.BOOK from which the vampire adventuring idea came from.

· Sir Gregor creator of The Bobitt Maneuver.

· Scott Spetalnik for seeing that a bell curve wasn't used with the ability scores.

· Matt Sullivan for his humble comments and recommendations that inspired a few modifications to the rules. For the first draft of "Seduction: More Than Reaction Roles" section, which was very creative.

· Eredae Swiftblade for the alternate conception system "Conception: System II".

· Tony for the in the Homosexual Plots section: Evil of Homosexuality.

· Train, GM for the following ideas in the Homosexual Plots section: The Gay Man and the Jealous Wife; Saying No; Land of Fairies, Literally; and Reverse Rape.

· Mark H. Vest for his magical item the Girdle of Hippolyte.

· Vinnie & Rahasia Mage Priestess of Ishtar The Priestess of Love for ReErection spell idea and suggesting a spell that simulates the Nereid's kiss. For keeping them comments coming on everything I needed help on. Plus, he suggested wisdom modifiers for the Houri seduction rules which were implemented. For additions to the sexual knowledge skill. For the "Adventuring Idea" section and three ideas (Love Boat, Dog Man Needs A Date, Twins) that appear there. For the idea and suggestions for Rahasia's Whirlpool Tub Of Love which appears in the magic-items section.

· Owen Winkler for a first draft of the impotence spell that I used.

· Xandar for his story "A Barbarian's Boo-Boo" in the story section of the guide.

· Following a strange and perverse discussion on the a RPG discussion list, the section "Protection of the Worst Kind (for the Male)" was created based on the following persons' comments: Rod and Kenneth Nuckols.

· Following a role-playing discussion on the a RPG discussion list, the section "Has Anyone Played a Homosexual Character?" was created based on the following persons' comments: Andy Trembley, Geoffrey Wyen, Akira, Scott Spetalnik, Gyorgy Schadt, Russ Fontaine, Andrew Hackard.

· Following a role-playing discussion on the a RPG discussion list, the section "ESSAY: What If A Character Rapes A NPC?" was created based on the following persons' comments: Felix Leadfingers, Kalindra Nightstalker aka Michelle Carter, and Paul.

· After the first release of the guide, I recieved a message from Rob: What would pregnancy do to a thief's skills? What about a mage or bard? We decided that there was no good set rule but that they would be greatly affected. This led to a large conversation on the a RPG about pregnancy. The main contribution to the conversation was Vicki L. Domansky, Morgaine. Some major comments, suggestions, and ideas came from John M. Martz. John "Nightwind" Boelter made some great comments, suggestions, and ideas as well as Morgan Blackheart of The Chaotic Realm and his wife. Others were: Bob Smith, Paul Duggan, Paul J. Cummings, Joe, Lord Baylor Ironsbane, Brian David Phillips, Philippe Goujard the FAQ Dude.



Date: 2016-04-22; view: 909

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