Adjunct faculty at Lazarski University; Vice Dean of International Relations/Assistant Professor of International Relations at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, Krakow, Poland.
Theory and Practice of Human Rights, American Foreign Policy, Polish Foreign Policy American Political System, Ethnic Conflicts after the Cold War Era, Integration Processes on the Balkans, National and International Security Studies.
In pursuit of the historical truth – consequences for the political life in Poland after the end of the Cold War, (in Bulgarian) Conference Materials, Sofia Bulgaria, to be printed until end of 2009
The Polish perspective of the American Foreign Policy. Selected moments from the Cold War Era (in English) – Conference Materials, Perspectives on the American Foreign Policy, Raboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 23-26.03.2009 to be printed until the end of 2009.
The Voting Rights of the inhabitants of Washington D.C. – the Gordian Knot of American Democracy (in Polish), Krakow International Studies, V: 2008 N. 3 s. 9 – 21
‘The Historical Policy in the Polish – Russian Relations’ (in Polish), Państwo i Prawo (State and Law) Krakow, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University 2009
‘The ‘war on terror’ – reflections on the meaning of the basic terms and the civil liberties after 9/11.’ (in English) Paper presented at the International Conference ‘U.S. Foreign Policy: Theory, Mechanisms, and Practice’. Red. A. Mania, P. Laidler, Ł. Wordliczek, Krakow, Poland 2007
‘The National Minorities in Poland’, (in English) Contribution to the International Project ‘Minorities Issues’ coordinated by the Carlos III University, Madrid Getafe, Spain 2006 – still in print
‘National Security and Civil Liberties in the United States during the War on Terror’ (in Polish), in Mania, Andrzej; Laidler, Pawel; American Democracy in XXI century, Jagiellonian University Publishing House, 2006 pp. 189-200
‘United States and the Establishment of the International Criminal Court during the last decade of the XXth Century’ (in Bulgarian), in: Anamnesis, Vol.II, the paper is available at:
‘The Policy of Ronald Reagan’s Administration towards Yugoslavia’ (in Polish) in Bryk Andrzej; Kapiszewski Andrzej ‘Ronald Reagan and the Challenges of the Epoch’, Publishing House AFM, Krakow 2005 pp. 305 – 313
‘United States and the International Criminal Court. From support to opposition’ (in Polish) in: Krakow International Studies, AFMCC, 2004 Krakow pp. 23—54
Author and editor in section ‘History of Poland’ (in Bulgarian) in ‘Bulgarian Encyclopedia’ Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BAN Publishing House, Sofia 2004
October 2002 – July 2007
Doctoral student,
Department of American Studies
Faculty of International and Political Studies
Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Title of Dissertation: ‘Limitations of Civil Liberties due to National Security in the United States’
October 2005 –January 2006
Pedagogical Course, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University College, Krakow, Poland
June – July 2005
PeaceBulding and Conflict Management Summer Seminar, American University, Washington D.C. United States
January – June 2002
Human Rights School, Warsaw, Poland
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
September 2001
Course ‘International Protection of Human Rights’, Poznan, Poland
1997 – 2002
Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Faculty of International and Political Studies
Major: Political Sciences, Specialization: International Relations
MA Thesis: ‘Legal and Political Aspects of the Humanitarian Intervention’
Assistant Professor of International Politics at Lazarski University, Warsaw.
Globalization, Social and Cultural Change, China Studies, Interaction Behavior Patterns Changes, Sociology of Food, Internet Influence on the Personal Identity Creation
Jura J., ‘Chinese Table manners. Consequences of Hybridisation’ in: D. Schirmer, G. Saalmann, Ch. Kessler (ed.), Hybridising East and West, LIT – Verlag, Munster, 2006
Jura J. (co-writer), 2004, ‘Rozdział VI’ in: M. Boni, S. Golinowska (red.), W trosce o pracę. Raport o rozwoju społecznym Polska 2004, Program Narodów Zjednoczonych Ds. Rozwoju, Warszawa
Jura J., Nykiel R, Żelazo K., 1997, ‘I tu jest pełna zgoda’ in: M. Czyżewski, S. Kowalski, A. Piotrowski (ed.) Rytualny chaos. Studium dyskursu publicznego, Wyd. Aureus, Kraków
2006 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Sociology and Philosophy, Institute of Sociology, PhD in Sociology, dissertation title: Social functions of eating and drinking behaviour. Anthropological study of contemporary Beijing
Major: Interactional Sociology, Sociology and Anthropology of Food Minor: China studies
1996 University of Lodz, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, Master of Science in Sociology
Major: Sociology of Communication, Sociology of Culture Minor: Interactional Sociology