- removed psionic powers, psionic feats and combat mode
- removed names of the not OGL-compliant characters
- added OGL-Licence
0.1.7 (29.10.01)
- added Naked Blades spells and spell alterations.
- re-added the psionics stuff
0.2.0 (4.11.01)
- introduced the new rules
- added new spells
- changed Orgiastic Ritual to new rules.
- (kept everything, although not rules-complient anymore)
- Still to change: Spells, Psionic Powers, Feats, Monsters, Prestige Classes.
0.3.0 (9.11.01)
- changed feats
- changed psionic powers
- changed spells
- included credits of the old version
- added Tanilens examples
- added essays from old version
- added plots from old version
- added new basic rules
- added Riot Gears new species specialities
0.4.0 (23.11.01)
- added Chapter “Sexuality in Your Campaign”
- added New Recondite
- added Preface of the old Guide
- added javascript source to generate a periodical name.
- added Prestige Classes
- added Pregnancy and Birth
0.4.1 (26.11.01)
- added sexual diseases
- included images
- rearranged some of the parts.
0.4.2 (04.11.01)
- corrected Mystery of Fertility
- changed some headlines
- new magical items
- included Prostitute Generator
0.4.3 (25.12.01)
- new magic items
- Wild Oats
- Some Credits
- new Cover
- changed page-size
0.5.0 (08.01.02)
- introduced header
- added several new Monster
- corrected a mistake from a wrong pasting several versions ago.
To do:
- Prestige Classes update
- prostitution in the world (what are, what do they do, who is considered to be etc.)
- Preface
- Insanity
- Creating a Brothel
- CR for Forget-Me-Nots and Rose Golem
- Rules for becoming pregnant
Nice to have:
- more magic items
- more spells
- more prestige classes
- more monster
- Some nice stories
- Secret Ninja Sex-Craft
Preface for the 2nd Edition Guide
Most everybody has had a character come in contact with a person of the opposite sex, but the encounter was nothing more than the brief statement: "I'll have sex with the fair lass and leave". This leaves out a lot of exciting role playing that can turn into a lot of humorous anecdotes. What if one of the involved people can't "perform"? What about getting a disease? Getting pregnant? Spells? Magic-Items? Classes? But where could a player find a could source of information?
On a RPG discussion list (an electronic mail forum for RPGs), a person posted rules for characters to have sex. I though that this was quite clever and a little demented. Well, just having a few sex rules didn't seem to useful except for its comic appeal so I made some diseases and insanities to make it more interesting. I thought I had a pretty nice guide so I requested some help on the list for people to look it over. Well, this caused quite a stir and I realized that the guide was very incomplete as suggestions for more sections started pouring in. Well, over a few months ideas, comments, criticisms, and additions kept coming. I even established a small mailing list to correspond to these people. By far the best thing to come out of this guide was the useful information on pregnancy which was much needed for most RPGs.
I saw some successful guides created by another list member, so I asked if I could mimic his organizational style and other key elements like the title, copyright, preface, quoting, etc.. We are both hoping that this style will be used in other works to bring some type of unity to all net-guides. Eventually, this final product was reached.
This guide will add a new and often times funny dimension to any campaign. The key is funny. One objective was to try and keep it light and fun. Although some things may be considered perverse, it was created in an jocular fashion. The intent isn't to offend or disgust it is only to enhance the game. This guide is so extensive that there should be something for everybody. And if not, then you can just throw it away (it's not like you had to pay for it or something). I'm sure that companies have plans to publish there own guide <yeah, right>.
For the most part, the information enclosed will have been play-tested and in a workable form. In others, you may have to make further adjustments to fit the ideas into your campaign.
This material is the fruit of labor from a few great people of the Internet. Although some material is my own, it is not all my own. Most of the material was submitted from others, and I merely edited it. Also, many people inspired much of the guide. Plus, they made a considerable amount of suggestions, comments, and criticisms. Acknowledgment to these people is given in the Special Thanks section of this guide.
