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The central idea of study programme 050207 Translation Studies is to provide conditions for getting the full value, qualitative, professional education, and professional competence in a field of translation studies. All subjects of the study programme are divided into three main groups: compulsory subjects, basic subjects and profile professional subjects.

The aim of study compulsory subjects is to provide conditions for acquisition high general intellectual level of development, possession of literate and developed speech, human cultural thinking and experiences of scientific organization.

The aim of study basic subjects is the formation of linguistic, pragmatic and communicative competences, building conditions for creative development.

The aim of study profile professional subjects is the formation of professional translation competence which provides the opportunity for graduates to find a place in a job market, to choose individual programmes in the field of linguistic and translational education.



Graduate must have clear view about:

- Basic concepts of intercultural communication, humanitarian, natural sciences and language for special academic purposes

- State and society consistent pattern of development

- Economic laws essence

- New information technologies development

- Fundamental stages and factors of international relations system

- Historical great variety of cultures and civilizations

- The place of national civilization in world-wide historically cultural process

- Historical, cultural, language and religious problems of studied country.

Graduate should know about:

- Fundamental concepts of theory and practice of translation, language theory and intercultural communication

- Translation methods ( types of language knowledge and its transference in translation, the role of context and non-language situation in translation, the ways to achieve adequate translation, common types of lexica-grammatical transformations, realia translation, technical, socio- political terms etc)

- Socio- political, geographical, historical and cultural data about his\her country and studied language country

- New office appliances

Graduateshould be able to:

- use foreign language as the means of communication and possess all kinds of speech activities, realizing oral and written forms of communication (speaking, listening, reading, writing) in situations of formal and informal communication

- realize written and interpretation; to apply in one activity all kinds of translation transformations (transposition, substitution, addition, omission, differentiation, specification, generalization of meaning, etc

- use modern actual knowledge of social-political, country studies and cultural character

- use technique of translation recordings

- work with specific, scientific, literary texts of various difficulties

- solve different practical tasks

- edit source and target texts

- make précis and annotations of source and target texts

Graduateshould gain knowledge in:

- official language of the Republic of Kazakhstan

- two foreign languages

- competence in different spheres of translation/ interpretation

- work with various information-searching systems in Internet and machine translation

- work with modern office equipment (scanners, printers, Xerox, etc)

- mounting business documentation in the languages they use


Graduate will be able to acquire the following competences: theoretical world-view, intercultural-communicative, general professional, special professional, and socio-personal. Theoretical world-view competence is developed by means of activating philosophical and anthropological, subjective and methodological, and axiological subcompetences. As a whole, this competence is defined by: the system of subjective knowledge, their developing and socializing potential, the interconnections between the subjective knowledge and system of panhuman and personal merits, and understanding of personal internal resources of the student within the process of learning subjects.

Intercultural-communicative competenceis formed by means of developing linguistic, cognitive, lingua-cultural, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic and lingua-self-educational subcompetences. As a whole, this competence is defined by competence in a foreign language and develops a broad social and cultural platform for foreign language. Its elements can be defined in the following way:

linguistic subcompetence is defined with a system of theoretical and practical knowledge in à foreign language, communicative use of the knowledge in speech, and forming “motivation of integration” of speech activities in the students;

cognitive subcompetence predefines the students’ abilities to recognize and use cognitive complexes in foreign languages, i.e. theoretical concepts and concepts (“hidden knowledge”) acquired on practical basis (knowledge as understanding);

lingua-cultural subcompetence aims at perception of a system of professional concepts and categories in a foreign language, accumulating and synthesis of professional and lingua-cultural information;

sociolinguistic subcompetence stipulates enriching the language materials with socio-cultural information, interactive inclusion of the students into a foreign communication on the basis of flexible use of the forms, methods and procedures in context communication;

discursive subcompetence is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities aimed at forming polemic and argumentative communication skills and forming proper discourse text in a foreign language which assumes a monologue with a following discussion as a dialogue, an interview, a discussion, a briefing, etc. in a profession-oriented problem situations;

strategic subcompetence assumes an ability to use strategies flexibly in a foreign communicative behavior in order to establish and maintain a contact with representatives of foreign culture. The subcompetence is realized by forming and developing skills in verbal and non-verbal foreign communication, knowledge and skills of compensatory use of paralinguistic models in a foreign communication;

lingua-self-educational subcompetence is a complex of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities in independent learning activity including elements of logical, linguistic and common studying activities. A student develops creativity, independence, and skills of control, self-control and self-rating of his or her individual innovative activity towards the subjects he or she studies.

