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Topic 6. Analysis of the dynamics of tourist flows as an indicator of the need to ensure security in the hospitality industry


The purpose of the lectures: Tourism covers many areas of human life, and therefore the study of tourism is closely connected with the study of psychology, anthropology, sociology, economics, geography, information technology, logistics, law and education.

Keywords: round, anthropology


1. The study of tourism with other areas of knowledge.

2. Anthropology

3. Sociology

4. Investigation of the potential of the tourist market of consumers

5. Right. The economy is an important part of Tourism



The need for security in tourism is directly linked to the pace of development of the tourist market. In order to trace this relationship and to identify the degree of safety significance for the hospitality industry, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of tourist flows in the past few years.

As of January 1, 2005 in the Republic of Kazakhstan in force are 751 tourist agency and 273 hotels offering their services to visitors and residents of the republic. In 2004 tourist companies and hotels of the city served by 292 738 tourists, including domestic tourism was 106 486 people, incoming tourism - 31 367 people, outbound tourism - 154 885 people. Largest share of outbound and domestic tourism - 53% and 36.4%, respectively.

For information about the service of tourists can be seen in Figure 1.

After analyzing the data obtained can be observed a tendency of constant increase in tourist flows. Thus, in 2002 the number of served tourists has increased in comparison with 2001 by 11%, in 2003 compared to 2002 - by 28% - 33.6%, in 2004 compared to 2003. In general, during the period under review the number of served tourists in 2004 increased by 89.4% in relation to 2001.

Modern tourism industry is one of the most profitable and fastest growing industries in the world economy, as it is dynamically developing in Kazakhstan. In 2002, tourist companies served 171,427 people, including through tourist firms were sold vouchers with a total value of 2 061 515 100 tenge, this amount 26.3% higher than the amount in 2001. In 2003, the amount of sold vouchers was 2447 104 600 tenge, which is 18.7% higher than the amount in 2002. In 2004, the total value of permits sold through travel agencies amounted to 3,263,092 thousand tenge, this amount is 33.3% higher than the amount in 2003.

The total income of tourist companies from the sale amounted to 5 417.6 million tenge in 2004, with the transfer to the state budget amounted to 412.4 million tenge. Revenues from services provided by hotels, totaled 19 078.4 million. Tenge, which is higher than the level of 2003 by 20%.

According to the law "On tourism activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" Tourism is divided into inbound, outbound and internal. For a more detailed analysis should consider each type separately tourism.

You can draw the following conclusions. As for domestic tourism, in 2002 there is a significant decline in domestic tourist traffic compared with 2001. The number of travelers in the country in 2002 was 66,928, a decrease compared to 2001 by 41.3%. In 2003, the already observed rise - the number of tourists increased by 32% in comparison with 2002 has increased compared to 2003 by 20.5% in 2004. And, although the number of tourists in 2004 compared to 2001 decreased by 6.7%, there is a clear trend towards an increase in domestic tourist flows (see Figure 1 of Annex A). This is primarily due to the increase of welfare of our republic that creates a desire to travel. In the second place, it is connected with the development of industry and tourism infrastructure in our country.

Now we proceed to the analysis of inbound tourism flows, the trend of its development can be seen in Figure 2 of Annex A.

In reviewing the data, we see that in 2002 the number of tourists has increased dramatically compared to 2001 by 1087.5%. In 2003, once again seeing the rise, the number of tourists has increased by 51% compared to 2002. In 2004 there was a decline again, as compared with 2003 the number of arrivals into the country decreased by 30.3%. But comparing the 2004 figure with the corresponding figure in 2001, it is still possible to observe a significant increase in the flow of foreign tourists in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the most promising and highly profitable segments of tourism is business tourism. More than 19 883 people visited Kazakhstan to participate in various exhibitions, congresses, conferences and other events, that is, from a purely business purposes, which accounted for 68.23% of the total number of visits to tourism. Travel for tourism accounted for 20.6% of the total, visiting friends and relatives - 10.6%, transit -0.57%. The main countries from which foreign nationals had visited Turkey to Kazakhstan - 15.3%, China - 15.2%, Germany - 14.6%, USA - 7.05%, Great Britain - 4.6%, Lithuania - 3 6%.

If while traveling with foreigners and our citizens have accidents, assistance they provide public authorities, listed in Table 1 of Annex B.

Come to us tourists accommodated in hotels with 273 one-time capacity of 24,257 beds in them, such as hotels can be identified under the category of 3-5 star hotels and, accordingly, meet generally accepted international standards. It should be noted that currently a serious competitor to the hotel enterprises is the household sector, Lessors (including visiting on official and business travel), furnished apartments and cottages. The largest share in servicing tourists (86.4%) occupy the private hotels, 12.5% ​​of tourists served by the state, the rest - the joint and foreign enterprises. Figure 4 of Annex A provides information on the number of tourists served by hotels, which have different forms of ownership.