I prefer that this guide is not mass distributed. This is a very extensive supplement that few deserve. Most criticized, mocked, and scorned me and my comrades while creating it. Only people who are helpful, creative, and appreciative deserve to view this guide. Therefore, be wise and selective when distributing it and don't give it to every Tom, Dick, and Conan.
For those that do receive this guide, I ask that the material is unchanged. Of course I can't really stop anybody from doing what they want. I just ask that you respect those who made this guide possible because I'm sure that they will continue to make great material for RPGs.
The Guide Creator
P.S. Much criticism has been aimed at this guide because of its topics. Some feel that characters are forced to roll instead of role-play. Some feel that its contradictory to increase role-playing by adding more tables.
I don't think that some rules hamper role-playing. A lot of players don't like bad things to happen to their characters and will prevent these things to happen. Having the rules allows the GM to ensure that the character suffers, but fairly. Of course the player must still role-play, but now he will know what abilities are effected. On the same note, I find that tables give the characters something to work with instead of just saying something is happening. The character still must role-play. It just helps to give the players some direction. Being free to let a character do anything in the name of role-playing isn't right. RPGs have many rules and to criticize rules that others make isn't fair. Why not criticize the combat system, spell casting, and such? You could say that the limitations put on spells hampers role-playing. Why not let characters flourish with dramatic spell-use that isn't encumbered with rules? My point is that some rules are to much, but using certain ones that you like at the right time will enhance role-playing by giving players something to work with.
However, I do feel that some rules are encumbersome. I didn't care for the sex rules in this guide and haven't used them, but some people do and that is fine. The conception rules I feel are useful because characters find out if they are pregnant randomly (for females) without the GM deciding. Because when the GM decides, the character assumes (with good reason) that the pregnancy occurred for some dastardly plot reason.
There are many types of players around, some like rules others don't. I just put everything in my guides based on what people ask for. I don't limit the guide to just what I want. I just don't use what I like. I make available what people want and suggest.
I would like to quote a friend, Morgan, who seems to say it all about people's complaints:
"I think all those that complain that guides are too strict or difficult to roll are a wee too steeped in the judicial side of the game, i.e. following the rules to the letter. I suppose someone ought to mention that what you're doing is creating guides for those who want to have a bit more realism in certain situations, not creating rules that MUST be played. In general, I've found a lot of useful ideas contained in your guides which can be used or abused to make my games more enjoyable. Thanks for collecting all of this stuff."
Preface to the d20 Conversion
In place of a real preface, that is hopefully written by someone else, I would just like to say a bit about this conversion.
First of all, because we are all d20-gamers, we did drop the general feel of the original guide, i.e. we made rules for d20 only, without thinking about trying to integrate rules for other rpg-systems.
This is still a work of love to us. Begun in september 2001 at a thread at the Enboards. We had a lot of discussions and opened a lot more threads to discuss special rules and campaign informations.
At some time during our work, Tanilen told us, that he and his friends at their site were doing the same thing.
The natural course of action was, to put everything together.
While we hope, that you will enjoy reading this work, please keep in mind, that it is still a work in progress and that you will probably find several mistakes.
The newest version as well as some other stuff can be found at
If you got the Guide from another page, take a look at the address above to get the newest version.
If you, dear reader, have ideas, new spells, or just comments on this project, either write an email to us (a formular can be found at the aforementioned URL) or participate at one of the threads at the boards.
