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Topic 7. Insurance as an effective method of ensuring the safety of tourists

The purpose of the lectures: To study the nature of this classification in the allocation of certain forms and types of tourism in different directions, and the quality and tsennosti and what signs are put in its foundation.

Keywords: ecotourist, religious tourism, tour


1. Classification of modern tourism.

2. International tourism

3. Eco-tourism


In Kazakhstan, there is a tendency to an increase in domestic tourist traffic. But the increase in the number of travelers in the country had virtually no impact on the amount insured. Since travel insurance, traveling in Kazakhstan, in all its manifestations is much less developed. Our citizens do not tend to take care of yourself on a trip within the country, and most of them simply do not realize that this is possible. Insurance companies, in turn, also not too insistently offer their services in this area, and does it very small part of the insurers. Caused by a lack of interest in the first place, a small amount of traveling in Kazakhstan, and secondly, the lack of reliable and ubiquitous operating service centers.

With regard to the security of foreign tourists, it should be noted that it is from the point of view of Kazakhstan's legislation is voluntary.

Thus, we see that the insurance of inbound and domestic tourism is virtually absent. Quite different is the case with outbound tourism. The insurance market is going abroad is more stable. This happens because our insurers contact with foreign colleagues, have to work according to Western standards and laws, according to which the insurance company guarantees a person's right to receive the necessary assistance.

Real help tourists in distress, insurers can provide.

travel insurance programs, going abroad, are intended to prevent the risks of tourism and deal with their consequences. Insurance is one of the main forms of reducing the risk and safe stay of tourists in other countries, allowing time and immediately get help.

Unfortunately, not all potential tourists aware of this. Some believe that it is cheaper to save a few dollars on insurance or to conclude an agreement with the insurer on the minimum sum insured. In this case it is appropriate known warning stingy, which "pays twice." For example, medical services abroad and costs are not comparable with Kazakhstan. Treatment, for example, the common cold is the average in Greece 250, in Spain - 200, France - 430 euros. During the first visit to the doctor tourists will have to pay 50-60 euros (depending on country of residence); one day of hospitalization 300-1000 euros; for services reanimatsii- 1000-1500 euros; for medical and transport assistance - 60-80 euros per hour.

So the best way - the purchase of an insurance policy. The countries, which account for a greater number and volume of insurance claims, are given in Appendix D in Figure 1, and the data on the volume of insurance claims can be seen in Appendix D in Figure 2.

Unfortunately, quite often we have to deal with tourist firms, which consider insurance as an additional burden. Employees of such companies often do not realize how much lost in the eyes of customers, when underestimate the importance of the ability to sell insurance services correctly. Moreover, selling to their customers dubious policy of the insurance company, the company can put your financial well-being in relation to the case, while a conscious attitude to the choice of insurer and insurance, of course, add points of tourist company and keep money in its budget.

In the civilized world, the level of development of the insurance sector can be considered an indicator of the development of the national economy as a whole. At this stage of the Kazakhstan insurance market is estimated by experts as one of the fastest growing in the CIS. To date, market participants are 36 insurance companies, which are active throughout the country, including remote areas.

In the table below we look at the largest insurance companies offering insurance services in tourism.


Table 1. Insurance companies providing insurance services in tourism


Name of insurance company The foreign partner - assistance Travel firms

OJSC "Oil Insurance Company» Class Assistance Turan Asia, Gulnar Tour Center tour and other

JSC Insurance Company "Kazkommerts-Policy» CORIS Zhibek Zholy, and other Yassaui

JSC Insurance Company "BTA"



Asia the VIP, Marmara Tour

Sputnik, Turan Asia, Sayat and others.


"Interteach» Gesa Assistance Jean-Nur, Nur Ai and Co and other


The following table presents the four insurance companies that are leaders in the market of tourist insurance services. The table shows the foreign partners of the company - assistance, which work closely together data insurance firms, and given the largest tourist firms using the services of these companies.

Within the framework of the adopted laws and legislation information the insurance companies have a number of insurance services in tourism. The most common types of insurance of tourist services are listed below.

The most widespread in Kazakhstan received voluntary medical insurance of tourists in recent years, as an increasing number of citizens traveling abroad for tourism and travel every year, and with it the number of possible accidents. In addition, the availability of medical insurance has become mandatory condition for obtaining a tourist visa in most countries.

The program of voluntary medical travel insurance includes medical expenses, which have become necessary as a result of an accident or sudden illness of traveling. At the same time the tourist paid medical services and the cost of prescription drugs. When hospitalization - the cost of travel and food in the hospital, the necessary diagnostic and laboratory tests, surgery, intensive care services to service, and in case of sudden death - the body home delivery and related funeral services. The company also pays for other necessary expenses: emergency transport to the place of treatment, transportation from the hospital to the place of your residence.

