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Skills with new uses

Autohypnosis:Self Control: use autohypnosis instead of save-bonus to avoid/ get orgasm.




Scenario One: Consensual Sex Between Equals


Ok, we have Spike and Candra. For the sake of starting these characters somewhere, lets assume they are both 5th level, and have 5 ranks each of Sexual Prowess.


Spike’s Pertinent stats look like: Con 15 (+2) , Wis 9 (-1) , Cha 12 (+1). His Sexual Threshold is 4, and his total bonus to Sexual Prowess Checks is 6. His Tricks are coitus (4 ranks, so he gets a +2 to Sexual Prowess checks using his cock) and quick recovery.


Candra’s stats are Con 10 (+0), Wis 13 (+1) , Cha 15 (+2). Her Sexual Threshold is 4, and her total bonus to Sexual Prowess Checks is 7. Her tricks are fellatio (2), masturbation, receive phallus, and foreplay.


Keeping this simple, we have a scene where Spike and Chandra decide to get it on to celebrate a rather triumphant return from a deadly dungeon. Back in their room at the Inn, then climb into bed, shedding clothes and inhibitions as they go. Chandra’s legs are wrapped around Spike’s legs and draws him inside of her. (Foreplay, who needs foreplay!). Spike is of course already Aroused (he’s a male), but Chandra is at least a willing participant, if not quite physically aroused yet.


Round 1


Neither Partner will actively try and resist pleasure for this exercise, instead they will simply bump and grind to their hearts content. Spike rolls first and gets a 12 and adds his Sexual Prowess bonus of 6, and another two since this is coitus, and gets a 20. Checking the chart, this adds +6 to Chandra’s orgasm DC.


Chandra rolls her resist orgasm roll and gets a 9, she does not have any con modifier’s, so she is now Aroused having failed the check (dc was 16). The DM secretly rolls 2d6 and determines she will remain Aroused for 8 rounds or until she is Peaked


At the same time, she is also trying to give as good as she gets, and rolls her own Sexual Prowess check, getting a 4 and adding 7 for a total of 11. This sets Spike’s Arousal check at 12 and he rolls a 3, adding his con bonuses (+2) for a total of 5, so he also fails and is now Peaked.


Round 2


Neither character saw anything wrong with round 1’s results, and Chandra, now Aroused herself, is really eager for Spike to prove what a lover he is.


Spike continues to thrust away (that’s all he is really good for anyway) and makes his Sexual Prowess Check of 16 (he rolls 8 and adds his bonus of +6 and another +2 for coitus) and sets Candra’s DC at 14. She rolls well and gets an 18, therefore remaining aroused.


She rolls her own Sexual prowess check and gets a combined 16 as well, and Spike rolls an 11 against his DC of 14, failing it and oops, reaching his climax inside of an aroused but hardly satisfied Candra.


Round 3


Spike now needs to make a fortitude check to see if he remains Aroused in his post-coital glow or not. This is of particular interest to Candra, who is hardly satisfied with Mr. Two Minute lover here and wants to see a little more from him. He rolls a 4 and adds 6 (I am assuming he is a fighter and using the saves progression from there). I don’t know exactly what the DC for this is, but for the moment, we will pretend that a 10 is insufficient to the task, and Spike goes limp. The DM secretly rolls 2d6 and determines he will need 10 minutes to recover without interference.




This makes Spike practically useless to the girl as is, so she sets about to restore him as soon as possible, pushing him back in the bed and attending to him with tongue and lips. Candra has a Fellatio focus (2, for a +1 bonus), and is confidant of her abilities, despite the odds against her. She rolls a 7 and adds 8 for a total of 15, the subtracts 10 for Spike’s sad state. This gives her a total of 5, which does not result in any modifiers to the Arousal DC, so it stays at 10. Spike rolls 20 (naturally) and continues his Mr. Floppy impersonation.


