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Module Title: Basic Kazakh Language  
Module code K (R) Ya - 1103 Student workload (hours) Credits 6 credits Semester 1 , 2 Frequency In the winter and in the summer Duration 30 weeks
Types of courses . Practical lessons   Contact hours 90 hours Independent study 90 hours Class size 15 students
Prerequisites:This course is taught to translation students after the disciplines, such as Kazakh language which was studied at school, Professional Kazakh Language.
Learning outcomes Students should be able to held business communication concerning their speciality and be able to create business documents.
Subject aims To check the students knowledge with the help of test due to the types of speech.
Teaching methods Interactive method, technology of communication, projection and case, role play.  
Assessment methods To check the knowledge with the help of test.
The module is taught in the specialty 050207 – Translation studies
Name of module convenor:   Toktarbekova A.K., Baibala S.
Essential bibliography: 1. Ibraeva R.B. Kazakh language. Almaty. 2008. 2. Ernazarova Z.S., Tungatova G.Z. Kazakh language for intermediare level. Almaty. 2008. 3. Hazimova A.Z. Kazakh language for B-1 level. 4. Muhamadieva N.K. Professional Kazakh language. Almaty. 2006. 5. Ibragimova D.K. Kazakh language. Almaty. 2008.



Module Title: Basic Foreign Language ( A2, B1)
Module code BIYa 1202-1203 Student workload 450 hours Credits Semester 1, 2 semesters   Frequency each winter-term, each spring-term   Duration 2 semesters (30 weeks)
Types of courses: 1. practical lessons Contact hours 405 hours   Independent study 45 hours Class size 15 students
Prerequisites for participation A student must have successfully completed school modules such as Geography, The History of Kazakhstan, Literature, English, etc. Participation requires at the beginning of the course language skills at level A1, A2. Co-requisites of the course are: Kazakh / Russian, Computer Studies, Ecology, Introduction to Linguistics, Introduction to Specialty, The History of Kazakhstan, Latin Language  
Learning outcomes Knowledge, understandings and language skills:   As a result students should: - know lexical units on themes "Jobs", "Family", "Daily routine ", "Holidays", "Food", "Free time" - be able to read texts from common-political and scientific to popular literature. - understand oral speech, English speech within the limits of the studied subjects, to maintain conversation and produce statements within the studied themes. - use lexical units within the limits of the studied themes, to seize intonation of sentences of various types. Grammar forms of verb to be, possessive adjectives, Tenses, prepositions, pronouns, articles.  
Subject aims The module lasts during the 1st, 2nd semesters, has 10 credits (15 credits according to ECST), 450 hours of the workload. In the first year of training bases of the communicatively-intercultural competence the bases of four kinds of communicative activity are formed: auditions, speaking, readings and writing. According to the requirements of the educational system of Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of language preparation trained and according to the levels of possession offered by the Council of Europe foreign language (À1, À2, Â1), the first year of training provides achievement of a "threshold" level in mastering by the speaking another language communicative competence. In the field of speakingstudents seize the prepared and unprepared dialogical and monologic speech. The purpose of training of dialogical speech is formation students’ ability to realize communicative intention and reaction to statements of the partner according to functional versions of dialogue and speech subjects. The purpose of training of monologic speech is formation students’ ability to realize communicative intentions in the form of the description (a residence, a family, the future job, events, dream, hope, etc.) according to the specified speech subjects and theme of dialogue. In the field of audition formation of skills to listen and understand native speaker’s speech in sound recordings, and also speech of teachers and students is supposed. Audition training is carried out on the basis of authentic audio and videotexts of monologue or dialogue character on the basis of studied speech subjects, sphere of dialogue and language material. In the field of reading as one of kinds of speech activity development in students of techniques of reading of the speaking another language text, and also skills to take the information from various sources is supposed. Training to reading is carried out on the basis of simple different the authentic texts of small volume constructed on a language material and speech subjects, studied in the 1st year of training.   In the field of the writing and written speech students form graphic skills, must write letters, produce written speech within the limits of a language material of a rate, according to compositional-communicative types of speech and the normative requirements of the studied language.   The language material of the first year is characterized by normative correctness and includes the most common phonetic, lexical and grammar phenomena, to provide practical mastering by bases of oral and written dialogue within the limits of subjects studied on a rate, in conformity with the sphere and situations of dialogue for levels À2, Â1.   In the field of Written Translation students must translate authentic texts within the studied themes (150-200 words) from English into Kazakh / Russian and from Kazakh / Russian into Russian. In the field of Oral Translation students must make the phrasal translation (by a sentence, by a paragraph), the sight translation of authentic texts within the studied themes from English into Kazakh / Russian and from Kazakh / Russian into English.  
