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How to define the size or capacity of an orifice, wang, or wang-like object

There are three times as many size categories as usual for defining sexual endowment - Lesser, Average, and Greater versions of Fine, Diminuitive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, and Colossal. By default, any given member or orifice on a creatures body will be the Average version of it's size. Some creatures are better or worse endowed than others and have a numerical modifier - For example, Minotaurs have a +1 modifier, which means their wangs are one size category larger than average for a Large creature - I.E., Greater Large. If they had a +2 modifier, they would be Lesser Huge - +3 would be Average Huge.


That's how it works.

Lesser Fine: .24 inches

Average Fine: .3 inches

Greater Fine: .375 inches

Lesser Diminuitive: .6 inches

Average Diminuitive: .75 inches

Greater Diminuitive: .94 inches

Lesser Tiny: 1.19 inches

Average Tiny: 1.5 inches

Greater Tiny: 1.89 inches

Lesser Small: 2.38 inches

Average Small: 3 inches

Greater Small: 3.75 inches

Lesser Medium: 4.5 inches

Average Medium: 6 inches

Greater Medium: 8 inches

Lesser Large: 10 inches

Average Large: 12 inches

Greater Large: 15 inches

Lesser Huge: 19 inches

Average Huge: 2 feet

Greater Huge: 2.5 feet

Lesser Gargantuan: 3 feet

Average Gargantuan: 4 feet

Greater Gargantuan: 5 feet

Lesser Colossal: 6.3 feet

Average Colossal: 8 feet

Greater Colossal: 10 feet

Lesser Titanic: 12.5 feet

Average Titanic: 16 feet

Greater Titanic: 20 feet


Chapter 2:
How to Improve Your Sex-Live


Sexual Prowess (Cha; Armor Check Penalty)

This skill determines your expertise in the arts of physical love. In general, Sexual Prowess covers the entire gamut of intimate physical interaction: erotic massage, masturbation, oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, and more. However, the more ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have, the more specializations and tricks you know.

Check: This skill determines how well you can make your partner more aroused during sex by setting his or her DC to resist orgasm. Normally, this is a Charisma check, as it represents personal presence and sexual attractiveness (not always physical attractiveness). However, with the right sex tricks, you can instead use another ability for your skill checks. To determine what your partner’s arousal check DC is, consult table S-1 below.


Table S-1: Skill Checks and Arousal Check DC

Check Result Arousal Check DC Modifier
9 or less +0
10 – 14 +2
15 – 19 +4
20 – 24 +6
25 – 29 +8
30 – 34 +9
35 – 39 +10
40 – 44 +11
45 – 49 +12
50+ +13

Special: Every rank of Sexual Prowess also gives you one Sexual Trick, a sort of mini-feat that can be used to enhance performance.

Sexual Tricks

Adaptive Lover

Prerequisites: 8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Easy to Read, Intuitive Lover, Species Focus

Benefits: You have enough familiarity with sex to be comfortable with lovers of different species. Select a creature type (Humanoid, Fey, Magical Beast, etc.). You are familiar with creatures from that creature type, and suffer no penalties due to species difference when engaged in sex with partners from that group. You may take this Sex Trick multiple times, selecting a different creature type each time.


Anal Sex Focus

Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover

Benefits: When stimulating your partner’s anus, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess Checks. You may take this trick multiple times, increasing your bonus by +1 with each instance.


Bondage Focus

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Dexterous Lover, Toy Focus

Benefits: When restraining your partner with ropes, bondage harnesses, or other types of restraints, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks. You may take this trick multiple times, increasing your bonus by +1 with each instance. Also, you gain a +2 synergy bonus to Use Rope checks when restraining someone.


Coordinated Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Intuitive Lover

Benefits: When engaged in sex with multiple partners, you may make an additional Sexual Prowess check for another partner. This sexual trick may be taken multiple times, raising the number of partners you can pleasure by one with each instance.

Creative Lover

Prerequisites:1 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Int 12+

Benefits: You may use Intelligence as the relevant ability for all Sexual Prowess rolls in any situation where you are actively performing on your partner.


Delay Orgasm

Prerequisites:5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Con 12+

Benefits: Whenever you make a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your roll to add the same number (up to +5) to your sexual save. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.

Dexterous Lover

Prerequisites: 1 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dex 12+

Benefits:You may use Dexterity as the relevant ability for all Sexual Prowess rolls in any situation where you have full freedom of movement.


Disease Resistance

Prerequisites:4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Con 14+

Benefits: You have a +2 resistance bonus to all Fortitude saves to resist sexually transmitted diseases. You may take this sexual trick up to three times, each instance increasing the bonus by an additional +2.