Round 4


Candra is getting annoyed, but continues her task. This time she rolls a combined 8, still not good enough for a modifier, and Spike’s Arousal check is at 14


Round 5


Candra is debating whether or not to abandon the great lug and her herself off or not, but decides to continue trying. He adjusted roll is 18, putting Spike’s resist roll at 14. He rolls 7, and bingo, springs back to life.


Round 6


Candra is still a little non-plussed by Spike’s performance thus far, and even though she knows it is not his favorite, she demands he return the favor. Spike, now hard again and eager to show his appreciation of Candra’s ministrations, agrees, and this time it is he who crawls between her legs and seeks to pleasure her with his tongue.


His skill check is 12 (rolled 6 and added 6 for skill bonus), thus setting Candra’s DC at 12. She rolls a 14 and remains only aroused.


Round 7


Now that she has him where she wants him, Candra wraps her hands in Spike’s hair to keep his head between her thighs. With no choice here, Spike makes another Sexual Prowess check, this time getting a combined 24. Candra rolls her Arousal Check versus 16 and gets 12—she fails and is now Peaked. This was close timing, as the DM was keeping track and knew that she was going to lose her Aroused State in another 2 minutes—nothing like cutting it close, eh? The DM makes another secret roll, this time 1d4, and determines that Spike has 3 minutes to finish getting Candra off before she goes back to being Aroused again.


Round 8


Candra decides she likes the way Spike uses his tongue and decides to keep him right where he is. He is eager to get a little satisfaction himself, but decides to humor her a little longer and continues to eat her out. He rolls a combined 19, setting Candra’s DC at 14. She in turn rolls 6 and is pushed over the Peak and into orgasm.



Round 9


Seeing that he has finally returned the favor, Spike decides its time for him to finally get a little as well and moves up her body until his manhood is at the lips of her vagina and pushes in. Candra, in turn, wraps her legs around his body, and the two are back where they started, though this time, both of them are aroused and eager for more.


Spike rolls a combined coitus check of 19, and Candra rolls her resist at 4 (vs. a DC of 14), taking her right back to a Peak.


Candra’s skill check is a 15, and Spike’s Arousal check is 16, so he stays merely Aroused.


Round 10


Spike rolls a combined coitus check of 13, and Candra rolls her resist at 15 (vs. a DC of 14), keeping her Peaked.


Candra’s skill check is a 22, and Spike’s Arousal check is 17, again keeping it where he wants it.


Round 11


Spike rolls a combined coitus check of 14, and Candra rolls her resist at 11 (vs. a DC of 12), launching her into another orgasm


Candra’s skill check is a 19, and Spike’s Arousal check is 15 and he reaches his Peak.


Round 12


Candra is still aroused after her orgasm, and Spike is eager to have his own, so he continues to thrust away in her. His check is at 14 and she makes her DC roll by 2 (she rolls 14)


The Sexual Prowess check made by Candra is 27, setting Spike’s Orgasm check at 18. He rolls a 10 and happily fails as he comes for the second time that night.


The two lovers collapse together in bed, both satiated and happy.



Scenario 2: The Well-Traveled Bard Seduces the Duke’s Innocent Daughter


Ok, I have to admit, I really love the NPC generator. Need a duke’s daughter? Select female aristocrat humans and push the button and I instantly had 10 to choose from to use with this scenario. The fun thing about it is looking at the random results and trying to explain them in terms of character. Here is the one I chose:


Teressa, female human Nob1: CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 6 in. tall); HD 1d8-2; hp 6; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack -2 melee, or +0 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref +0, Will +1; AL CN;


Str 6, Dex 11, Con 6, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 17.


Skills and feats: Appraise +4, Bluff +5, Disguise +5, Gather information +9, Hide +0, Listen -1, Move silently +0, Speak language +4, Spot -1, Swim +2; Point blank shot, Skill focus (gather information).