Teaching methods Work with cards and handouts, pair work, group work, quizzes, discussions, reports, presentations, project work, work in special premises with technical equipment.
Assessment methods Assessment methods carry out in the form of the rating control. The rating includes three types of control: Current control, Self-study results, Midterm control, and Final control. There are two rating controls in a semester. General Rating deduces from two ratings: (R1+R2/2). Student’s rating is exposed before the Final control. Current control, Self-study Midterm control, Final Control carry out in oral and written form.  
The module is used in other degree or non-degree programmes.
Competences to be developed within the module: linguistic intercultural-communicative
Responsibility for the module: MA. Kozhbaeva G.K., MA. Yeshniyaz G.S, Akmuldina A.Sh Office hours: by appointment
Other information Policy of academic excellence and behavior · Presence at lessons is strongly recommended. · Being late is undesirable. · You are welcome to ask any questions within the module. · For successful preparation for the lessons, doing home tasks, use of literature is strongly recommended. · One must be prepared for the classes, participate actively in the lessons. · Present the results of Independent Study in time. · In case of necessity consult the instructor according to their office hours. · Missing the classes is possible in case of a serious documented reason (illness, private circumstances). Presence at Rating Control, Examination is a must!
For the Language practice Total English Intermediate. Antonia Claire. J.J. Wilson For Phonetics practice New Headway Pronunciation Intermediate Student`s Practice Book. Bill Bowler. Sarah Cunninghan,2005 with CD Pack New Headway Pronunciation Upper- Intermediate Student`s Practice Book. Bill Bowler. Sarah Cunninghan, 2005 with CD Pack Clear Speech_Student's Book. Judy B. Gilbert_2005 3rd ed_(+ Audio) Better English Pronunciation. J. D. O'Connor_(+ Audio) For Grammar lessons Grammar Intermediate. Kenna Bourke, 2006 English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students. R. Murphy Grammar Practice For Intermediate Students. L. G. Alexander Timesaver Visual Grammar. Mark Fletcher For Home Reading lessons Happy days and other short stories. 20 short stories with exercises. Jake Allsop The penguin book of very short stories. Jake Allsop



Module Title: Foreign Language ( B1)
Module code IYa 1202-1203 Student workload 135 hours Credits Semester 1, 2 semesters   Frequency each winter-term, each spring-term   Duration 2 semesters (30 weeks)
Types of courses: 1. Practical Lessons   Contact hours 135 hours   Independent study 0 hours Class size 8-14 students
Prerequisites for participation A student must have successfully completed school modules such as Geography, The History of Kazakhstan, Literature, English, etc. Participation requires at the beginning of the course language skills at level B1. Co-requisites of the course are: Kazakh / Russian, Computer Studies, Ecology, Introduction to Linguistics, Introduction to Specialty, The History of Kazakhstan, Latin Language  
Learning outcomes Knowledge, understandings and language skills:   As a result students should: - know lexical units on themes "Jobs", "Family", "Daily routine ", "Holidays", "Food", "Free time" - be able to read texts from common-political and scientific to popular literature. - understand oral speech, English speech within the limits of the studied subjects, to maintain conversation and produce statements within the studied themes. - use lexical units within the limits of the studied themes, to seize intonation of sentences of various types. Grammar forms of verb to be, possessive adjectives, Tenses, prepositions, pronouns, articles.  