Business growth of the country is also characterized by an increase in total hotel occupancy: in 2001 the services of the country's hotels benefited 968,421 people in 2002 - 1,612,131 people, in 2003 - 1960572 man, and in 2004 - 2,242,024 person. The total number of people served in the hotels of the country for the year 2004 increased in comparison with the previous year by 14.35%, and in comparison with 2001 - by 131.51%.

These data suggest that Kazakhstan, in order to further develop the hospitality industry, to support the upward trend in the first inbound tourism flows, as well as contribute to the further development of domestic tourism flows must be taken to ensure tourist safety measures in the whole industry, and directly in the field of tourist accommodation.

Currently, Kazakhstan is developing tourism with a primary focus on leaving. A significant amount of operating in Kazakhstan tourist firms prefer to sending its citizens abroad. This process can be followed by the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on statistics in Figure 3 of Annex A.

After analyzing the data, we can observe a tendency of constant increase in the number of residents traveling abroad the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2002, in comparison with 2001, this figure increased by 97%, in 2003 this figure increased in comparison with 2002 by 27%. In 2004 the number of residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan traveling for tourism has increased in comparison with 2003 by 63.6%, as compared to 2001 - by 308.2%.

The main objectives of our citizens have been traveling leisure, recreation and holidays - 34.4% of the total number of trips, visiting friends and relatives - 7.8%, the business and professional goals - 6.7%, the treatment - 0.4%, commercial - 49.5%.

Figures shown in Table 1 of Annex B of the data of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on statistics 15 foreign countries make it possible to trace some of the trends in the tourist market of Kazakhstan in the period from 2001 to 2004.

Thus, in 2001 and 2002, the highest number of visits occupied Turkey. And in 2001 China hold third position, in 2002 moved to the second, and already in 2003. topped the list of most visited countries. Germany in the number of visits in 2002 and 2003, took third place. The fourth place is occupied Kazakhstan Departure UAE. In 2004, the first place continues to hold China.

The share of the first five countries - China, Turkey, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Lithuania - accounts for about 85% of the total flow of departure of Kazakh citizens abroad for tourism.

By the number of "unfortunate" cases lead the country, where most Kazakhs drive. Thus, Turkey recognize the undisputed leader in "trouble" with our tourists, the most common of which - gastroenteritis. Tourists poisoned food spoiled due to extreme heat. Another constant bane of holidaymakers in Turkey - a cold in all its forms and manifestations. Finally, trauma, the most common cause of which - "valiant prowess." The forty degrees-heat our tourists jump with a parachute, water-ski, washed down with all these "sports" alcoholic beverages. The results are quite natural: fractures, sprains, strains. In Turkey, more and increased the number of car accidents. Wanting to have rest, tourists rarely think about the fact that, even knowing how to drive a car pretty well, you can not always cope with the situation in the Turkish roads, where the rules of no one remembers.

In 1998, the cost of medical care in Turkey increased by 30%, but is unlikely to be hoped that it will improve its quality. According to insurance companies, in this season, the cases of concealment of medical in hotels acute infectious diseases - for example, dysentery. Another typical problem for Turkey: ill tourists are often advised to seek help at the reception, where it will offer assistance to the doctor, who has a direct contract with the hotel and does not accept health insurance. In addition, the client lechivshemusya a local doctor and pay the bill can properly fill the supporting documents, up to the names of distortion, or last name of the tourist, it is not permissible in insurance practice. /8/. Another problem in Turkey - it is bird flu cases observed in the past year, but the WTO opinion, the further spread of the virus across the country did not happen and, therefore, no reason to change vacation plans.

Second place goes to Egypt. In the tourism business of the main African tourism center has its own specificity: it flashes all kinds of infections occur periodically. Traditionally disadvantaged in terms of health, and other countries in Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Thailand. It is simple: tourists often do not realize that the coming of the cold country, it is not necessary to spend long hours in the sun.

In Egypt the event of terrorist acts, but the problems can be avoided if traveling, observing all safety precautions. British "Tourism Security Bulletin" does not recommend the use turpoezdom Cairo-Luxor-Aswan. These trains are exposed to terrorist attacks. In Egypt, it is the only rail route, which passes through the Arabian desert. The Luxor is better to go by bus, running along the shore of the Red Sea. There are situated the main resort areas long inhabited by Europeans and Americans - they are well protected, so that the route is safe. From Luxor you can get another bus to Aswan. But keep away from the main road is not necessary, as the case of an attack on the buses.

In Cairo, the Muslim should not attend suburb Imbaba district and the poor - Dead City. In Egypt, a special police tour, her phone - 126 will respond to any of the major European languages, including Russian.

Thailand foreign tourists generally safe. All hotels and tourist sites strenuously protected. As for the streets of Bangkok and Pattaya area frequented by tourists from the Republic of Kazakhstan, and there, where the poor live (on small streets branching from the main avenues), problems may arise. Especially criminal district in Bangkok is considered Chinatown. Is pervasive handheld motorcycle theft.

Stay in the most visited countries in Europe, as well as China, the UAE and Saudi Arabia is generally safe.