January 07th, 2002. Kolvar
(who hopes, that someone else will replace this soon)
Change Log 3
Preface 4
Preface for the 2nd Edition Guide 4
Preface to the d20 Conversion 5
Chapter 1: The Basic Rules 9
Condition Summary 9
How Sex Works 9
The Arousal Check 9
The Basics 9
Complications 10
How to define the size or capacity of an orifice, wang, or wang-like object 11
Chapter 2: How to Improve Your Sex-Live 12
Skills 12
Sexual Tricks 12
Skills with new uses 16
Examples 16
Scenario One: Consensual Sex Between Equals 16
Scenario 2: The Well-Traveled Bard Seduces the Duke’s Innocent Daughter 18
Feats 22
Aroused Casting [Metamagic] 22
Body to Die For [Gneral] 22
Coitus of Power [Metamagic] 22
Conductive Kiss [Metapsionic] 22
Control Arousal [Psionic] 22
Divine Virginity [General] 22
Improved Pleasure Touch [Psionic] 22
Iron Celibacy [General] 22
Kiss Spell [Metamagic] 23
Mind Over Sexual Endurance [Psionic] 23
Pleasure Touch [Psionic] 23
Rape of Power [Metamagic] 23
Sexappeal [General] 23
Sexual Energy[Metamagic] 23
Sexual Pheromones Secretion [Psionic] 23
Sexual Recharge [Psionic] 23
Still Standing [Psionic] 23
Transmitting Kiss [Metamagic] 23
Transmitting Sex [Metamagic] 24
Transmitting Orgasm [Metamagic] 24
Feats with new uses 24
Extended Class Skills 24
Bardic Chant 24
Chapter 3: Sex and Things that Happen Afterwards 25
Sexual Diseases 25
Random Determination of Who is Diseased 25
Chances of Contracting a Sexual Disease 25
Pregnancy and Birth 28
1. Degree of Difficulty of Pregnancy (ddp) 29
2. Difficulty of Birth (dob) 30
3. Cultural Differences Concerning the Becoming Parents (Cdcp) 31
4. Stages of Pregnancy 33
5. Effects of Pregnancy 34
6. Post birth effects 36
7. Difficulties for Mother and Child During the Pregnancy 36
8. Survival of the Baby 39
9. Birth 39
10. What you get 40
11. Abnormal Features of the Child 41
12. Reasons for Birth-rates/ Population Growth 41
Chapter 4: Sexuality in Your Campaign 43
Species Sexualities: 43
Essays and Plots 49
Essay: What if a Character Rapes a NPC? 49
Essay: Has Anyone Played a Homosexual Character? 51
Plots for Homosexual Characters 52
Adventuring Ideas 53
Daily Sexuality in Your Campaign 53
Getting to Know a Prostitute (Random Generator) 53
Porno Periodicals of Humanoids 56
Chapter 5: Prestige Classes 58
Beguiler 58
Controller 59
Chaste Virgin 61
Dominatrix 62
The Houri 63
Pimp 64
Ravager 65
Seductress 66
Tantric Master 67
Tentacle master 68
Transgender Shaman 70
Chapter 6: Magic and Psionics 72
Spell Lists 72
Spells 76
Angel’s Negation 76
Animal Magnetism 76
Annihilator's Penis of Power 76
Arousal 76
Assist Labor & Birth 76
Baltasar's Impediment 77
Become Phantasmal Lover 77
Blessing of the Goddess 77
Bliss 77
Bitch Slap 78
Call for a Midwife 78
Cause Nausea 78
Chains of Lust 78
Change Sexual Alignment 79
Change Sexual Preference 79
Charm Man I 80
Charm Man II 80
Charm Man III 80
Charm Man IV 80
Charm Man V 80
Chastity 80
Chastity Guardian 80
Children's Sanctuary 80
Constant Orgasm 81
Conjure Succubus/ Incubus 81
Contraception 81
Corrupt Foetus 82
Coyanascotsy's Erotic Permanency 82
Davenet's Seduction 82
Delay Orgasm 83
Desinterest 83
Detect Pregnancy 83
Detect Venereal Disease 83
Dire Chastity 83
Divine Romantic Interest 83
Divine Sexual Experience 84
Divine Sexual Orientation 84
Ecstasy 84
Embarrassing Fetish 84
Eternal Torment 85
Excessive Indulgence 85
Fascination 86
Fertility 86
Flash 86
Freudian Thoughts 86
Gaze Of The Nereid 87
Greater Planar Lover 87
Healing of Innocent 87
Heartbraker 87
Heterophobia 87
Hide Sexual Orientation 88
Homophobia 88