Subject aims The module lasts during the 1st, 2nd semesters, has 3 credits (3 credits according to ECST), 135 hours of the workload. In the first year of training bases of the communicatively-intercultural competence the bases of four kinds of communicative activity are formed: auditions, speaking, readings and writing. According to the requirements of the educational system of Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of language preparation trained and according to the levels of possession offered by the Council of Europe foreign language ( Â1), the first year of training provides achievement of a "threshold" level in mastering by the speaking another language communicative competence. In the field of speakingstudents seize the prepared and unprepared dialogical and monologic speech. The purpose of training of dialogical speech is formation students’ ability to realize communicative intention and reaction to statements of the partner according to functional versions of dialogue and speech subjects. The purpose of training of monologic speech is formation students’ ability to realize communicative intentions in the form of the description (a residence, a family, the future job, events, dream, hope, etc.) according to the specified speech subjects and theme of dialogue. In the field of audition formation of skills to listen and understand native speaker’s speech in sound recordings, and also speech of teachers and students is supposed. Audition training is carried out on the basis of authentic audio and videotexts of monologue or dialogue character on the basis of studied speech subjects, sphere of dialogue and language material. In the field of reading as one of kinds of speech activity development in students of techniques of reading of the speaking another language text, and also skills to take the information from various sources is supposed. Training to reading is carried out on the basis of simple different the authentic texts of small volume constructed on a language material and speech subjects, studied in the 1st year of training.   In the field of the writing and written speech students form graphic skills, must write letters, produce written speech within the limits of a language material of a rate, according to compositional-communicative types of speech and the normative requirements of the studied language.   The language material of the first year is characterized by normative correctness and includes the most common phonetic, lexical and grammar phenomena, to provide practical mastering by bases of oral and written dialogue within the limits of subjects studied on a rate, in conformity with the sphere and situations of dialogue for levels Â1.   In the field of Written Translation students must translate authentic texts within the studied themes (150-200 words) from English into Kazakh / Russian and from Kazakh / Russian into Russian. In the field of Oral Translation students must make the phrasal translation (by a sentence, by a paragraph), the sight translation of authentic texts within the studied themes from English into Kazakh / Russian and from Kazakh / Russian into English.  
Teaching methods Work with cards and handouts, pair work, group work, quizzes, discussions, reports, presentations, project work , work in special premises with technical equipment.
Assessment methods Assessment methods carry out in the form of the rating control. The rating includes three types of control: Current control, Self-study results, Midterm control, and Final control. There are two rating controls in a semester. General Rating deduces from two ratings: (R1+R2/2). Student’s rating is exposed before the Final control. Current control, Self-study Midterm control, Final Control carry out in oral and written form.  
The module is used in other degree or non-degree programmes.
Competences to be developed within the module: linguistic intercultural-communicative
Responsibility for the module: Zharylkaganova A. Zh., Kruglova I.S. Office hours: by appointment
Other information Policy of academic excellence and behavior · Presence at lessons is strongly recommended. · Being late is undesirable. · You are welcome to ask any questions within the module. · For successful preparation for the lessons, doing home tasks, use of literature is strongly recommended. · One must be prepared for the classes, participate actively in the lessons. · Present the results of Independent Study in time. · In case of necessity consult the instructor according to their office hours. · Missing the classes is possible in case of a serious documented reason (illness, private circumstances). Presence at Rating Control, Examination is a must!
