EDUCATION1978 School of Economics, M.A, Warszawa (Specialization: mathematical methods in economics)
1984 School of Economics , Warsaw, Poland Ph.D. Thesis: On the role of the exchange rate in a reformed socialist economy
1993 Department of Economics M.A. , Wayne State University, Detroit, USA
1989-1993 completed Ph.D. studies at the Dep. of Economics, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA
Assistant Professor of International Politics at Lazarski University; Associate Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management; Programme Director of BA in International Relations and European Studies and MA in International Relations at Lazarski University.
Political philosophy; Lord Acton’s History and Theory of Liberty
‘Freedom, State and “National Unity” in Lord Acton’s Thought,’ in Karin Friedrich and Barbara M. Pendzich, eds., Citizenship and Identity in a Multinational Commonwealth (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2009), 261-76
The Lost Opportunity: Attempts at Unification of the anti-Bolsheviks, 1917-1919 (Lanham: University Press of America, 2008)
‘Lord Acton on the Origins of American Freedom and Prosperity,’ in Wojciech Bienkowski, et al. eds., Reaganomics Goes Global: What Can the EU, Russia and Other Transition Countries Learn from the USA? (NYC: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), 12-27; Polish edition: Amerykañski model rozwoju gospodarczego. Istota, efektywnoœæ i mo¿liwoœæ zastosowania (Warszawa: Szko³a G³owna Handlowa, 2006), 25-39
1993 Georgetown University, Washington, D.C, Department of History; Ph.D.
Major: Russia and Eastern Europe; Minor: Modern Europe
Dissertation: ‘The Politics of Fragmentation: The anti-Bolshevik Opposition.’
Advisor: Richard Stites
1977 Warsaw University, Department of History, MA
Major: Ancient Greece and Rome; Western Europe; Minor: Poland
Dissertation: ‘Organizacja Kultu Prowincjonalnego w Galii w wielu I i II’
Advisor: Iza Biezynska-Malowist
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1013