Now, I was originally looking for a character with high CHA and normal (or low) wisdom and intelligence, you know, your average fluff-brained lil’ princess. And this one came close with the stats (cha 17, wis of 8), but at first I did not like the skills the program had randomly assigned her. Appraise and disguise? And look at that +9 for Gather Information! But then I started to see a pattern here. This is the bored daughter of a nobleman that no one seems to pay much attention too, but she pays attention to them! She is a born snoop and is incurably curious about other people’s secrets. Her favorite gambit is to dress down like a commoner and spend the evening in the taverns in the rougher side of town (something her father and governess would very much frown upon if they knew), and listen to the gossip. She has spied upon some of her father’s guards doing some not so wonderful things, and has used this information to blackmail them into turning a blind eye to her nocturnal activities. But Teressa is not nearly as clever as she thinks she is: she does not put her information or blackmail to any better use then merely escaping her boredom, and she fails to see any danger or repercussions to herself.


Well, if that is the Innocent Maiden, we now need the experienced, well traveled bard.


For this, I chose to use the PCGen program, because I wanted a little more control of the results (I had certain ideas that were a direct result of Teressa’s results)


Derrin male Half-Elf Bard 5; Size:M; hp 24; Init +2; Spd Walk 30'ft.; AC 12; Atk = +4 melee, +5 ranged; SA:Elven Blood, Immunity to sleep, save +2 vs enchantment spells, Bardic music, Bardic knowledge; AL:NG; SV Fort +1, Ref +4, Wil +4;


Str 12, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 17. Height 6' 0 inches, weight 185 pounds


Skills and Feats: Bluff +12, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist +3, Gather Information +11, Sexual Prowess (8 ranks) +13, Knowledge (Nobility and royalty) +8, Listen +5, Move Silently +3, Perform +9, Search +3, Sense Motive +11, Spot +4, Armor Proficiency (Light),Armor Proficiency (Medium),Shield Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Smooth Talk, Street Smart


Sex Tricks (this time I am using the sex trick rules as listed in the newest version of the book, but modified so he gets one per rank, a total of 8): dexterous lover, masturbation, oral focus, creative lover, sexual expertise, teasing lover, intuitive lover, delay orgasm.


Ok, so here is the scenario: Derrin is more than just a simple bard, he is also a spy and an agent for a rival duchy, and has been staying in Teressa’s town as a contact point for other agents. They come to him to deliver reports and pick up information and missions. He also observes the duke, from his vantage point of visiting entertainer, to keep tabs on the local political scene.


He has just become aware, however, that the charming little minx who visits the tavern he lives at is actually the daughter of the Duke himself, and he has just observed her spying on a meeting between two of his couriers. The little chit has stumbled upon a secret a lot more dire then merely who is diddling who or what funny songs the sailors are singing about her father this week. Derrin needs to find out what Teressa knows, and what her angle is. He has a lot of spells geared towards that sort of thing, but the duke retains a powerful wizard in court, and Derrin does not want to risk having magical manipulations detected by the mage.


Besides, Teressa *is* a beautiful young woman, and Derrin decides there are better ways to handle this. His preferred method is simple seduction and beguiling the young woman with his charms and sophistication, and thus convincing her to confide in him


Using his network of information, Derrin quickly learns of Teressa’s night time romps, always in disguise, and never in the same inn two nights in a row. He anticipates when she will return to his Inn, and plans accordingly, making sure there are enough of his own men in the crowd to maintain control, and also protect the girl in case things go awry.


As each woman who is unknown to him comes into the tavern that night, he scrutinizes them to pierce the girl’s disguise. Teresa finally comes in, dressed as a peasant maiden. Her Disguise check is at 15 (a good costume), but Derrin makes his spot check at 22 and sees her take a seat in the back.


He approaches her table and introduces himself. He has been around the Dukes hall before, and wants to see if she recognizes him. She does indeed, but does not want to give her disguise away, and therefore pretends not to know him. He in turn is pretending not to recognize her through her costume. They both make opposed bluff checks.