Essential readings For the Language practice English Files. Clive Oxinden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Oxford, University Press, 2003. For Phonetics practice New Headway Pronunciation Intermediate Student`s Practice Book. Bill Bowler. Sarah Cunninghan,2005 with CD Pack New Headway Pronunciation Upper- Intermediate Student`s Practice Book. Bill Bowler. Sarah Cunninghan, 2005 with CD Pack For Grammar lessons Grammar Intermediate. Kenna Bourke, 2006 For Home Reading lessons The Love of a king Intermediate by P Dainty The Diary of a Young Girl by A. Frank Falling Leaves by Adeline Y.Man The Accident Tourist by A. Tyler


Module Title: Introduction to Specialty “Translation Studies”
Module code: VS   Student Workload: 45 hours Credits: Semester: Frequency: each winter-term Duration: 1 semester (15 weeks)
Types of courses: 1. lectures 2. seminars 3. student’s independent study   Contact hours: 30 hours Independent study: 15 hours Class size: 45 students
Prerequisites for participation: A student must have successfully completed school modules such as Geography, The History of Kazakhstan, Literature, English, etc. The modules serve as a base for mastering the future profession. Participation requires language skills at level A2. Co-requisites of the course are: Kazakh / Russian, Computer studies, Ecology, General English (B1), Introduction into Linguistics
Learning outcomes a) Knowledge and understanding: After completing the module students will know: - the history of the beginning and evolution of the translating profession; - the role and place of translation in the modern world; - principal qualities of Translator (Interpreter) as a mediator between representatives of different cultures and languages; - types of translation, differences between interpreting and translation; - general questions of the art and informative translation; - bases of Interpreting Notes; - types of minutes measure.   b) Professional skills: After completing the module students will be able to: - realize a search and processing of socio-political, country-studying and cultural information for systematization and widening background knowledge to use them in the professional activity in the future; - use theoretical positions of the module creatively for a solution of professional – practical problems; - define types and stages of the translating process; - make a CV (resume), present himself / herself at a job interview; - use a computer, a Dictaphone and other equipment in the professional activity.  
Subject aims The module lasts during the 1st semester, has 1 credit (1,5 credits according to ECST), 45 hours of the workload. The aim of the module is toform students’ translator’s professional competency which includes such competences and sub-competences as: - intercultural-communicative competence (linguistic, cognitive, lingua-cultural, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, lingua-self-educational sub-competences); - general-professional competence (foreign-language, analytic-systematizing foreign, creative foreign-language professional, projective foreign-language-professional, informative-technological, scientific-researching sub-competences); - theoretic-outlook competence (acsiological sub-competence); - socio-personal competence (common-cultural, self-educational, informational-analytical, interpersonal-communicative competences).   According to the translator’s professional competency and its competences and sub-competences, students will acquire the following skills and abilities: - to operate the system of theoretical and practical knowledge of the foreign language and its communicative use in speech; - to recognize and use foreign conceptual-cognitive complexes; - to operate the system of professional-orientation notions and categories of the foreign language, to accumulate and synthesize professionally significant and lingua-cultural information; - to satiate the content of the linguistic material with socio-cultural information; - to form the controversy-reasoning communicative abilities and creation of one’s own foreign-language texts - discourses, which assume monologue speech with their further discussion in the forms of dialogue, interview, debates, etc. in problematic situations of the professional-significant character; - to use the strategies of foreign communicative behavior for establishment and maintaining the contact with the representatives of the foreign culture; - to be creatively independent and active; - to realize mental operations, connected with analysis and synthesis of the foreign knowledge (the abilities of reading, speaking, writing, listening, and also the ability of annotation of the foreign material); - to form creative foreign meta-knowledge, which is connected with generalization, systematization, estimation of the result of the activity; - to develop the skills of researching, analysis and selection of necessary information, its reforming, preservation, transmission and processing, the abilities of use of mass-medial and multi-medial technologies; - to form research abilities; - to synthesize the module knowledge with the system of social and personal values; - to interact successfully with other individuals and social groups. The translator’s professional competency intends on an acquisition of the knowledge about the professional activity of a translator (interpreter) which is necessary for mastering basic and profile disciplines, asking pragmoprofessional orientation on the future specialty. The main tasks of the subject are: - uncovering of the sphere and specification of the Translator’s (Interpreter’s) professional activity; - an acquaintance with the clue competences and sub-competences of a professional Translator (Interpreter); - orientation of students towards the independent, research, creative activity within the future profession.  
Teaching methods Presenting lectures using projector and interactive board, work with cards and handouts, group work, quizzes, discussions, reports, students’ presentations, project work.  
Assessment methods   Assessments methods include three types of control: Current control, Midterm control, Final control. These types of control realize in written, test, oral forms.  
The module is used in other degree or non-degree programmes.