Easy to Read

Prerequisites: 2 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Cha 12+

Benefits: Your partners receive an additional +1 insight bonus to their Sexual Prowess checks due to your communicative nature.


Enduring Lover

Prerequisites: 2 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Con 12+

Benefits:You have a +2 resistance bonus to your arousal check.


Everywhere at Once

Prerequisites: 12 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Masturbation Focus, Oral Sex Focus, Anal Sex Focus, Position Focus, Toy Focus, Wild Lover, Sexual Combination, Dex 16+

Benefits: Once per day, you may attempt to use all your sexual skills on your partner at once. You may make a Dexterity check with a DC of 14. If successful, you may add a +15 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess check. If you fail, you incur a –5 penalty to your Sexual Prowess check instead. If you beat the DC by 10 or more, your partner becomes Over-Stimulated.


Forceful Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Powerful Lover, Str 14+

Benefits: When using Strength as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1.5 times your Strength modifier to the check.


Greedy Lover

Prerequisites:4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Easy to Read

Benefits: Whenever you make a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your roll to add the same number (up to +5) to your partner’s Sexual Prowess check. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.


Instant Withdrawal

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Lightning Reflexes, Dex 14+

Benefits: You gain a +4 bonus to Reflex Saves to use the Withdrawal form of birth control.


Intense Lover

Prerequisites:8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Stunning Pleasure

Benefits: Once per sexual encounter, if your partner is Aroused and your Sexual Prowess check result is 20 or greater, you may force your partner to automatically faiil her arousal check, bringing her to Peaked status.

Intuitive Lover

Prerequisites: 1 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Wis 12+

Benefits: You can use Wisdom as the relevant ability for Sexual Prowess.


Inventive Lover

Prerequisites:5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Creative Lover, Int 14+

Benefits: When using Intelligence as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1.5 times your Intelligence modifier to the check.



Prerequisites: 2 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Must have a noted enjoyment of receiving minor pain

Benefits: Whenever you take subdual damage during sex, your partner adds the damage to his or her Sexual Prowess check result.


Masturbation Focus

Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover

Benefits: When you can stroke, fondle, caress, or otherwise pleasure a lover with whatever part of your body is most agile (for example, your hands), you gain a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks. You may take this Trick multiple times, increasing the bonus by +1 with each instance.

Maw Stuffing

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Masturbation Focus, Oral Sex Focus

Benefits:You can relax your mouth and throat muscles more than most people, allowing you to swallow larger phallic objects than normal. How large an object you can accommodate is based on how many ranks of Sexual Prowess you have.

Table S-2: Maw Stuffing

Ranks of Sexual Prowess Effect
5 to 9 You can fit a phallic object of your size category completely in your mouth, granting a +1 comfort bonus to Sexual Prowess checks.
10 to 14 You can fit a phallic object of one size category larger than you partially into your mouth.
15 to 19 You can fit a phallic object of one size category larger than you completely in your mouth, granting a +1 comfort bonus to Sexual Prowess checks.
20 to 24 You can fit a phallic object of two category sizes larger than you partially into your mouth.
25 or more You can fit a phallic object of two category sizes larger than you completely in your mouth, granting a +1 comfort bonus to Sexual Prowess checks.


Muscular Control

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Powerful Lover, Intuitive Lover

Benefits: When being penetrated, you can contract your internal muscles at will, intensifying your partner’s sensations. You gain a +1 bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks when being penetrated. You may take this trick multiple times, increasing your bonus by +1 with each instance.


Oral Sex Focus

Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover

Benefits: When performing oral sex on your partner, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks. You may take this Trick multiple times, increasing the bonus by +1 with each instance.


Orifice Stuffing

Prerequisites: 6 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Wild Lover

Benefits: You can relax the muscles of your vagina, anus, or other applicable non-bony orifice (i.e., no mouths), allowing you to take unusually large objects into that orifice. How large an object you can accommodate is based on how many ranks of Sexual Prowess you have.

Table S-3: Orifice Stuffing

Ranks of Sexual Prowess Effect
5 to 9 You can fit a phallic object of one size category larger than you partially in your orifice.
10 to 14 You can fit a phallic object of one size category larger than you completely in your orifice, granting a +1 comfort bonus to Sexual Prowess checks.
15 to 19 You can fit a phallic object of two size categories larger than you partially in your orifice.
20 to 24 You can fit a phallic object of two size categories larger than you completely in your orifice, granting a +1 comfort bonus to Sexual Prowess checks.
25 or more You can fit a phallic object of three size categories larger than you partially in your orifice.


Overwhelming Force

Prerequisites: 12 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Powerful Lover, Forceful Lover, Stunning Pleasure

Benefits: Your sexual technique is so physically intense that you can drive your partner to uncontrollable heights of pleasure. Once per encounter, if your partner is Aroused or Peaked, you may make a Strength check with a DC of 14. If you succeed, your partner becomes Over-Stimulated.