Derrin rolls a 17 on his bluff, and Teressa tried to oppose with a sense motive trick but rolls a 3 (with an 8 in wisdom, she is pitiful at reading other people).


Her own bluff attempt nets a 14 and Derrin counters with 29 and the bard hides a smirk. The poor girl has no idea that he knows who she is, nor that he knows she knows who he is. She is has no clue she is not fooling anyone.


Derrin now makes an attempt to dazzle her with his charm. He makes his initial seduction attempt (bluff) and asks if he can join her at her table. He rolls a 26, and she makes an opposed sense motive check of 6 and falls for his line and invites him to join her. They both share a drink, then he tells her he is a bard and has to perform onstage now. He invites her to sit at his table up front so she can watch the show better. This is another opposed check, and (25 vs 12) she is once again no challenge for the smooth talker.


Derrin performs a few songs, focusing his attention all on Teressa. He first uses the bardic ability Fascinate to make sure all of her attention is on him. He rolls a perform check of 22 and she makes a will save, getting 12. She fails her save and finds herself captivated by his performance.


The bard now begins singing a series of songs with a decidedly erotic bent—not something raunchy to offend a well-bred young woman, but definitely titillating. He is attempting to Arouse her with his performing ability. They again roll opposed checks, and he gets a 15 this time. The DM decides to give Teressa a +5 situational modifier to her save, due to her virginal nature and her sheltered upbringing, and she still fails, rolling a total of 12.


The DM rolls 2d6 and decides that her arousal will last for 6 minutes if he does nothing else.


Derrin ends the set, and approaches the young girl. He tells her that he has had the innkeeper bring a bottle of expensive wine to his room and he asks her to join him there. This is another seduction attempt, and the DM decides again to give her a +5 bonus to her check because even the simplest dolt knows what Derrin is suggesting. The bard makes his seduction attempt at 24, she makes her sense motive at 20 and she willingly finds herself following him upstairs, eager to explore these new feelings tingling in her body.


Derrin has no idea how long the arousal will last (and the DM determines that he has wasted most of the time bringing her up to his room) so he makes another seduction attempt to keep her aroused. He rolls a 23 and she rolls a modified 25. She finally makes a roll and starts to feel uneasy about being up her alone with this man.


She is no longer aroused, and Derrin has to do something fast to keep her in the room. As a last resort, there is always his bardic magic, but he is still hoping to avoid that.


He pours two glasses of the wine and makes another seduction roll when he hands it to her, asking her to join him on the settee. This time he rolls a 27 and she makes a 12. She accepts the wine and sits next to him.


He rests a hand on her thigh and takes the now empty wine glass from her hand and looks deeply into her eyes. He wants to kiss her and must first make a seduction roll to see if she lets him. The DM keeps her circumstantial bonus to resist at +5. He rolls a 21, as does she. The tie breaker goes to the one with the higher key attribute, which would be Derrin’s 17 charisma over Teressa’s pathetic 8 wisdom. She turns her face up to his and accepts his kiss.


Now the fun starts as Derrin uses his Sexual Prowess to Arouse her again with the kiss. He rolls a 33, which puts her Arousal DC check at 19! She really well, but still falls short at 18 and she is once again aroused (for 8 minutes).


Next, Derrin decides to use his Masturbate sex trick to fondle and arouse Teressa, but apply his sexual expertise trick in order to keep her from getting peaked too soon.


How does this work? Well, first he adds +1 for using masturbation trick, then subtracts 5 for the expertise trick. This makes his adjusted Sexual Prowess modifier +9 and he rolls 17 for a combined 26. This sets the DC for Teressa’s arousal check at 18. Now, her arousal check is a fortitude save, and her fort is –2, but because of the Sexual Expertise trick, she gets to add 5 to her roll, for a total adjusted bonus of +3. She rolls a 6 and gets 9, falling well short of the arousal check.


