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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

1 A: I think it's dangerous when cyclists don't wear helmets. B: I know. They ............................................. (should/ fine) if they don't.

2 A: Let's play basketball. B: I can't. My teacher told us that our science projects ................................. (must/ hand in) by Friday and I haven't even started mine yet.

3 A: Have you ordered your wedding invitations? B: I didn't have to. They.........................(make) by my cousin who is an artist.

4 A: Where did you get that beautiful jumper? B: It...........................(knit) by my grandmother years ago.

5 A: Your house is a mess! B: It ...................................(clean) tomorrow by the cleaning lady.

6 A: Have the police found the person who broke into your shop? B: A young man...........................(see) running down the street after the alarm went off but he .................................................(not/ find) yet.

7 A: You look very tired. What happened? B: I went to bed late last night. My students' tests .................................... (have to/ correct) so I went to bed at 2 am.

8 A: ......................................(contracts/ type) yet, Fiona? B: Yes, Mr Peters. They're on your desk.

9 A: The new public library .................................... (already/ open) to the public. B: Yes, I heard. It ....................................(open) by the mayor yesterday.

10 A: I have to buy a birthday present for my wife. B: Go to the jewellery shop in Lexington Avenue. The pieces of jewellery that ..................................................(design) there are unique.

Correct the mistakes.

1 The new regulations will been announced in September.

2 The letters are be posted first thing tomorrow morning.

3 When Mr Cobert arrived at the office, he realised his computer has been stolen.

4 The photographs will already been developed.

5 She is expects to win the November election.

6 Your teeth is be checked every six months.

Grammarway 4

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

1. A: That's a lovely shirt. Is it new? B: Yes. It …………………….... (buy) for me by my grandmother.

2. A: When do you have to have this report ready? B: Well, it .......................(must/hand in) by Tuesday.

3. A: Did you read the newspaper this morning? B: No. It..............................(not/deliver) by the time I left for work.

4. A: Where is your car? B: At the garage. It ........................................(repair).

5. A: Do you know your exam results yet? B: No. They ................................(not/announce) yet.

6. A: Are you going to make dinner tonight? B: No. It....................................(make) by Simon. He promised to do it.

7. A: Have you finished your homework yet? B: No, but it .........................(finish) by eight o'clock.

8. A: Who waters your plants for you when you're away? B: They ..............................(water) by my neighbour.

14 Fill in by or with.

1 She was woken up ……. ... a loud noise.

2 The parcel was tied up....................string.

3 John was told off....................his mother.

4 This picture was painted....................a famous artist.

5 The chair was covered....................a woollen blanket.

6 The walls were decorated....................posters.

7 My car was repaired....................my father.

8 This dessert was made....................fresh cream.

Underline the correct answer.

A large amount of valuable jewellery 1) has stolen/ has been stolen from Forest Manor. A man 2) arrested/ was arrest­ed yesterday and 3) is questioned/ is being questioned by the police at the moment. He 4) thought/ is thought to 5) have committed/ have been committed the crime, although so far no proof 6) has found/ has been found. The robbery 7) believed/ is believed to 8) have carried out/ have been carried out by two men, but so far no clue 9) has discovered/ has been discovered as to the second man's identity. The police say that he may 10) have left/ have been left the country.

Enterprise 3

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