P. Multarzyński, ‘On divided difference operators in function algebras’, Demonstration Math. Vol. 41, No 2 (2008);
P. Multarzyński, On linear operators consistent with a subspace in differential spaces, Demonstration Math. Vol.39, No 1, 2006;
P. Multarzyński, On some right invertible operators in differential spaces, Demonstration Math., Vol.37, No 4, 2004;
P. Cherenack, P. Multarzyński, Smooth exponential objects and smooth distributions, Lazarski University, 2002, Zeszyty Naukowe Nr 8;
P. Cherenack, P. Multarzyński, P. Ntumba, On differential structures for Cartesian products, Far East Journal of Math. Sciences, Special Volume 1999, Part III, 373-396;
P. Multarzyński, On some differential structures for function spaces, Proc. Conf. Aug.10-14, 1998, Brno, Czech Republic, Masaryk Univ., Brno 1999, 391-397;
P. Multarzyński, W. Sasin, O the dimension of a tangent space to a structured space, Demonstration Math. XXXI, 1998, No 2, 256-264;
P. Multarzyński, Differential structures for function spaces, Proc. Conf. Aug. 28 – Sept. 1, 1995, Brno, Czech Republic, Masaryk Univ., Brno 1996, 285-292;
1989 Institute of Nuclear Physics; Ph.D.
1983 Jagiellonian University, Department of Math. and Physics , MSc
Jarosław Neneman
Assistant Professor of Economics at Lazarski University, Warsaw; Deputy Director of Center for Tax Documentation and Studies, University of Lodz.
Introduction to Microeconomics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Managerial Economics, Public Finance, Introduction to Game Theory, Tax Policy.
‘What taxes do you pay?’, in: ‘Economics for dummies’, CEDEWU, 2007 (in Polish)
‘Junior Achievement - Applied Economics’ (textbook, study guide, teacher's guide), co-author and co-editor, £ódŸ 1994, 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 (in Polish)
‘Tax Burden of the Households, Institute of Finance, Warsaw, 1996 (in Polish)
‘Redistributive Consequences of the Tax Reform in Poland’, IPiSS, Warszawa 1995 (in Polish)
‘The Redistributive Effects of the income tax in Poland’, in: ‘Polish Tax and Transfer System during Transition’ ed. M.Belka i H. G. Petersen, co-author, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1995
‘The Redistributive Effects of the reform of private consumption taxation in Poland’, in: ‘Polish Tax and Transfer System during Transition’ ed. M. Belka i H. G. Petersen, co-author, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, 1995
‘Economics’ (textbook for students), co-author, £ódŸ, 1991 (in Polish)
‘Public Finance Reform. Taxation and public spending’, in: ‘What reforms are needed in Poland’, coauthor, CASE, 2006 (in Polish)
‘Tax reform in Poland’, in: ‘Vital Areas for Economic Reform’, ed. B. Błaszczyk, CASE, 2006 (in Polish)
‘What a tax system?’ Coauthor, Zeszyty CASE, 2004 (In Polish);
‘In the search for tax system for Poland’, coauthor, Zeszyty BRE- CASE No. 68, 2003 (in Polish)
‘Soft Budget Constraints’; co-author, in: Growth, Restructuring and Unemployment in Poland, ed. T. Tokarski, University of £ódŸ, 2002 (in Polish)
1997 University of Lodz, Ph. D. in Economics
Title of dissertation: The redistributive consequences of VAT implementation in Poland
1991-1992 Central European University (Prague, Czech Republic), Postgraduate Studies in Economics, MA in Economics, accredited by New York University.