In France and Germany, the criminal situation is approximately the same as in other Western European countries. Taking a walk through Paris, do not put valuables in the rear pockets of his trousers. Keep bags. There is practically no motovorov, but walking across - mainly immigrants from Algeria, North Africans, as the French call them.

In Italy, should be wary of robbers-riders, they ride around on motorbikes, snatching bags from a moving hand. Pickpockets are able to pull out any pockets of wallets (especially in crowded flea markets). Therefore, you need to wear a bag, slung the strap through the neck is better to leave the documents in the hotel safe. In no case did not respond to begging. This Italian foraged mostly Roma. The most dangerous of those beggars that keep to a detailed newspaper: under it often hides a knife or pepper spray.

In Italy, there are several types of law enforcement units: municipal police, the carabinieri (this is something like the internal forces), fire police (in case of natural disasters) and the traffic police.

In Spain safely, unless going to the neighborhoods where they sell drugs. But here come across bikers - amateurs handbags. Vigilance is necessary to be at the airport, there are whole groups of pickpockets are operating, mostly Latinos, many of whom are girls, distracting the victim a smile or talk.

In Greece, very calm. Some inconvenience created recently, refugees from Albania, who beg on the streets of Athens, as well as our former compatriots - Pontic Greeks moved to Greece for permanent residence; at the Athens railway station or in the port of Piraeus you can surround harassing Greeks who speak in Russian, and offering a show in the city of fur stores. Do not settle - everything happens. On the islands and in the small Greek towns - all is quiet.

In Poland and the Czech Republic should be wary of so-called "Russian and Ukrainian mafias", the representatives of which are unsafe for their countrymen.

Statistics and practice of recent years clearly show that trips of Kazakhstani citizens in the near and far abroad countries for the purpose of travel and tourism are increasing every year. However, the potential tourist, going on a long journey, first of all think about the virtues of the mountains, skiing, to the Egyptian pyramids, exotic plants and animals, bathing in the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. In short, only a pleasant and natural - to understand the world, relaxed, fun and carefree relax, improve health. Unfortunately, very few people in such "dreamy moment" think about the surprises that may arise in the way of every tourist. Here and sudden illness, severe toothache, bruises, fractures; loss of documents; destruction, flooding, theft of property; loss of luggage; the urgent need to return to their homeland, and more


Control questions:

1. Tourist right - it's ...?

2. Tourism and nature protection.?

3. Study the potential of the tourist market of consumers


Recommended reading:

Marinin MM - Tourist formalities and security in tourism. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 144s .: silt.

Insurance in tourism: Textbook /A.A. Gvozdenko. - M .: Aspekt Press, 2002, 254 ..

F. Kotler, Bowen J., J. Meykenz -.. Marketing. Hospitality.

Tourism. - M .: Publishing. Association "UNITY", 1998. - 787s.

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 13, 2001 N 211 "On tourist activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Alexandrova AY - International tourism: Textbook - M .: Aspekt Press, 2004. - 470 p.

I.T Balabanov Balabanov AI .. Tourism Economy. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2000. - 290C.

Brymer RL - Fundamentals of Management in Hospitality / Trans. E.B.Tsyganova. - M .: Aspekt Press, 1995. - 154c.

Gvozdenko AA - Insurance Basics: A Textbook. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 1998.

Zorin MV - Tourism Management. Tourism as an activity. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2001. - 288s.

Kabushkin I.I Bondarenko .. GL - Management of hotels and restaurants. - Mn .: 000 "new knowledge". 2000. - 235s.

Lesnik AL Matsitsky, Chernyshev AV Organization and management of hotel business. - M., 2000. - 265s.

Papiryan GA - Marketing in tourism. M: the Finance and statistics, 2000.-160s.

Insurance: theory, practice, international experience: the textbook for students of universities and colleges, ed. KK Zhuyrikova. - Almaty: PF "BIS", 2000

Birzhakov MB Introduction to Tourism .: Uchebnik.- 7th ed., Rev. and Sub-M.: - St. Petersburg: Nevsk.Fond- ID Gerda, 2004- 448 p.

Buzykaev AA Basics tourismology. / Univ "Turan-Astana" .- Astana, 2005.- 22 p.

Stone, P. R. (2012). Dark tourism and significant other death: Towards a model of mortality mediation. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(3), 1565-1587

Bhanumurthy K .V, Abha Mathur. Tourism – Concept&Perspectives. India. http://www.academia.edu/6814940/TOURISM_CONCEPT_and_PERSPECTIVES

M.B Birzhakov, "Introduction to Tourism", M., - C-PTB. 2003

S.R Erdavletov, "Fundamentals of the geography of tourism", Almaty, 1992

A.J Alexandrov, "International tourism", M., 2004

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer (World Tourism Organization) 11 (1). January 2013. Retrieved2013-04-09.

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Topic 5. International legal aspects of security in the hospitality industry | Topic 7. Insurance as an effective method of ensuring the safety of tourists
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