Ilruna’s Roulette 88
Ilruna’s Exercise 88
Ilruna's Impotence 88
Impotence 89
Impregnate 89
Indifference 89
Induced Pleasure 89
Infertility 90
Intensify Sensation 90
´Irnar's Polaroidic Pregnancy 90
Jealousy 90
Kal'Bruneyeah's Chastity Belt 91
Know Sexual Preference 91
Lactation 91
Laeral's Disrobement 91
Layla’s Beautification 91
Layla’s Good Morning 91
Layla’s Morning After 92
Layla’s Seductive Impersonation 92
Layla’s Seductive Shapechange 92
Layla’s Uglification 92
Lesser planar lover 92
Linked Shapechange 93
Lovesickness 93
Lubrication 93
Lust 93
Luwain’s Everlasting Hard-On 94
MacFaileas’ Virtuous Ward 94
Major Repair Virginity 94
Mass Ecstasy 94
Mass Lust 95
Masturbation 95
Minor Call for a Midwife 95
Minor Repair Virginity 95
Miracle of Fertility 95
Mount 96
Neville’s Wandering Hand 96
Nymph's Beauty 96
Obsession 96
Orgiastic Storm 97
Our Tiny Brothel 97
Painless Birth 97
Pillow Talk 97
Planar Lover 98
Playmate 98
PMS 98
Pornographic Glamer 98
Potency 99
Power Word, Castrate 99
Prevent Nausea 99
Prismatic Dildo 99
Promiscuity 99
Protection From Disease 100
Protection From Intoxication 100
Prowess 100
Resist Self 100
Restore Potency 100
Reverse Gender Orientation 101
Reverse Sexual Orientation 101
Revulsion 101
Rose Armor 101
Rut 102
Sacremon’s Emperor’s New Clothes 102
Sasha's Uncontrollable Continuous Orgasm 102
Sava’s Candlelight Dinner 102
Sava’s Temple of Love 102
Seduce Undead 103
Seduction I 103
Seduction II 103
Seduction III 103
Seduction IV 103
Seduction V 103
Seduction VI 103
Seduction VII 103
Seduction VIII 103
Sex Change 103
Sex Slave 104
Sexify 104
Sexual Attraction 104
Sexual Disgust 104
Sexual Nerd 105
Skank 105
Slap 105
Sleep Theft 105
Speedy Gestation-Variation 105
Spirit of Desire 106
Sterility 106
Strip 106
Succubus' Passion 106
Suckle 106
Summon Cissaldan 107
Suspend Preference: 107
Theft of the Unborn 107
Touch of Talopea 108
Tranquility 108
Transfer Charm 108
Transferance 109
Transplanar Eroticism 109
Transplanar Fertility 109
Tweak/ Goose 109
Undetectable Sexual Preference 110
Voyeur 110
Wall of Roses 110
Wet Dream 110
Yemelat's Orgiastic Frenzy 110
New Takes on Old Spells 112
Orgiastic Rituals 114
List of Psionic Powers 115
Bliss 116
Contraception 116
Empathic Link 116
Enhance Fertility 117
Induce Pleasure 117
Induced Pleasure 117
Know Sexual Preference 117
Rapture Link 117
Tranquility 118
Willy’s Partial Expansion 118
Combat Modes 119
ID Ecstasy 119
Chapter 7: Magic Items Mom Wouldn’t Approve Of 120
Armor 120
Specific Armors 121
Weapons 121
Specific Weapons 121
Rings 121
Rods 122
Staffs 122
Wands 122
Wondrous Items 122
Cursed Items 125
Specific Cursed Items 125
Chapter8: Monster 126
Demon, Succubus 126
Devil, Erinyes 126
Forget-Me-Not 126
Rose Golem 126
Recondite 127
Skirtseeker 128
Spirit of Desire 129
Slave Knight 130
Twat Mouse 131
Wild Oats 131
Oat Nymph 132
Templates 134
Half-Fey 134
Recondite Pawns 134
Appendix A: A Few Good Stories 136
Apendix B: Random Generator Sourcecodes 139
Periodical Names 139
Prostitute Generator 140
Credits 145
Conversion 145
Art 145
Old Guide 145
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 147
Chapter 1: The Basic Rules
Condition Summary
This list of physical states of being is to supplement the list in Core Rulebook II that includes "Exhausted," "Fatigued," and "incapacitated" and may often suggest changes to states that are already listed. When a spell or action or feat refers to a result that indicates a new state, it is referring to this section, so if a spell causes Arousal, then refer to this list to see what Arousal does to a PC.