Medical insurance is valid only in respect of those diseases that overtook the rest abroad. This food poisoning, flu, trauma, acute appendicitis and other troubles. To recover from what has not arisen suddenly in the host country, at the expense of the insurance company will not work. Hoping that paying ten dollars for the insurance, the tourist will be able to receive treatment from the best doctors abroad, is absolutely senseless. Since the program of voluntary medical insurance of tourists - it is the first or a medical emergency. If a person wants prosthesis teeth - nobody will not do this. In the case of necessary remove acute pain. Heart surgery, organ transplants, oncology, cosmetic and plastic surgery, the costs of treatment of chronic and long-term diseases are not covered in any case. Tourists at the resort suddenly found himself asthma or coronary heart disease, too, will not be treated. Also, the insurance company will not pay the money for the treatment of diseases, sexually transmitted diseases. The same applies to damage in a drunken state, unless the cause of injury is detected.

Another rule. Expenses for the treatment of injuries sustained in the area of ​​popular unrest, uprisings, riots, wars, the insurance company will not reimburse. So, choosing a country for recreation, tourist should be aware of this.

In addition to the common security model rules in each of the insurance company, there are exceptions and additions. For example, in a "Interteach" insurance company said that are not covered by the cost of treatment of sunburn. As the insurance company will not pay the costs, if the tourist will catch an infection in the host country from which it was possible to get vaccinated at home.

At a rest actively and passively health risk is not the same, therefore, to pay for the insurance they need in different ways. Therefore, insurance companies designed a special daily rate factors to risk type. They are calculated according to the principle: the more the insured risk, the more you pay.

For people under the age of sixty-five to seventy-five is planned to increase the cost of insurance in half by insurance companies and customers over seventy-five general no fear. This behavior is completely justified. Elderly people tend to already have health problems. Long-distance trip can aggravate or provoke them.

Also not insured children up to one year.

Recently, a standard health insurance policy added another - "accident insurance". This lump-sum compensation in case of injury, illness or death of a tourist. For example, during a trip he broke his leg, he was put in plaster and sent a special flight home. In addition, the insurance company pays the doctors, the tourist also gets a fixed amount.

Insurance companies have also developed a range of additional services that include policy. In Kazakhstan the first companies that offered its customers such services are: SC "Oil Insurance Company" Insurance Company "BTA".

These innovations allow tourists to feel comfortable and confident while traveling. Here are some of them:

Early return of the insured in emergency situations: in the case of the sudden death of a close relative (spouse, father, mother, children), severe damage to housing from fire, flood, earthquake insurance companies return to the insured the costs of early return to the country of permanent residence.

Evacuation of the minor children of the insured: in case of accident, sudden illness or death of the insured, the insurance company shall arrange and pay for an early return to the country of residence by air in economy class of minor children traveling with him and left unattended. In this case, the insured returns a service company, or the unused portion of the initial cash cost per child ticket.

Transfer insured urgent message: payment transfer urgent message to the traveler of his relatives, related to the insured event, a service company or by the insured.

Registration of lost documents. Service Company provides assistance to the insured in the design of new documents instead of lost and organizes their delivery, as well as cover the costs involved, the necessity of which is documented by the relevant competent authorities.

Legal and administrative assistance. Imagine this situation. Insured autotourist rents a car in the host country and gets in a car accident. He needed legal assistance. The insurance company in this case not only organizes such aid, but also pay legal costs. If the insured person goes to prison, or he could face jail time, the insurance company will give him a loan on collateral guarantee.

Recovery of lost luggage. This type of insurance covers personal belongings of the insured - both put into the cargo compartment of the vehicle, and transported as carry-on baggage, as well as being in the room the host hotel. Insurance event is a theft, damage of luggage. Usually at insurance companies luggage liability insurance does not cover personal and travel documents, money, securities, expensive fur and jewelry. To obtain appropriate compensation for the insured is obliged to declare the day of the fact of loss of luggage to the competent authority and inform the service company. The insurer shall not be liable for loss of baggage if it has been lost as a result of the consequences of war, insurrection or in case of loss of baggage as a result of the confiscation or seizure.

It should be noted that for their part the insurance company only offered insurance programs and guarantee costs associated with insured events. The immediate customer service for overseas companies engaged in assistance. They have a wide network of representative offices in almost all countries of the world that offer professional assistance for travelers.

Consider the situation that prevailed in the insurance of tourists going abroad, it is necessary to consider the trends that can be traced in the insurance market in domestic tourism.

According to experts of the insurance companies of internal tourism development will not lead to growth of insurance volumes, as many tourists are still hoping that everything goes well and only when there are unpleasant situations, tourism companies think of the travel insurance within the country.

