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Special Considerations for Digital Systems

We have previously looked at the effect of multipath on path loss. When reflections occur from objects which are very close to the direct path, then paths have very similar lengths and nearly the same time delay. Depending on the relative phase shifts of the paths, the signals traversing them at a given frequency can add constructively to provide a gain with respect to a single path, or destructively to provide a loss. On longer paths in particular, the effect is usually a loss. Since the path lengths are nearly equal, the loss occurs over a wide frequency range, producing a "flat" fade.

In many cases, however, reflections from objects well away from the direct path can give rise to significant multipath. The most common reflectors are buildings and other manmade structures, but many natural features can also be good reflectors. In such cases, the propagation delays of the paths from one end of the link to the other can differ considerably. The extent of this time spreading of the signal is commonly measured by a parameter known as the delay spread of the path. One consequence of having a larger delay spread is that the reinforcement and cancellation effects will now vary more rapidly with frequency. For example, suppose we have two paths with equal attenuation and which differ in length by 300 meters, corresponding to a delay difference of 1 µsec. In the frequency domain, this link will have deep nulls at intervals of 1 MHz, with maxima in between. With a narrowband system, you may be lucky and be operating at a frequency near a maximum, or you may be unlucky and be near a null, in which case you lose most of your signal (techniques such as space diversity reception may help, though). The path loss in this case is highly frequency-dependent. On the other hand, a wideband signal which is, say, several MHz wide, would be subject to only partial cancellation or selective fading. Depending on the nature of the signal and how information is encoded into it, it may be quite tolerant of having part of its energy notched out by the multipath channel. Tolerance of multipath-induced signal cancellation is one of the major benefits of spread spectrum (SS) transmission techniques.

Longer multipath delay spreads have another consequence where digital signals are concerned, however: overlap of received data symbols with adjacent symbols, known as intersymbol interference or ISI. Suppose we try to transmit a 1 Mbps data stream over the two-path multipath channel mentioned above. Assuming a modulation scheme with 1 sec symbol length is used, then the signals arriving over the two paths will be offset by exactly one symbol period. Each received symbol arriving over the shorter path will be overlaid by a copy of the previous symbol from the longer path, making it impossible to decode with standard demodulation techniques. This problem can be solved by using an adaptive equalizer in the receiver, but this level of sophistication is not commonly found in amateur or WLAN modems (but it will certainly become more common as speeds continue to increase). Another way to attack this problem is to increase the symbol length while maintaining a high bit rate by using a multicarrier modulation scheme such as OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex), but again, such techniques are seldom found in the wireless modem equipment available to hobbyists. For unequalized multipath channels, the delay spread must be much less than the symbol length, or the link performance will suffer greatly. The effect of multipath-induced ISI is to establish an irreducible error rate - beyond a certain point, increasing transmitter power will cause no improvement in BER, since the BER vs Eb/N0 curve has gone flat. A common rule of thumb prescribes that the multipath delay spread should be no more than about 10% of the symbol length. This will generally keep the irreducible error rate down to the order of 10-3 or less. Thus, in our two-path example above, a system running at 100K symbols/s or less may work satisfactorily. The actual raw BER requirements for a particular system will of course depend on the error-control coding technique used.

Although it is commonly believed that SS modulation schemes solve the multipath ISI problem, this is not really the case. As stated above, SS can convert a flat-faded channel into one which has selective fading, which is a good thing. In the case of Frequency Hopping (FHSS), it means that signal cancellation due to multipath will occur only a fraction of the time (i.e., only on some of the channels we hop to), and we can recover the data by means of Forward Error Correction (or by error detection and retransmission). In the case of Direct Sequence (DSSS), only a fraction of the transmitted spectrum is notched out by the multipath cancellation. This causes some degradation of the BER, but again error control coding can be used to compensate for this. In both cases, SS modulation has given us a form of frequency diversity. For DSSS, the large continuous spread bandwidth allows us to resolve many of the multipath components (those separated by delays of approximately the reciprocal of the spread bandwidth, or more). These appear as separate peaks in the DSSS receiver correlator output. A diversity receiver using the RAKE principle can take advantage of some of the multipath signal power by combining it constructively before making the bit decisions. More commonly, however, only the largest correlation peak is used, and all of the other multipath energy represents wideband interference. Regardless of whether a diversity receiver structure is used, however, ISI (and hence BER degradation) will still occur when the multipath delay spread approaches the same order of magnitude as the information symbol length. An excellent discussion of these concepts can be found in chapter 9 of Ref. [11].

