| Attenuation from Trees and ForestsTrees can be a significant source of path loss, and there are a number of variables involved, such as the specific type of tree, whether it is wet or dry, and in the case of deciduous trees, whether the leaves are present or not. Isolated trees are not usually a major problem, but a dense forest is another story. The attenuation depends on the distance the signal must penetrate through the forest, and it increases with frequency. According to a CCIR report [10], the attenuation is of the order of 0.05 dB/m at 200 MHz, 0.1 dB/m at 500 MHz, 0.2 dB/m at 1 GHz, 0.3 dB/m at 2 GHz and 0.4 dB/m at 3 GHz. At lower frequencies, the attenuation is somewhat lower for horizontal polarization than for vertical, but the difference disappears above about 1 GHz. This adds up to a lot of excess path loss if your signal must penetrate several hundred meters of forest! Fortunately, there is also significant propagation by diffraction over the treetops, especially if you can get your antennas up near treetop level or keep them a good distance from the edge of the forest, so all is not lost if you live near a forest.
General Non-LOS Propagation Models
There are many more general models and empirical techniques for predicting non-LOS path losses, but the details are beyond the scope of this paper. Most of them are aimed at prediction of the paths between elevated base stations and mobile or portable stations near ground level, and they typically have restrictions on the frequency range and distances for which they are valid; thus they may be of limited usefulness in the planning of amateur high-speed digital links. Nevertheless, they are well worth studying to gain further insight into the nature of non-LOS propagation. The details are available in many texts - Ref. [3] has a particularly good treatment. One crude, but useful, approximation will be mentioned here: the loss on many non-LOS paths in urban areas can be modeled quite well by a fourth-power distance law. In other words, we substitute d4 for d2 in equation (5). In equation (6), we can substitute 40log(d) for the 20log(d) term, which would correspond to the assumption of square-law distance loss for distances up to 1 km (or 1 mile, for the non-metric version of the equation), and fourth-law loss thereafter. This is probably an overly optimistic assumption for heavily built-up areas, but is at least a useful starting point.
The propagation losses on non-LOS paths can be discouragingly high, particularly in urban areas. Antenna height becomes a critical factor, and getting your antennas up above rooftop heights will often spell the difference between success and failure. Due to the great variability of propagation in cluttered urban environments, accurate path loss predictions can be difficult. If a preliminary analysis of the path indicates that you are at least in the ballpark (say within 10 or 15 dB) of having a usable link, then it will generally be worthwhile to give it a try and hope to be pleasantly surprised (but be prepared to be disappointed!).
Date: 2016-03-03; view: 833