Aroused: The character is physically ready for sex. If the character is male, he is erect and ready to penetrate; if female, this means her nipples and clitorises are hardening and her vagina is lubricating.
Horny: The character is emotionally ready for sex – he or she has an itch and wants to scratch it. Horny characters suffer a -5 penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempts. A character who is naturally Horny remains so until they climax, are shocked, are injured, or have cold water thrown on them. Horny females get a +2 circumstantial bonus to their Charisma when dealing with sexually compatible males. Horny characters are normally (though not necessarily always) also Aroused. Characters who are both Horny and Aroused are considered distracted and cannot Take 10 on any non-sexual skill checks.
Lustful: The character has a powerful attraction to another being, and a strong, nearly overpowering, desire to have sex with them. These characters suffer a -10 penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempts made by the object of their lust. (This penalty does not stack with the penalties from being Horny.) In fact, a Lustful character will often initiate seduction attempts of their own. Characters of evil and chaotic alignments may attempt to rape these objects of lust if their attentions are rebuffed.
Peaked: The character is right on the edge of orgasm. He or she is at a heightened state of arousal, and requires only one more push to come. A character cannot be forced to climax (other than through certain spells) without being brought to this point. A character who is Peaked must make a Concentration check against a DC 15 before making any non-sexually based skill checks, and all said skill checks suffer a –2 distraction penalty.
Over-stimulated: The character has gone beyond Peaked and is in sexual agony as they are a hair’s breadth away from release, but climax is teasingly withheld from them. While in this state, a character cannot perform any Intelligence based skills (except Sexual Prowess using the Creative Lover trick) or cast spells, has a -10 distraction penalty for all non-sexual skill checks, and suffers a -5 morale penalty for all save attempts. An Over-stimulated character will agree to do almost anything to be allowed to achieve climax, and must make a Will save to resist agreeing to any such offers. The save’s DC equals 20 + the offering character’s Charisma modifiers. Finally, an Over-stimulated character must make a Will save every round (DC 18) or take 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage.
Sexually Delirious: A character who reaches this stage is considered Helpless. The only action he or she is capable of is mindless fucking and sucking. He or she is also suggestible as per the Hypnotize spell and loses all Will save bonuses until he or she gets 8 hours of complete rest.
How Sex Works
The Arousal Check
This is the core sexual mechanic for d20 games. An arousal check is, at its core, a Constitution check. The DC for a character’s arousal check is based off of his or her partner’s Sexual Prowess check, and equals 10 + the Arousal Check Modifier indicated by the Sexual Prowess check result (see table S-1). Some feats provide bonuses to the Constitution check. Endurance, Great Fortitude, and Iron Will all provide their bonuses to arousal checks. Having 5 or more ranks in Concentration also provides a +2 synergy bonus to arousal checks.
The Basics
There are three basic steps to any sexual experience – getting aroused, getting close to orgasm, and having an orgasm. Each of these three steps has its own slightly different mechanics.
Getting your partner aroused
Getting your partner aroused is often, but not always, a non-sexual activity. Sweet nothings whispered in the ear, a seductive dance, or sheer personal presence can often be enough to prepare a person for sex. This generally takes the form of an opposed check – the character rolls the appropriate skill or ability check, and the target makes a Will save. If the target fails the roll, she is considered Aroused. Some skills/abilities that might be used for arousing a partner include:
Perform (Dance)
Arousing your partner through sexual means is usually more direct and harder to resist. If you choose to arouse your partner with pure sexual prowess, make a Sexual Prowess check. Your partner makes an arousal check. If your partner fails the check, she becomes Aroused.