As an illustration, consider again the WaveLAN product, which is a DSSS system using DQPSK modulation, a spread bandwidth of 11 MHz, and a symbol length of 1 µsec. Tests of WaveLAN using a channel simulator [12] have shown that its performance degrades when the delay spread exceeds 84 nsec (0.084 µsec), which is only about 10% of the symbol length.

Delay spreads of several microseconds are not uncommon, especially in urban areas. Mountainous areas can produce much longer delay spreads, sometimes tens of microseconds. This spells big trouble for doing high-speed data transmission in these areas. The best way to mitigate multipath in these situations is to use highly directional antennas, preferably at both ends of the link. The higher the data rate, the more critical it becomes to use high-gain antennas. This is one advantage to going higher in frequency. The delay spread for a given link will usually not exhibit much frequency dependence - for example, there will be similar amounts of multipath whether you operate at 450 MHz or 2.4 GHz, if you use the same antenna gain and type. However, you can get more directivity at the higher frequencies, which often will result in significantly reduced multipath delay spread and hence lower BER. It may seem strange that high-speed WLAN products are often supplied with omnidirectional antennas which do nothing to combat multipath, but this is because the antennas are intended for indoor use. The attenuation provided by the building structure will usually cause a drastic reduction in the amplitude of reflections from outside the building, as well as from distant areas inside the building. Delay spreads therefore tend to be much smaller inside buildings - typically of the order of 0.1 µsec or less. However, as WLAN products with data rates of 10 Mbps and beyond are now appearing, even delay spreads of this magnitude are problematic and must be dealt with by such measures as equalizers, high-level modulation schemes and sectorized antennas.


Radio propagation is a vast topic, and we've only scratched the surface here. We haven't considered, for example, the interesting area of data transmission involving mobile stations - maybe next year! Hopefully, this paper has provided some insight into the problems and solutions associated with setting up digital links in the VHF to microwave spectrum. To sum up, here are a few guidelines and principles:

  • Always strive for LOS conditions. Even with LOS, you must pay attention to details regarding variability of refractivity, Fresnel zone clearance and avoiding reflections from the ground and other surfaces. Non-LOS paths will often lead to disappointment unless they are very short, especially with the high-speed unlicenced WLAN devices. Their low ERP limits and high receive signal power requirements (due to large noise bandwidths, high noise figures and sometimes, significant modem implementation losses) leave little margin for higher-than-LOS path losses. Hams are not encumbered by the low ERP limits, but it can be very expensive to overcome excessive path losses with higher transmitter powers.
  • Use as much antenna gain as is practical. It is always worthwhile to try both polarizations, but horizontal polarization will often be superior to vertical. It will generally provide less multipath in urban areas, and may provide lower path loss in some non-LOS situations (e.g., attenuation from trees at VHF and lower UHF). Also, interfering signals from pagers and the like tend to be vertically polarized, so using the opposite polarization can often provide some protection from them.
  • There are advantages to going higher in frequency, into the microwave bands, due to the higher antenna gains which can be achieved. The tighter focusing of energy which can be achieved may result in lower overall path loss on LOS paths (providing that you can keep the feedline losses under control), and less multipath. Higher frequencies also have smaller Fresnel zones, and thus require less clearance over obstacles to avoid diffraction losses. And, of course, the higher bands have more bandwidth available for high-speed data, and less probability of interference. However, the advantage may be lost in non-LOS situations, since diffraction losses, and attenuation from natural objects such as trees, increase with frequency.

Radio propagation is seldom 100% predictable, and one should never hesitate to experiment. It's very useful, though, to be equipped with enough knowledge to know what techniques to try, and when there is little probability of success. This paper was intended to help fill some gaps in that knowledge. Good luck with your radio links!


The author gratefully acknowledges the work of his daughter Kelly in producing the figures for this paper. WaveLAN is a registered trademark of Lucent Technologies, Inc.


[1] ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual (American Radio Relay League, 1990).

[2] Hall, M.P.M., Barclay, L.W. and Hewitt, M.T. (Eds.), Propagation of Radiowaves (Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1996).

[3] Parsons, J.D., The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel (Wiley & Sons, 1992).