To date, the insurance company "Interteach" developed medical insurance for traveling in special recreation areas in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the daily rate of 0.5 euros sum insured is EUR 1,200. This program includes: medical care for the sudden illness or accident; medical transportation to the nearest hospital in an emergency and repatriation of the body, not including funeral expenses. The cost of insurance services for this category of doubles for the age group of 65 years. For larger groups there are discounts.

The company also insures children traveling in specialized recreation areas in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One new development is the program of the insurance company "Kazkommerts-Policy" - "Lucky Tour". The program provides accident insurance of tourists, hunters, fishermen. The area of ​​the policy the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic.

Another type of services provided by insurance companies, insurance RK Government civil liability of a tour operator and turagenta.31 December 2003 adopted a law "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of a tour operator and travel agent." Licenses for this type of insurance have received a total of seven insurance companies. These include: SC "Currency-Transit Polis" IC "Eurasia" CIS "Kazakhinstrakh" IC "Kazkommerts-Polis" IC "Merker Reward", JSC "Oil Insurance Company", "Interteach".

The object of compulsory insurance of civil liability of a tour operator and travel agent are the property interests of tour operator and travel agent associated with their duty to compensate the damage caused to the property or other interests in the implementation of a tourist on the implementation of tourism products business.

Decision on the adoption of this law was due to the fact that today there are cases when you do not operate tourist firms for various reasons of their obligations to the client: provide him with a hotel is not the class that was specified in the contract, do not provide a shuttle or excursion. In all these cases, tourists had to pester the various authorities to recover part of the money paid for the ticket, or even all of the money if the trip did not take place. Naturally Tourism company had to do it. But now, in this case it must insure the responsibility and all the costs will be paid by the insurance company.

In this section of the thesis, we considered all kinds of tourist insurance, which offer the insurance companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Control questions: 1. Tourist right - it's ...?

2. Tourism and nature protection.? 3. Study the potential of the tourist market of consumers

Recommended reading:

Marinin MM - Tourist formalities and security in tourism. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 144s .: silt.

Insurance in tourism: Textbook /A.A. Gvozdenko. - M .: Aspekt Press, 2002, 254 ..

F. Kotler, Bowen J., J. Meykenz -.. Marketing. Hospitality.

Tourism. - M .: Publishing. Association "UNITY", 1998. - 787s.

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 13, 2001 N 211 "On tourist activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Alexandrova AY - International tourism: Textbook - M .: Aspekt Press, 2004. - 470 p.

I.T Balabanov Balabanov AI .. Tourism Economy. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2000. - 290C.

Brymer RL - Fundamentals of Management in Hospitality / Trans. E.B.Tsyganova. - M .: Aspekt Press, 1995. - 154c.

Gvozdenko AA - Insurance Basics: A Textbook. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 1998.

Zorin MV - Tourism Management. Tourism as an activity. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2001. - 288s.

Kabushkin I.I Bondarenko .. GL - Management of hotels and restaurants. - Mn .: 000 "new knowledge". 2000. - 235s.

Lesnik AL Matsitsky, Chernyshev AV Organization and management of hotel business. - M., 2000. - 265s.

Papiryan GA - Marketing in tourism. M: the Finance and statistics, 2000.-160s.

Insurance: theory, practice, international experience: the textbook for students of universities and colleges, ed. KK Zhuyrikova. - Almaty: PF "BIS", 2000

Birzhakov MB Introduction to Tourism .: Uchebnik.- 7th ed., Rev. and Sub-M.: - St. Petersburg: Nevsk.Fond- ID Gerda, 2004- 448 p.

Buzykaev AA Basics tourismology. / Univ "Turan-Astana" .- Astana, 2005.- 22 p.

Stone, P. R. (2012). Dark tourism and significant other death: Towards a model of mortality mediation. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(3), 1565-1587

Bhanumurthy K .V, Abha Mathur. Tourism – Concept&Perspectives. India. http://www.academia.edu/6814940/TOURISM_CONCEPT_and_PERSPECTIVES

M.B Birzhakov, "Introduction to Tourism", M., - C-PTB. 2003

S.R Erdavletov, "Fundamentals of the geography of tourism", Almaty, 1992

A.J Alexandrov, "International tourism", M., 2004

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer (World Tourism Organization) 11 (1). January 2013. Retrieved2013-04-09.

Sevastyanov SA Regional planning development of tourism and hotel industry: educational posobie.- M: KNORUS, 2010.- 256c.


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Topic 6. Analysis of the dynamics of tourist flows as an indicator of the need to ensure security in the hospitality industry | Topic 8. State policy in the sphere of security of tourist and hotel services
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