General professional competenceis formed by means of activating foreign-language, analytic and systematic foreign-language, creative foreign-language and professional, projecting foreign-language and professional, information- technological, and scientific-research subcompetences. As a whole, this competence is defined by the validity of students’ performance in basic professional activities by means of developing and perfection of linguistic abilities; and students’ conativeness, emotions and volition during academic and self-education activities. Its elements can be defined in the following way:

foreign-language subcompetenceis defined with a further integration of structural and semantic blocks of knowledge of a foreign language which is implemented in all the types of speech activities by means of communicative discourses;

analytic and systematic foreign-language subcompetencesupposes cognitive operations aimed at analysis and synthesis of knowledge of a foreign language. The integration underlying the subcompetence guarantees to form, apart form reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills, skills of annotation and abstracting of texts in a foreign language;

creative foreign-language and professional subcompetenceforms creative meta-knowledge in a foreign language linked with generalization, systematization, and evaluation of the results. The cognitive operations listed above reflect personal aspect of students’ competence in a foreign language in general and their axiological posture in particular;

projecting foreign-language and professional subcompetenceassumes the highest level of hierarchical integration of linguistic, analytical, synthetic, and creative skills of foreign language use, which provide a whole of foreign language and professional abilities needed to form and develop vocabulary capacities in a foreign language underlying establishment and implementation of students’ professional activity as translators;

information-technological subcompetencedevelops abilities and skills to search, analyse, and select the necessary information and to covert, save, transform and transfer it, forms abilities to use mass media, multi media, computer, electronic, and internet technologies;

scientific-research subcompetenceaims at establishing research capabilities via teaching scientific research mechanism, models and standards of scientific projects, and their experimental approbation.

Special professional competenceis formed by means of activating foreign-language and professional, subject-oriented translating, subject-specialized translating, instrumental, functional-prognostic, and professional-translating subcompetences. As a whole, this competence is defined by the validity of performing translation activities in a variety of translations while considering multivariate system of translation specialties. Its elements can be defined in the following way:

foreign-language and professional subcompetence assumes a professional command of a foreign language in all aspects of speech activity which is directly linked to technology of professional activity as a translator;

subject-oriented translating subcompetence is defined with a system of concepts within a given area of translation (types and genres of translation) which allows to analyze translations and to perform translation acts. This subcompetence relies on implementation of a system of theoretical and practical bases of translation;

subject-specialized translating subcompetence aims at a further development of translational skills and abilities. This subcompetence relies on a system of specific translational activities which allow performing professional translation of texts of different genres and various types of translation (depending on a major of a translator (translator, synchronous interpreter, guide interpreter, etc.));

instrumental subcompetence assumes using cognitive (abilities to understand and use ideas and considerations), linguistic, communicative and technological abilities, computer skills, and information management abilities in professional activity;

functional-prognostic subcompetence aims at development of a students’ skills of functional and professional activity (knowledge as action) and at forming specialists’ abilities to develop a strategy for professional decision-making and problem-solving;

professional-translating subcompetenceassumes an integrated use of linguistic and translation skills and abilities, information and innovative technologies in all the translation activity aspects.

Social and personal competenceis formed by means of activating general cultural, self-educational, informative analytical and interpersonal communicative subcompetences. As a whole, this competence aims at developing abilities to adequately interact with other people, their groups and collectives and abilities to express citizenship within professional activity according to the norms and rules of translator’s ethics.


The curriculum of the Programme is worked out in accordance with the State Compulsory Standard of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The provisions of the Curriculum are compulsory for all institutions of higher education that train students for Bachelor of Arts. The curriculum gives

a) the list of qualifications conferred on students on completion of the programme. The three main qualifications are: translator, guide-translator, an interpreter;

b) the object of professional activity;

c) the subject of professional activity;

d) types of professional activity;

e) typical tasks of the professional activity;

f) directions of professional activity;

g) the content of professional activity;

h) requirements for the key components

k) functions of the professional activity.

The main functions of the professional activity are:

- To perform written and interpretation;

- To be a mediators in different fields of inter-linguistic and intercultural communication;

- To carry out a research in the field of translation studies and philology.

On completion of the programme students should posses the level C1 and be able to

- understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signaled explicitly;

- understand long and complex factual and literary texts, appreciating distinctions of style and understand specialized articles and longer technical instructions, even when they do not relate to their field;

- express themselves fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. They can use language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes and formulate ideas and opinions precisely;

- present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating sub-themes, developing particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion;

- express themselves in clear, well-structured text, expressing points of view at some length, and write about complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report, underlining what they consider to be the salient issues. They can select the style appropriate to the reader.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1936

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