Experimental Group Control GroupTime (min) Rank Time (min) Rank
140 4 130 1
147 6 135 2
153 8 138 3
160 10 144 5
165 11 148 7
170 13 155 9
171 14 168 12
193 15
(N1=8; R1=81) (N2=7; R2=39)
N= Number of participants in each group
R= the total when we add all of the ranks together
STEP 3: Now use the following formula to find U (U= Hypothetical Data).
R=Rank; N=Total Number of Observations
U=N1*N2+ N1(N1+1)-R1
Example: U = (8) x (7) + 8*(9) - 81
U= 56 + (8 x 9) - 81
U = 56 + 72 – 81
U= 128 – 81 = 47
U = 47
STEP 4: Go to the Mann-Whitney Chart/Table (on the next page).
· U = 47.
· Is 47 between the N1 to N2 range of numbers on the chart?
· If YES, then reject the NULL Hypothesis.
· If NO, then accept the NULL Hypothesis.
· 47 is NOT between the N1 to N2 range of numbers on the chart so we must accept the Null hypothesis.
· This means that our independent variable (IV) did not make a significant difference in the results (Dependent Variable, DV).
Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test
· This test is used for the repeated measures design to see if there is a significant difference between the before and after trials of your experiment.
· The significance for this test must also be 0.05 (called the Alpha Level for this test).
· This test involves finding the “critical Z-score” from a Z-table which is 1.96.
· If your Z-score is less than -1.96 or greater than 1.96 then reject the null and accept your alternate hypothesis (H1).
· This will mean that your Independent Variable (IV) did make a significant difference.
Step 1: Make a chart showing the scores before and after.
Before After
28 12
17 31
36 19
35 14
32 20
33 19
Step 2: Add a 3rd column showing the difference between the before and after scores. You find this difference by subtracting.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1165