[4] Doble, J., Introduction to Radio Propagation for Fixed and Mobile Communications (Artech House, 1996).

[5] Bertoni, H.L., Honcharenko, W., Maciel, L.R. and Xia, H.H., "UHF Propagation Prediction for Wireless Personal Communications", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 82, No. 9, September 1994, pp. 1333-1359.

[6] Andersen, J.B., Rappaport, T.S. and Yoshida, S., "Propagation Measurements and Models for Wireless Communications Channels", IEEE Communications Magazine, January 1995, pp. 42-49.

[7] Freeman, R.L., Radio System Design for Telecommunications (Wiley & Sons, 1987).

[8] Lee, W.C.Y., Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals, Second Edition (Wiley & Sons, 1993).

[9] CCIR (now ITU-R) Report 567-4, "Propagation data and prediction methods for the terrestrial land mobile service using the frequency range 30 MHz to 3 GHz" (International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, 1990).

[10] CCIR Report 1145, "Propagation over irregular terrain with and without vegetation" (International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, 1990).

[11] Pahlavan, K., and Levesque, A.H., Wireless Information Networks (Wiley & Sons, 1995).

[12] Hollemans, W., and Verschoor, A., "Performance Study of WaveLAN and Altair Radio-LANs", Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, September 1994.


Cable Type 144 MHz 220 MHz 450 MHz 915 MHz 1.2 GHz 2.4 GHz 5.8 GHz
RG-58 6.2 (20.3) 7.4 (24.3) 10.6 (34.8) 16.5 (54.1) 21.1 (69.2) 32.2 (105.6) 51.6 (169.2)
RG-8X 4.7 (15.4) 6.0 (19.7) 8.6 (28.2) 12.8 (42.0) 15.9 (52.8) 23.1 (75.8) 40.9 (134.2)
LMR-240 3.0 (9.8) 3.7 (12.1) 5.3 (17.4) 7.6 (24.9) 9.2 (30.2) 12.9 (42.3) 20.4 (66.9)
RG-213/214 2.8 (9.2) 3.5 (11.5) 5.2 (17.1) 8.0 (26.2) 10.1 (33.1) 15.2 (49.9) 28.6 (93.8)
1.6 (5.2) 1.9 (6.2) 2.8 (9.2) 4.2 (13.8) 5.2 (17.1) 7.7 (25.3) 13.8 (45.3)
LMR-400 1.5 (4.9) 1.8 (5.9) 2.7 (8.9) 3.9 (12.8) 4.8 (15.7) 6.8 (22.3) 10.8 (35.4)
3/8" LDF 1.3 (4.3) 1.6 (5.2) 2.3 (7.5) 3.4 (11.2) 4.2 (13.8) 5.9 (19.4) 8.1 (26.6)
LMR-600 0.96 (3.1) 1.2 (3.9) 1.7 (5.6) 2.5 (8.2) 3.1 (10.2) 4.4 (14.4) 7.3 (23.9)
1/2" LDF 0.85 (2.8) 1.1 (3.6) 1.5 (4.9) 2.2 (7.2) 2.7 (8.9) 3.9 (12.8) 6.6 (21.6)
7/8" LDF 0.46 (1.5) 0.56 (2.1) 0.83 (2.7) 1.2 (3.9) 1.5 (4.9) 2.3 (7.5) 3.8 (12.5)
1 1/4" LDF 0.34 (1.1) 0.42 (1.4) 0.62 (2.0) 0.91 (3.0) 1.1 (3.6) 1.7 (5.6) 2.8 (9.2)
1 5/8" LDF 0.28 (0.92) 0.35 (1.1) 0.52 (1.7) 0.77 (2.5) 0.96 (3.1) 1.4 (4.6) 2.5 (8.2)

Table 1 - Attenuation of Various Transmission Lines in Amateur and ISM Bands in dB/ 100 ft (dB/ 100 m)


Attenuation data based on figures from the "Communications Coax Selection Guide" from Times Microwave Systems (http://www.timesmicrowave.com/products/commercial/selectguide/atten/) and other sources.

The LMR series is manufactured by Times Microwave. 9913 is manufactured by Belden Corp. RG-series cables are manufactured by Belden and many others. The LDF series are foam dielectric, solid corrugated outer conductor cables, best known by the brand name HELIAX (®Andrew Corp.).


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