Derrin is a little surprised by how fast Teressa is responding to him now and decides its time to get naked. The DM was going to make him roll another seduction attempt to get her to undress, but considering that she is Peaked and just a step away from orgasm, he lets him take 10 on it.


Now naked, Derrin decides a little more effort is needed from him and he uses his Teasing Lover trick to ensure that she makes her save. He decides to go south and orally pleasure her to Tease her. The DC for him to do this is 15 and he gets 17. Teressa automatically makes her Arousal check, therefore staying Peaked, but being driven crazy by it.


Derrin can actually keep this up for 8 rounds at a time (equal to his ranks in Sexual Prowess), but he decides to do it for only four more. He makes the 4 rolls, getting 30, 29, 26, and 19. Since each was above the dc of 15, Teressa did not need to make her Arousal Check rolls and has stayed Peaked.


The bard decides he has teased her long enough, and uses his Oral Focus trick on her. He rolls a combined 30, setting her DC at 19 and she rolls 4 and explodes into her first orgasm of her life. Since she failed her DC arousal check by 10 or more, she is still peaked.


Derrin intends to keep her going since she is right on the verge of multiple orgasms, and sticks with the Oral Focus. His next check is at 32, so Teressa’s DC is still 19 and she rolls 8. Again the orgasm, and again she is still peaked


Derrin rolls another Sexual Prowess check at 18 and Teressa rolls against the DC of 14, getting a 6. She has one more orgasm, but since she failed the check by less than 10, she is now simply aroused.


The Bard withdraws from the girl for a moment, watching the spasms slowly subside as he positions his cock at the entrance of her virgin vagina and slowly thrusts in.


Rules Note: Since she is a virgin, the rules state the DC to resist Pleasure is –5 lower while peaked—I would extend this to aroused as well as long as penetration is present. And since this round is the actual round the cherry is popped, I would say that gives her an automatic save on her Arousal check this round


Derrin rolls a 32 for his Sexual Prowess, and Teressa Automatically makes her save.


In the round following, Derrin begins to make love to the girl in earnest. Both are at the Arousal stage. Derrin makes his skill check and sets the DC at 9 (base 10 +4 then –5). Teressa rolls 10 and makes the save.


Now, for the first time, Teressa makes her own sexual prowess check, which is modified only by her charisma bonus of +3 since she has no ranks in the skill. She rolls an 18 and sets Derrin’s first save DC at 14. His fort check is 15 so he barely makes it.


They continue for more of the same and Derrin rolls a 25 and Teressa fails the DC of 13 by rolling an 11 and she is once again on a sexual peak. Teressa rolls 14 for her own check and Derrin counters by rolling 4 on the Arousal check, missing the DC 12 by a large margin. After a night full of teasing the girl, he himself is finally on the verge of his own orgasm.


This next round, Derrin will use his delay orgasm trick to extend the scene. He rolls a 17 on his skill check and takes a –5 adjustment on it, for a new score of 12. This puts Teressa’s save at 7 and she rolls 14, beating it and sustaining her peak. She rolls for her Sexual Prowess check and gets a 16, setting the DC at 14 for the bard’s Arousal check. He adds the +5 he subtracted from his skill check and adds it to his save, for a total of 24, easily beating the roll.


Derrin will the do the same thing this round and gets 15 and Teressa barely beats the dc of 7 with an 8. Her skill check is 22 and Derrin needs to beat a DC of 16 and he gets an 18


Derrin next rolls 22 and Teressa’s DC is 11, she rolls 4 and succumbs to orgasm one more time. She rolls 19 for her skill check and Derrin easily beats the DC.


Now that he has made her climax with his cock, Derrin stops holding back. He makes his next skill check at 22 and Teressa makes the save (DC 11, Arousal Check 17). She rolls a 10 and Derrin beats the DC 12 with a 15.


