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Subject code Name of the subject and its main components Number of credits Number of hours
OOD 1 General subjects
OK 1.1 Compulsory subjects
IK 1101 History of Kazakhstan
Fil 2102 Philosophy
IYa2(3)103 Foreign Language (Level A2, B1, B2)
K(R)Ya1104 Kazakh (Russian) Language
Inf 1105 Information technology
Eko 1106 Ecology
Pol 2108 Politology
Soc 2108 Sociology
OET09 Basics of Economic studies
OP 2110 Law studies
  Basic studies of Life Security
BD 2 Basic subjects
OK 2.1 Compulsory Subjects
BIYa 1201-2202 Basic foreign language (Level A1,A2,B1,B2)
PK(R)IYa   Basic Kazakh (Russian) language (Level A1,A2,B1)
OIYa 3204 General professional foreign language
SPIya 4205 Special professional foreign language
  Social-political, countryspecific, cultural and historical data of Republic of Kazakhstan
VS 1207 Introduction to Specialty
TP 3208 Theory of Translation
VYa 1209 Introduction to Linguistics
SK(R) Ya3210 Modern Kazakh/Russian language (theory and practice)
OTI Ya 2211 Essentials of English Language Theory
TPMK 4216 Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication
KV 2.2 Elective Courses
PD 3 Majors
OK 3.1 Compulsory subjects
  Note-taking techniques
  Practicum of simultaneous interpretation
  Modeling of simultaneous interpretation mechanisms
  Lexical and grammatical norms of politcorrectness
TPMK 4216 Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication
  Bilateral translation
  Functional stylistics of foreign language
  Multilateral international communication
  G-8, G-20 countries
  International financial institutions
  International political institutions
Additional types of teaching    
  Physical Training    
  Military Training    
  Midterm State Examination    
  Final State Examination    
  1. State Exams on specialty 2. Defense of Diploma Projects    

Note:Elective courses are chosen by students and are included in the academic programme.

Assessment concept of the study programme is based on the assessment system of the University, which can be subdivided into:

1) Current control;

2) Rating control;

3) Midterm control;

4) Final Examination

All types of control assessment include performance of laboratory, practical and home assignments, class attendance, tests, colloquiums, reports, interviews, etc. The types and number of current control depend on the module content and workload in terms of hours. Likewise, the mark for rating knowledge assessment is defined by the teacher depending on the module peculiarities. The Deadline for all types of assessment is determined by a calendar schedule of the study process.

The rating system of student assessment is a series of events which ensures quality control of student performance while acquiring the main educational programmes. Within the rating system, the assessment of the student performance is cumulative and is used for learning and teaching process management, granting scholarships and recruiting graduates.

Computer technology is used to process and store the assessment data.

The total score given for all types of control is 100 points.

The structure of the module includes:

a) Knowledge development programme;

b) Skills development programme, containing complex academic achievements of skills and methods of development;

c) List of problem-solving tasks (for the theoretical modules) and problem-solving pragmatic/professional tasks;

d) Audiovisual materials and other technical support;

e) Types of controls which include different test tasks and activities as role-playing, interactive technologies, round-tables, conferences, projects, presentations and multimedia educational programmes;

f) Topics and tasks for further independent study, schedules and control forms;

g) Topics for research (reports, course and diploma papers)


Total mark (TM) is calculated as following:


TM = [(MT1+MT2)] * 0.6+Ex * 0.4

MT=CC+RC+ SIS, where

MT stands for Midterm

CC stands for current control

SIS stands for students independent studies

TM - a numerical equivalent of total examination marks


Total is 100 points


Assessment scale of students’ knowledge and skills according to the International Standard

Grades Points Marks in % Traditional marking    
A 4,0 95-100 Excellent
A+ 3,7 90-94
B+ 3,3 85-89 Good
B 3,0 80-84
B- 2,7 75-79
C+ 2,3 70-74 Satisfactory
C 2,0 65-69
C- 1,7 60-64
D+ 1,3 57-59
D 1,0 53-56
D- 0,7 50-52
F 0,0 49 and below Unsatisfactory


The academic assessment of students is implemented through current, independent work, mid-term and final controls.

Current assessment includes successful fulfillment of practical assignments, writing essays, reports and attendance. Types and number of tasks depend on the module content and workload. Deadline is determined by a programme schedule.

The system of academic assessment is a complex of events which ensure control for the quality of the students’ performance. Within the system, assessment of the quality of the master students’ performance is cumulative and used for learning and teaching process management, scholarship granting, and graduates’ recruitment.

Monitoring the evaluation is carried out by means of IT - computer system which processes all information.

Independent study results are also taken into consideration and are a part of final grades.

Mid-term assessment is conducted every seventh week. There are two module assessment periods at the University. The test system can be performed in two forms: paper-based or computer based tests.

The final assessment includes tests, presentation of project work on a given problem as well as text analyses, modeling of translation, etc.

Students whose rating points are less than 50% on the module are not allowed to take an exam. They have to go through retake procedure. Final control – examination is calculated according to the following formula:

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Grade Point Average (GPA), the basis for assessment student’s academic standing and their graduation eligibility, are delivered as follows: each credit graded “A” through “F” is given a correspondingly numeral value called “quality points”

GPA is determined by the Digit Equivalent (in points) multiplied by Number of subject credits and is divided by Number of subject credits.

GPA is used to transfer the students from one academic year to next one.

Students are given feedback regularly during classes as well; they are informed of exam dates, requirements and assessment criteria beforehand. The results are discussed and analyzed by tutors and individual programmes for improvement are worked out. Students have an opportunity to get information about their grades in the following ways:

1. Website. The students by encoding their blue card number can get the necessary information on their current rating results, exam and module results, independent work results, etc.

2. The Office of the Registrar


A student at Abylai khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages will agree to conform to the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Codes of Practice of the University.


Programme dates: 1 September 2011 – 30 May 2012

The modules will be taught in 2 terms; both terms also include the time for examinations.


University Enrolment

01 September 2011

1st year students


Academic training From 01.09.11 till 10.12.11 15 weeks
1st midterm control From 10.10.11 till 15.10.11 1 week
2nd midterm control From 28.11.11 till 03.12.11 1 week
Examination session From 12.12.11 till 31.12.11 3 weeks
Winter holidays From 02.01.12 till 14.01.12 2 weeks
Academic training From 16.01.12 till 28.04.12 15 weeks
1st midterm control From 27.02. 12 till 03.03.12 1 week
2nd midterm control From 16.04. 12 till 21.04. 12 1 week
Examination session From 02.05. 12 till 19.05. 12 3 weeks
State Exam on History of Kazakhstan From 21.05. 12 till 26.05. 10   1 week
Summer term From 28.05. 12 till 23.06. 12 4 weeks
Summer holidays From 25.05. 10 till 31.08. 10 13 weeks

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1661

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