Competences to be developed within the module: general professional linguistic
Responsibility for the module: Lecturer:candidate of philology, Senior teacher A.Zh. Kulmagambetova. Office hours:by appointment
Other information   Policy of academic excellence and behavior · Presence at lectures and seminars is recommended. · Being late is undesirable. · Taking notes on the lecture-material is strongly recommended. · You are welcome to ask any questions within the module. · For successful preparation for the classes, use of the lecture-material, recommended literature, and internet-sources is strongly recommended. · One must be prepared for seminars, participate actively in seminars. · Present the results of Independent Study on time. · In case of necessity consult the lecturer according to their office hours. · Missing the classes is possible in case of a serious documented reason (illness, private circumstances).
Bibliography   1.Alekseeva L.S. Professionalniy trening perevodchika.-M., 2001 2.Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. Kak stat perevodchcom? – M., 1999 3.Miram G.E. Professiya – perevodchik. Kiyev, 1999 4.Chuzhakin A.P., Palazhchenko P.R. Mir perevoda ili vechnyi poisk vsaimoponimanyi. - Ì. 1999 5.Chuzhakin A.P., Palazhchenko P.R. Mir perevoda-1. - Ì., 2000 Further readings
  1. Chuzhakin A.P., Palazhchenko P.R. Mir perevoda-2. - Ì., 2000
  2. Chuzhakin A.P., Palazhchenko P.R. Mir perevoda-3. - Ì., 2000
  3. Chuzhakin A.P., Palazhchenko P.R. Mir perevoda-4. - Ì., 2000
  4. Chuzhakin A.P., Palazhchenko P.R. Mir perevoda-5. - Ì., 2000
  5. Aktualniye problemi mezhkulturnoy kommunikatsiyi i perevoda. Materiali mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoi konferenci. –Almaty, 2001
  6. Barchudarov P.S. Yasyk i perevod.-M., 1975
  7. Brandes M.P. Stil i perevod.- Ì., 1988
  8. Brandes M.P., Provotorov V.I. Predperevodcheskiy analis teksta.-Kursk, 1999.
  9. Breus E.V. Îsnovy teory i praktiki perevoda s ruskogo na angliyskiy.- Ì.,1988
  10. Voprosi chudozhestvennogo perevoda.- Ì., 1955
  11. Dvustoronniy perevod obshestvenno-politisheskih tekstov s elementami skoropisi v angliskom ysyke. - Ì., 2006ã.
  12. Kopanev P.I., Beer F. Teoriya i praktika pismennogo perevoda. - Minsk, 1986
  13. Ìinyar –Beloruchev R.K. Obshaya teoriya perevoda I ustnyiy perevod.- Ì., 1980
  14. Perevod-sredstvo vzaimnogo sblizheniya narodov. - Ì., 1974
  15. Chernov G.B. Îsnovi sinchronnogo perevoda.- Ì., 1983..
  16. Shiryayev A.F. Sinchronniy perevod. - Ì., Voenizdat, 1979
  17. Shveytser A.D. Perevod i lingvistika. O gasetno-informatsionnom i voennom perevode.-Ì., 1973
Internet sources 1.http://linguistic.ru/index.php?module=main 2.http://linguistic.ru/index.php?cid=3 3.http://www.answers.com/topic/interpreting-1 4.http://www.aiic.net/  



Module Title: Ecology and stable development
module code (if used) Åêî 1106 student workload Total = 45 h Credits (ECTS) semester 1, 2. Sem. frequency 1 semester duration semester – 15 weeks
Types of courses General educational compulsory contact hours 11 hours independent study SIW 34 hours class size 45 students
Prerequisites for participation Participation in teaching process and discussions of pragma- professional tasks. During the semester 15 weeks requires fluent language skills(sp. group) written, oral, conversational
Learning outcomes Assimilation of the content of the course. Students should be aware of 1. basic laws, defining interaction of live organisms with surrounding; 2. diffusion and dynamics of number of organisms, structure of community and their dynamics; 3. basic principles of rational usage of natural resourses; 4. social and ecological consequences of antropogeniñ activity; 5. conceptions, strategies, problems of stable development and practical approaches on global, regional , local levels; acquire skills - using gained knowledge about laws of interaction of living organisms with enviroment in practical activity for preserving stable development; - analysis of natural and antropogenic ecological processes and possibilities of their regulation; - analysis of ecological situations; - usage of gained knowledge for the solution of ecological tasks; -rational usage of natural resourses, which is a basis of stable development.