This time Derrin rolls 28, setting the DC at 13 and Teressa fails her save with a 10 and she is peaked again. She makes her skill check at 19, and Derrin fails his save (dc 16, he rolled 12) and he cums inside the young girl. The DM rolls 2d6 and determines that it will take 6 minutes for Derrin to recover.


In the meantime, he sees that Teressa is still peaked and decides to give her relief. He pulls away from her body and then uses his fingers to masturbate her to climax. He rolls 31, setting the DC at 14, and Teressa rolls 4 and she climaxes noisily.


She failed her check by 10, though, so she is still peaked and Derrin continues to finger her. His next roll is 28 and Teressa misses the DC of 13 by 4 points. She climaxes one last time, then settles into a peaceful afterglow.


After both have a little bit of time to recover, Derrin decides its time to build to his next gambit. He concocts a story where he says he knows she is the Duke’s daughter and realized it when he got her upstairs, but that he could not help himself because he was smitten and caps it off by saying he has been in love with her since the day he first came to her father’s court.


That’s a lot of bullshit to swallow, but he rolls a 24 on his Bluff check. The DM gives him a +5 to his roll for positive reaction to his lovemaking skill, but negates that by giving Teressa a +5 to her Sense Motive check to compensate for the shock of learning her secret is out. She rolls a natural 1 on her opposed check and falls for it so hook line and sinker, she declares her own undying love for the Bard.


He asks his new "eternal flame" the reason for the disguise and coming to the taverns. She explains the whole story about being bored and liking to spy on people. He continues to subtly interrogate her in this manner and determines she has no clue what she saw that night in the inn, and that she is harmless. Had she lied to him, he would have rolled sense motive checks, but she is honestly in love and tells nothing but the truth.


He does learn some interesting things about the Duke and his staff, however, and decides to keep the silly little girl as a mistress, setting her to spy on her father for him and sneak him into the castle when he needs it, or smuggle things out for him. All in all, it was a very successful seduction.




Aroused Casting [Metamagic]

Exchange all other spell components for sex.

Benefit: you may substitute all verbal, somatic and material [up to 1 gp] components while doing it. The spell is cast, when you are overcome with an orgasm. This got the added benefit, that you got to make no concentration-skill check to cast while having sex.


Body to Die For [Gneral]

Prerequitisites: Sexappeal

Benefit: You fight naked, or nearly so. While this denies you protection of armour, other then magical bracers and jewlery, it is extremly distracting to your opponents. All appropriate (see sexappeal feat) enemies who have you in their line of sight suffer -2 on their Attack rolls and Initiative. This penalty is non cumulative and several characters using this feat will not cause aditional penalties to the opponents who can see more than one of them.


Coitus of Power [Metamagic]

Benefit:This is a way to transfer some power from one arcane caster to the other through a consenting sexual act. Both participants have to be willing to participate in sex, but only you need to be aware of its magical consequences. You can choose whether you will be on giving or reciving side. After the act, the giver caster becomes unable to cast the spells of his highest level for a number of days equal to his level divided by three. The reciver gains an aditional single spell-slot of that level for the same duration. If receiver is unable to casts the spells of giver's highest level she gains a slot in her highest spell level. If you attempt to use this feat on another character with a same feat he automaticaly recognises the attempt before it takes effect. He can then choose to disengage from sex. You can use this feat only once per day with any individual character. If you are using it with more then one character you can gain only one extra slot per spell level you are able to cast.

This feat is a reason why powerfull spell casters tend to be wary abut engaging in sex.


Conductive Kiss [Metapsionic]

You can enhance a power by kissing the target.