Position Focus

Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover

Benefits: Select a sexual position. Whenever having sex in that position, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks. You may take this trick multiple times, selecting a new position each time. Alternatively, you may select the same position and increase the bonus by +1 each time.


Powerful Lover

Prerequisites: 1 Rank Sexual Prowess, Str 12+

Benefits: You may use Strength as the relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks in any situation where you can use your muscles (arms and/or legs for gripping, or hips for thrusting) on your partner.


Quick Recovery

Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Con 12+, Male

Benefits:You can recover from an orgasm sooner than most men. You are not considered Fatigued after orgasming. Also, after having an orgasm, you may make a Sexual Prowess check to recover quickly. Your recovery time is based on the result.

Table S-4: Quick Recovery Times

Check Result Recovery Time
9 or less Normal recovery time (2d6 minutes)
10 – 14 5 Minutes
15 – 19 4 Minutes
20 – 24 3 Minutes
25 – 29 2 Minutes
30 – 34 1 Minute
35 or higher No recovery time – you are instantly ready



Prerequisites: 6 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Spiritual Lover

Benefits: Whenever using Wisdom as the relevant ability for your Sexual Prowess checks, you gain a +2 insight bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks.



Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Must have a noted enjoyment of inflicting pain

Benefits: Whenever you inflict subdual damage during sex, your partner adds the damage to his or her Sexual Prowess check result.

Selfless Lover

Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover

Benefits: Whenever your partner makes a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your arousal check roll to subtract the same amount (up to –5) from your partner’s arousal check roll. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.


Sexual Combination

Prerequisites: 8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Wild Lover, two of the following tricks: Anal Sex Focus, Masturbation Focus, Oral Sex Focus, Position Focus, Toy Focus

Benefits: Once per day, you may attempt to use two separate techniques on your partner at once. You may make a Dexterity check with a DC of 14. If successful, you may add a +10 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess check. If you fail, you incur a –5 penalty to your Sexual Prowess check instead. If you beat the DC by 10 or more, your partner becomes Over-Stimulated.


Sexual Expertise

Prerequisites: 4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Creative Lover, Int 14+

Benefits: Whenever you make a Sexual Prowess check, you may take a penalty up to –5 on your roll to add the same number (up to +5) to your partner’s arousal check roll. This number cannot exceed the number of ranks in Sexual Prowess that you have.


Smooth Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Easy to Read, Cha 14+

Benefits: When using Charisma as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1.5 times your Charisma modifier to the check.


Species Focus

Prerequisites:4 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Must have had sex with a member of the chosen species

Benefits: Select a species. You suffer no penalties to sex with that particular species due to different species, and instead gain a +2 familiarity bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks whenever having sex with a member of that species. You may take this trick multiple times, selecting a different species each time.


Spiritual Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Wis 14+

Benefits: When using Wisdom as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1.5 times your Wisdom modifier to the check.


Stunning Pleasure

Prerequisites: 6 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Powerful Lover, Forceful Lover

Benefits: If you pleasure a lover with the Powerful Lover trick and indicate a +2 or greater change to your partner’s sexual save DC, he or she must make a Fortitude save with a DC of your Strength. If they fail, they are considered Stunned for the next minute and may not make a Sexual Prowess check at the beginning of the next minute.


Talk Dirty

Prerequisites: 1 Rank Sexual Prowess, 2 Ranks Bluff, Charisma 12+

Benefits: You gain a +2 synergy bonus to Bluff checks when attempting to arouse a potential partner through sexual innuendo.


Tantric Lore

Prerequisites: 8 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Intuitive Lover, Spiritual Lover, Enduring Lover

Benefits: You gain a +4 resistance bonus to your arousal checks. Also, you may choose to apply or ignore this bonus at will.


Teasing Lover

Prerequisites: 6 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Creative Lover, Sexual Expertise

Benefits:You are able to keep your partner at the edge of ecstasy. If your Sexual Prowess check result is 15 or greater, you may choose to allow your partner to automatically succeed her arousal check. You may use this trick a number of times in a row equal to your ranks in Sexual Prowess.


Toy Focus

Prerequisites: 3 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover

Benefits: Whenever you use a sexual aid (such as a dildo) on your partner, you get a +1 competence bonus to your Sexual Prowess checks. You may take this trick multiple times, gaining an additional +1 bonus with each instance.


Wild Lover

Prerequisites: 5 Ranks Sexual Prowess, Dexterous Lover, Dex 14+

Benefits: When using Dexterity as your relevant ability for Sexual Prowess checks, you may add 1.5 times your Dexterity modifier to the check.


Date: 2016-04-22; view: 873

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