Subject aims To form ecological thinking, acquire habits of ecological approach to solve industrial tasks, work out ecological culture of behavior, and to dicloze the role of ecological factors in stable development. – are of paramount importance for specialists with higher education.
Teaching methods Lectures, seminars(conversations, discussions, round-table, project work); innovation methods: interactive white board, multimedia project.(oral, written form, test )
Assessment methods Parameters of assessment according to credit technology ( per cent, letter equivalent, scores)
This module is used in the following degree programmes as well The subject is used in programmes and projects for the assessment of state of environment.
Responsibility for module Teacher is responsible for the content of the subject according to his education and speciality (diploma, master’s degree,candidate, PhD )
Other information Essential reading list: 1. Abdishiyeva Z.V. Basics of ecological and economical development. Semipalatinsk, 1999. (Russian edition) 2. Akhinzhanov K.D.Ecology. Almaty, 1999. (Russian edition) 3. Beisenova À.S. Ecology. Almaty, Publishing house «Gylym», 2001. (Russian edition) 4. Bigaliyev À.B., Khalilov Ì.F., Sharipova Ì.À. Basics of general ecology. Almaty, 2007. (Russian edition) 5. Brodski À.Ê. The essentials of ecology. Saint-Petersburg, 1996. (Russian edition)


Module Title: Introduction to linguistics
Code of VY/IL Total quantity of hours- 45 credit semester   Frequency   Duration
1 course Hours of meeting SIW – 11 hours Quantity of students
The pre-props (stipulation) of “Introduction of linguistics” course are the language subjects of secondary school program, and post-props (stipulation) are all subjects which regard in the general and single linguistics.
The result of the course: - To use linguistic terminologies and methods; - To deliver language phenomen, notions of language system and function on the basis of both native and foreigh languages; - To research and analyse language materials on the basis of linguistic methods.
The aim and object of the course: - To give fundamental knowledge about history of language and its inside structure problems to the audience; - To present the social meaning of the language and its basic functions; - To assimilate the main notions which regard structure of phonetics and phonology, lexicology, lexicography, grammar and its contents to the students; - To present the classifications of world languages and their systematic rules.
Teaching methods: projects, case-folders, lectures - Annotation card index by special materials; - To make schemes and tables; - Work with dictionaries, linguistic questionnaires and cards.  
Used materials: 1. Akhanov K. “Introduction of Linguistics” Almaty: School, 1965, page 623 2. Barannikov L.I. “Introduction in Linguistics” Saratov 3. Kordabaev T., Kaliyev G. “General Linguistics” Almaty: Dauir, 2004 4. Kaliyev B. “General Linguistics”, Almaty, 2004 5. Karlinskyi A.E. “Principles and methods and techniques of linguistic research” Almaty 2003 6. Levitskyi Yu.A. “General linguistics” –M.URSS, 2005 7. Kaliyev G. “Dictionary of linguistics terms” – Almaty: Dictionary 2005 8. Balakaev M., Sairanbaev T. “Modern kazakh language” – Almaty: Sanat, 1997 9. Sairanbaev T. “Word combination and syntax of simple sentence” - Almaty: Rauan, 1991 10. General linguistic. Forms of the existence of functions and history of language M.1970 11. F.de Sossyur “works of the general linguistics” – M.process 1980 12. Arnold I.B. “basics of scientific research of linguistics” M.2000 13. Kordabaev T., Kaliyev G. “General linguistic” Almaty, 2006 14. Linguistic dictionary Almaty, 1998 15. Linguistics terms dictionary. Salkynbai Anar Almaty, 1998 16. Linguistics definition dictionary Kaliyev G. Almaty, 1999



Module Title: Basic Russian Language  
Module code K (R) Ya - 1103 Student workload (hours) Credits 6 credits Semester 1 , 2 Frequency In the winter and in the summer Duration 30 weeks
Types of courses . Practical lessons   Contact hours 90 hours Independent study 90 hours Class size 15 students
Prerequisites:This course is taught to translation students after the disciplines, such as Russian language which was studied at school, Professional Russian Language.