Benefit: A power manifested with conductive kiss is considered to be affected by the Hide Power active for all displays as well as Psionic Focus and Power Penetration, but faces some restrictions. In order to manifest the power, you must kiss the victim for a full round, with you beginning the kiss on your action and the power taking effect on your action next turn, assuming you release the kiss then. Kissing a victim who is not willing to be kissed requires the caster to succeed at a Grapple check, making the Hold action, each round the kiss is maintained. Since no damage is actually made during this grapple, the check to Hold the victim is made at a +2 bonus. However, a power only affects the victim


Control Arousal [Psionic]

You are able to control yourself.

Benefit: As long as you got 2 power points left, you are able to withstand any attack, that would cause you to get into the sexual condition “aroused “ or “lust” will have no effect on you. If you are in the in the Afterglow you are able to recover in 1d4 minutes, instead of 2d6 minutes (males) and in 1d4 rounds instead of 2d6 rounds (females).


Divine Virginity [General]

Benefit:You have dedicated your body solely to your god and refrain from any sexual practices.

If you are divine caster you gain an additional spell slot of a second highest level you could cast. (Orison on first level, 1st level spell on third and so on.) If you are not a divine caster you gain the ability to cast protection from evil or bless once per day with you as the only affected creature. Your caster level for the purposes of this spell is 1. If you willingly engage in sexual activity you permanently lose the effect of the feat and risk 1% per your character level chance of being a recipient of a curse. If you are raped or engage in sexual activity while under the effect of mind controlling magic you have to perform attonment before you continue to enjoy the benefits of this feat. Followers of the faiths that encourage promiscuity can not take this feat.


Improved Pleasure Touch [Psionic]

Your touch increases the pleasure of everyone you.

Prerequisite:Pleasure Touch

Benefit: You raise increase the arousal-check DC of the subject of this effect by 6. You got to make a touch attack and pay 2 power points. The person touched must make an arousal check immediately. This superceeds the effect of Pleasure Touch. You may use this feat only once per round.


Iron Celibacy [General]

Prerequisites: Wis 15

You are permanently immune to any seduction based effect including those of Sucubbi, Nymphs and various sex-related magics and feats. This feat is rendered useless for a year if you engage in any consentual sexual activity. If you engage in consentual sexual activity within that year the feat is rendered useless permanently.


Kiss Spell [Metamagic]

You can cast a spell by kissing the target.

Benefit: A Kiss Spell is considered to be affected by the Still Spell, Silent Spell, and Eschew Materials Metamagic feats, but faces some restrictions. In order to cast the spell, you must kiss the victim for a full round, with you beginning the kiss on your action and the spell taking effect on your action next turn, assuming you release the kiss then. Kissing a victim who is not willing to be kissed requires the caster to succeed at a Grapple check, making the Hold action, each round the kiss is maintained. Since no damage is actually made during this grapple, the check to Hold the victim is made at a +2 bonus. However, a kiss spell only affects the victim - Area spells cast this way affect only the target kissed. A kiss spell takes up a spell slot the same level as the base spell, altered by any other metamagic feats.


Mind Over Sexual Endurance [Psionic]

You are able to prolong your pleasure.

Benefit:Spending one power point you can maintain intercourse without any checks for 5 minutes even after missing your check to avoid sexual fatigue. The prolonged uses of this power has some dangers. If you prolong the intercourse in minutes more than two times your Constitution score, then when you stop paying cost you will collapses from exhaustion. If you go for more than four times your Constitution score you must make a fortitude save vs. DC 15 + the number of times you used this feat during this intercourse or die (but a good way to die).


Pleasure Touch [Psionic]

You can charge parts of your body with psionic energy, that causes pleasure.

Benefit:You raise the arousal-check DC of your partner by 4. You got to make a touch attack and pay 1 power points. You remain charged for a maximum number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier +1, or until your next touch. If you do not touch anyone, the power point expenditure is wasted.


Rape of Power [Metamagic]

Prerequitisites: Coitus of Power

Works as a "Coitus of Power" feat except that you have to be the reciver and that sex can be unconsentual.

