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Topic 5. International legal aspects of security in the hospitality industry


The purpose of the lectures: Teach the object of tourist and recreational activities recreational potential, which refers to the totality of the natural, cultural - historical and socio - economic givens, creates prerequisites for organizing and conducting tourism and recreation.

Keywords: fitotsenotichnost, recreational digression,


1. The territorial recreational systems and tasks of their geographical study.

2. Assessment of tourist - recreational resources.

3. Features and principles of tour operators


International experience in the development of tourism safety measures studied and summarized by the World Tourism Organization.

Travel Security was declared in the Code of tourism and tourist charter (VI session of the General Assembly of WTO, 1985), the Hague Parliamentary Conference on Tourism (1989), held in conjunction with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the World Tourism Organization. The conference discussed issues of promoting tourism to contribute to economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity and universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; strengthening peace and security at the national, regional and international levels that is essential to the development of domestic and international tourism.

When the WTO Executive Council in 1994 set up the quality of tourist services, the Committee, which is responsible for travel security issues.

According to the WTO initiated in the summer of 1995 in Ostersund (Sweden) held an international conference on the security of tourism and reduction of risks associated with travel. The conference was attended by representatives of national tourism administrations of Russia, USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Israel, Spain, Austria, and another 20 states, as well as tourist associations, research and educational institutions of tourism and major travel agencies. In addition, official representatives of Interpol, the European tourism research center, tourism and aviation Argentine police, tourism security of Canada, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of a number of countries. The conference clearly traced the idea that the primary role in ensuring the security of tourism and reducing the risks of travel is given, first of all, public authorities and national tourism administrations, which in turn should provide the appropriate level of cooperation and coordination with all parties, to sign a declaration .

The main objective of the conference was to review issues of tourism safety and reduce the risks of travel, and to develop mutually agreed solutions to problems in this sphere. Also, the sides discussed issues of timely and continuous exchange of information between countries, national tourism administrations and other tourism sector institutions, mutual assistance and co-ordination, the responsibility of governments and states to eliminate problems in the development of international tourism, it shows the role of the media in tourism and improving its security development .

WTO is also conducting a survey of the world, on the theme "Security and protection of travelers, tourists, tourist facilities". Government and the governing bodies of many countries regularly publish lists of countries not recommended for a visit. Number of countries where the political situation remains difficult, occur military or other serious conflicts remain the same - every year about 30. Announcements News television and other media such countries, many at the hearing.

WTO recognizes the importance of the World Tourism Forum for Peace and Sustainable Development, held in Brazil, 1-6 December 2004.

Striving for sustainable development of the tourism industry, the Forum pursued the task of creating the conditions for peace, environmental, social and economic sustainable development and protection of cultural diversity throughout the world. WTO Secretary-General Mr. Francesco Franzhalli stressed that "the forum aims to create millions of new jobs and income-generating activities, especially in the developing world; its purpose is a significant contribution to social inclusion and reduction of poverty. " The value of the Forum to the WTO has been confirmed by the convening of 2 and 3 December the 74th session of the Executive Board. In the context of the WTO Forum will also hold a meeting dedicated to the prevention and fight against sexual exploitation of children in tourism.

The WTO also stressed the need for further coordinated steps the international community to strengthen worldwide safety measures aimed at combating terrorism.

WTO has established a program for the implementation of security strategy and further enhance facilitation (SAFE), realized in close cooperation with ICAO and other relevant organizations to bring these issues together. There is a parallel need for action to: integrate facilitation with security, reduce irritation factors faced by travelers, cost control to ensure safety and to assist in alleviating the burden of the poorest countries on security costs.

An essential condition for tourism is the quality of the environment, as well as reliable information about its condition. At the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Tourism, held in The Hague in April 1989, attention was drawn to a deep relationship between tourism and the environment with an appeal to "determine the level of capacity of places frequented by tourists and to ensure its compliance, even if this will mean restricting access to such sites at certain periods or seasons. "

The Declaration on Tourism, adopted in November 1994 at the World Conference of Ministers of Tourism in Osaka, it was noted that "tourists should contribute to the preservation of the unique beauty of our planet for future generations."

Meanwhile, the security issues of tourism directly or indirectly involved in such international and non-governmental organizations as the International Labour Organization (ILO), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Educational, (UNESCO), Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) , International civil aviation organization (ICAO), United Nations environment Programme (UNEP), the International criminal police organization (INTERPOL), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD), World trade organization, and others. Many economic and financial institutions are also involved in the problems of tourism, in particular, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and others. / 26 /

Thus, we can conclude that the rapid development of mass tourism brings and negative effects, but the modern world community is taking all possible actions aimed at maintaining world peace, poverty eradication, environmental protection and the tourists themselves, which should positively affect the the development of the hospitality industry.

Seeing that is a tourist security, proceed to consider measures to achieve security in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Control questions:

2. Tourism and nature protection.?

3. Socio - economic preconditions of tourism development

Recommended reading:

Marinin MM - Tourist formalities and security in tourism. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 144s .: silt.

Insurance in tourism: Textbook /A.A. Gvozdenko. - M .: Aspekt Press, 2002, 254 ..

F. Kotler, Bowen J., J. Meykenz -.. Marketing. Hospitality.

Tourism. - M .: Publishing. Association "UNITY", 1998. - 787s.

Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 13, 2001 N 211 "On tourist activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Alexandrova AY - International tourism: Textbook - M .: Aspekt Press, 2004. - 470 p.

I.T Balabanov Balabanov AI .. Tourism Economy. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2000. - 290C.

Brymer RL - Fundamentals of Management in Hospitality / Trans. E.B.Tsyganova. - M .: Aspekt Press, 1995. - 154c.

Gvozdenko AA - Insurance Basics: A Textbook. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 1998.

Zorin MV - Tourism Management. Tourism as an activity. - M .: Finance and Statistics, 2001. - 288s.

Kabushkin I.I Bondarenko .. GL - Management of hotels and restaurants. - Mn .: 000 "new knowledge". 2000. - 235s.

Lesnik AL Matsitsky, Chernyshev AV Organization and management of hotel business. - M., 2000. - 265s.

Papiryan GA - Marketing in tourism. M: the Finance and statistics, 2000.-160s.

Insurance: theory, practice, international experience: the textbook for students of universities and colleges, ed. KK Zhuyrikova. - Almaty: PF "BIS", 2000

Birzhakov MB Introduction to Tourism .: Uchebnik.- 7th ed., Rev. and Sub-M.: - St. Petersburg: Nevsk.Fond- ID Gerda, 2004- 448 p.

Buzykaev AA Basics tourismology. / Univ "Turan-Astana" .- Astana, 2005.- 22 p.

Stone, P. R. (2012). Dark tourism and significant other death: Towards a model of mortality mediation. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(3), 1565-1587

Bhanumurthy K .V, Abha Mathur. Tourism – Concept&Perspectives. India. http://www.academia.edu/6814940/TOURISM_CONCEPT_and_PERSPECTIVES

M.B Birzhakov, "Introduction to Tourism", M., - C-PTB. 2003

S.R Erdavletov, "Fundamentals of the geography of tourism", Almaty, 1992

A.J Alexandrov, "International tourism", M., 2004

UNWTO World Tourism Barometer (World Tourism Organization) 11 (1). January 2013. Retrieved2013-04-09.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 1105

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Topic4. The financial and commercial risks | Topic 6. Analysis of the dynamics of tourist flows as an indicator of the need to ensure security in the hospitality industry
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