Learning outcomes Students should be able to held business communication concerning their speciality and be able to create business documents.
Subject aims To check the students knowledge with the help of test due to the types of speech.
Teaching methods Interactive method, technology of communication, projection and case, role play.  
Assessment methods To check the knowledge with the help of test.
The module is taught in the specialty 050207 – Translation studies
Name of module convenor:   Kudiarbekova M.K.
Essential bibliography: 1.
Module Title Note Taking Techniques  
Credits(ECTS) Semester  
Types of courses a) lectures – 10 ac./hours b) practical training – 20 hours Contact hours 30 hours  
Prerequisites for participation Students must have successfully completed modules: The Practice of Written Translation, The Practice of Literary Translation, The Theory of Translation. Co-requisites: Practice of Informative Translation, Practice of Interpretation. Post-requisites:The course will help the students to acquire the techniques of all types of interpretation: simultaneous, consecutive, conference and interview translation. .
Learning outcomes This course is designed to provide the students with the skills of using the universal note-taking techniques which make the interpreter’s work much easier in the actual situation of rendering the long fragments of sounding texts. As the result of accomplishing the course the students are to know: - the basic principles of note-taking techniques; - the conventional symbols and abbreviations; - the basic methods of contracting the words; - the techniques of forming the logical links between the words and sentences. Professional skills: The students should be able: - to distinguish the key words of the source utterance of the duration from 1 to several minutes. - to choose the most effective note-taking techniques to reflect the facts, the precision information and the logical subsequence of the events described in the source text: - to create the visual basis for reproducing the idea of the target text. - to do all the above-mentioned operations simultaneously with the active perceiving the incoming information; - to reproduce the contents of the source text on the target language using the notes.
Subject aims The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the system of conventional signs and symbols used during the consecutive interpretation, and also to form the skills of quick encoding of the information and decoding it and an adequate translation. -Tasks: - to teach the students’ to use the universal symbols and signs of interpreter’s note-taking, - to form the students’ skills of using the individual system of contracting the words; - to form the students’ skills of quick encoding and decoding information and interpreting it according to the notes.
Teaching methods Lectures, practice, listening Each lesson will be conducted as interactive group discussions, based on theoretical review, case studies and practical tasks. Students are expected to express their understanding of theoretical assumptions in connection with their practical activities; they will be encouraged to use all symbols and other methods of note taking techniques.
Assessment methods Assessment of students’ progress: the maximum scoring marks 100, minimum – 55. Student contact time Attendance – 20% Home Task – 40% Class activity – 40% Total: 100% Independent learning Appropriate translation – 50% Using note taking – 50% Total: 100% Module translation Skill to code the received text-25p. Skill to use note taking-25p. Speed of reproduction-25p. Adequacy of reproduction-25p. Total: 100% Final control is conducted in the form of: Consecutive translation of high informative, complicated text with duration up to 5 minutes on different themes and with use of the skills of full knowledge of translation note technique Mark criteria of final control: Skill to code the received text-30p. Skill to use UPS-20p. Speed of reproduction-20p. Adequacy of reproduction-30p. Total – 100 marks.
This module is not used in other degree programmes.
Competences Competences to be developed within the module: -special professional competences. Students will be able: - to use the individual system of shortening; - to use the common symbols and signs - to decode information quickly and in the right way
Responsibility for module:Bekbulatov T.R., MA in Translation Studies
Other information -Short content of the discipline: 1. The methods of shortening of literal notes - cutting down the endings - Arabian approach 2. The method of coding the information with the help of the symbols - literal symbols 3. Associative symbols 4. The methods of coding of modality 5. The methods of coding of the derivative signs 6. The methods of noting the digital precision information 7. The methods of noting the asserted constructions 8. The methods of noting of the cause-and-effect relations 9. The methods of noting the sentences with indication of an aim 10. The methods of noting the sentences with comparison

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