This feat could explain why many a wizard could "earn" a stay of execution when captured by a (particularily nasty) villan


Sexappeal [General]

Prerequitisites: Ch 13

You are particularily atractive to the members of the opposite sex (and/or homosexuals of your sex). When in your presence such persons suffer -2 penalty to following skills: Appraise, Listen, Sense Motive Spot In addition you get aditional +2 points when attempting the following checks against such individuals: Bluff, Pick Pocket. For the feat to work you must engage persons attention by provocative manerisms, conversation and/or clothing. Any noticed hostility on your part, or that of your obvious allies, breaks the effect of the feat on the person affected permanently. Otherwise it can be used unlimited ammount of times. The bonus/penalty can be reduced by DM due to circumstances of the person(s) affected.


Sexual Energy[Metamagic]

You may use sexual energy to cast a spell.

Prerequisite: Aroused Casting.

Benefit:You are able to convert the energy set free during your sexual activities into spell energy. Per two orgasm by you or your partner you receive one spell level. That is, you and/ or your partner would have to come four times, to receive enough energy to cast a secend level spell.


Sexual Pheromones Secretion [Psionic]

You can make your body smell like exciting perfume.

Benefit:Your body starts to secrete a sexual pheromones all over when you pay the cost of one power point. The attractive and exciting perfume of these pheromones can attract attention, change reactions or help to seduce someone. The effect will last for 10 minutes per charisma bonus.


Sexual Recharge [Psionic]

You are able to replenish your power points by having sex.

Benefit: You receive back 1 power point that you spend earlier for every round spend at the condition of sexual plateau.


Still Standing [Psionic]

You can keep it up longer.

Prerequisite: male

Benefit: By spending one power point, you automatically succeed in your fortitude check to keep going after your orgasm.


Transmitting Kiss [Metamagic]

Instead of using the normal method to deliver a spell to the opponent, you use a kiss.

Benefit: You may learn any spell with a target-descriptor other than self on a spell-slot one level lower than normal (a 4th level spell would occupy a 3rd level spell-slot). This does not change anything else about the spell.

In exchange, you may deliver the effect of the spell only as a kiss, that is, you must touch the skin of the target with your lips. In combat this would mean, that your spell would be delivered as an attack, that would cause an attack of opportunity, that you must overcome the concealment of the opponent (a person in plate armor with gauntlets and a helmet would be 100% concealed, except when the visor is open).

You may not use a spell learned with the transmitting kiss-feat on yourself.

You may not cast a spell with the transmitting kiss feat, that requires an kiss in itself.


Transmitting Sex [Metamagic]

Instead of using the normal method to deliver a spell to the opponent, you must be having sex with you’re the subject of the spell.

Benefit: You may learn any spell with a target-descriptor other than self on a spell-slot two levels lower than normal (a 4th level spell would occupy a 2nd level spell-slot). This does not change anything else about the spell.

In exchange, you may deliver the effect of the spell only while having sex with the subject of the spell, that is, your genitals must make contact for at least 5 rounds and both of you must be at least aroused.

You may not use a spell learned with the transmitting sex-feat on yourself.

You may not cast a spell with the transmitting Sex feat, that requires having sex in itself.


Transmitting Orgasm [Metamagic]

Instead of using the normal method to deliver a spell to the opponent, you must be having sex with you’re the subject of the spell and the subject of the spell must begin to orgasm.

Benefit: You may learn any spell with a target-descriptor other than self on a spell-slot three levels lower than normal (a 4th level spell would occupy a 1st level spell-slot). This does not change anything else about the spell.

The spell will be cast at the moment, the subject of the spell begins to orgasm because of your immediate carnal actions. An orgasm brought over by a spell does not suffice.

You may not use a spell learned with the transmitting sex-feat on yourself.

You may not cast a spell with the transmitting Orgasm feat, that requires an Orgasm in itself.



Date: 2016-04-22; view: 919

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