Male characters have a slight advantage in getting aroused, as men are naturally inclined to being ready for sex at a moment’s notice. If he is currently not Aroused, a male character can become aroused as a free action. However, he cannot become un-aroused without making a Will save, DC 18.
However a character becomes Aroused, this condition will last 2d6 minutes unless stimulation is applied. If an Aroused character is stimulated, she will not become un-aroused until stimulation stops.
Getting your partner close to orgasm
Once both partners are Aroused, sex can begin in earnest. Both partners make Sexual Prowess and arousal checks. If one partner fails an arousal check, he is considered Peaked.
However, once a character is Peaked, he only has a short time to have an orgasm before his body settles back down. If he does not have an orgasm in 1d4 minutes, he returns to being simply Aroused, unless his partner can keep stimulating him. Barring magic or other supernatural effects, a character must be Peaked before he can orgasm.
Getting your partner off
A Peaked partner is on the verge of orgasm. Her partner continues to make Sexual Prowess checks, and she continues to make arousal checks. If she fails the arousal check, she has an orgasm.
After orgasm, a character goes into afterglow. Female characters are Aroused for 1d4 minutes after orgasm. Male characters, on the other hand, are no longer Aroused. Instead, they are considered Fatigued for 2d6 minutes. Any attempt to arouse a male after orgasm suffers a –10 penalty.
Different Species
Generally, characters tend to have sex with others of their same species. Very similar species also frequently have sex, such as humans and elves. Generally, as long as two characters are of the same creature type (Humanoid, Giant, Outsider, etc.), there are no penalties to any Sexual Prowess involved. Characters of different types, however, suffer a –4 penalty to their Sexual Prowess roles due to different anatomies and sexual proclivities.
The rules above cover action when both partners are participating equally. If only one partner is actively participating, she is the only one who can make a Sexual Prowess check that interval. She does not have to make an arousal check that round. During foreplay, Sexual Tricks that affect another partner’s Sexual Prowess checks may not be used.
Multiple Orgasms
Female characters are normally Aroused after having an orgasm. However, if a female character fails her arousal check by 10 or more when orgasming, she is still Peaked, and can still orgasm again with more stimulation.
Multiple Partners
While most sex tends to be a one-on-one affair, this is definitely not always the case. In the case of multiple partners, each person involved selects one other partner to focus on each minute, and can only modify that partner’s arousal check DC with his Sexual Prowess check. It’s perfectly permissible for two or more partners to “gang up” on a third to push him over the brink faster. In that case, add together the arousal check modifiers of all acting partners to determine the character’s final arousal DC.
Preferred Genders
While the basics of sex are the same regardless of what two (or more) genders are involved, sexual partners tend to be more familiar with the gender that they prefer, and are generally uncomfortable and/or unfamiliar with pleasuring someone not of their preferred gender. Whenever a character is having sex with someone not of his preferred gender (the same gender if he is straight, the opposite gender if he his homosexual), he gets a –2 penalty to his Sexual Prowess rolls. Bisexual characters do not suffer this penalty.
Sexual Fatigue
A sexual partner can only perform for so long before fatigue sets in. A character can have sex for a number of minutes equal to his Constitution score. After that has been reached, he must then make a Fortitude save of increasing difficulty to continue. The save begins at DC 10 and increases by 1 every round thereafter. Each previous orgasm that day adds an additional 2 to the save’s DC. If he fails the save, the character must stop and rest for at least 30 minutes before attempting again, during which time he is considered Fatigued.
Taking 10
If all partners agree, each can take 10 on his or her Sexual Prowess roll to enjoy a nice, long, leisurely bout of love-making.
Virginal Partners
Virgins tend to react differently, whether they are giving or receiving. Virgins who are in the active (penetrative – usually male) role have a harder time resisting orgasm. Their arousal DC while Peaked has a +5 modifier. Virgins in the passive (penetrated – usually female) role have a harder time reaching orgasm due to pain. Their arousal DC while Peaked gets a –5 modifier.