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Rewrite the following in the passive.

The Passive

Enterprise 3

Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable passive tense.

1 Two men ........................... (see) running out of the bank yesterday morning.

2 The flowers.............................................(already/ water).

3 The Smiths' house ............................................. (paint) at the moment.

4 The rubbish.............................................(already/ collect) when I left for work.

5 The note............................................. (could/not/ read) because the handwriting was very messy.

6 Our exams.............................................(not/ mark) yet.

7 His car.............................................(wash) every Saturday.

8 The window ............................................ (break) before the children arrived.

9 The house.............................................(would/sell) if it wasn't so expensive.

10 Mary.............................................(invite) to the party but unfortunately she couldn't make it.

2 Fill in the gaps with by or with.

1 The film was directed ........... my favourite director.

2 The sauce was made..................mushrooms and onions.

3 The child was stung..................a bee.

4 The window was broken .................. a piece of wood.

5 The glass bowl is filled..................fruit.

6 The dog was saved..................a neighbour.

7 The apple pie contest was won .................. Mrs Jones.

8 He was shot..................a rifle.

9 They were scared..................the thunder.

10 The fingerprints on the table had been wiped off ..................a towel.

11 These curtains were made ........................ my grandmother.

12 The cake was cut..................a knife.

13 Dan was laughed at..................his friends.

14 The house has been decorated .................. balloons.

15 The parcel will be delivered..................my uncle.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form.

1. A: Did you have a nice time in Bali? B: Oh, yes. We……………………..….... (take) to some of the most amazing beaches I've ever seen and we ate some delicious seafood.

2. A: Did they paint their house themselves? B: No, it.............................................(paint) before they moved in.

3. A: Where's your bicycle? B: It ............................................. (repair) at the moment.

4. A: What did you get for your birthday? B: I.............................................(give) the most beautiful pair of earrings I've ever seen.

5. A: This bread tastes wonderful. B: Thanks. It.............................................(make) by my mother.

6. A: When can I pick up my photos? B: They.....................................................(develop) in the morning, so any time after lunch.

7. A: That's a lovely watch. B: It............................................. (give) to me on my retirement.

8. A: When will your car be ready? B: I don't know. It ............................................. (still/fix) when I went to the garage this morning.

9. A: Did you reserve a plane ticket? B: No, unfortunately the flight.............................................. (fully /book) by the time I got to the travel agent's.

10. A: How often should I feed the fish? B: They.....................................................(must/ feed) once a day.

11. A: A new hospital................................................... (build) in our town at the moment. B: Yes, I know. It ................................................. (open) by the mayor when it's finished.

12. A: How was the wedding reception? B: It was lovely! The hall............................................. (decorate) with beautiful flowers.

13. A: What's going on? B: A boy.............................................(trap) in the lift and the firefighters are trying to get him out.

14. A: That was a terrible storm last night! B: I know. Many houses............................................ (flood).

15. A: When.........................................................(report/ finish)? B: Hopefully by next week.

Rewrite the following in the passive.

1 Who invented the telephone?

2 The thief stole all the money in the till.

3 Who has written this poem?

4 When will they hold the annual dance?

5 Many tourists visit the Eiffel Tower every year.

6 Did you give the parcel to Susie?

7 The fire damaged many buildings in the city centre.

8 The repairman is fixing the washing machine.

9 Has Victoria sent out the invitations?

10 They will open the new library to the public in September.

11 We took many of these photographs when we were in India.

12 They will dedicate the new university building to Dr Peters.

13 Will she redecorate her flat in May?

14 Dora sold three sculptures at the gallery opening.

15 Who made this delicious chocolate cheesecake?

Grammarway 3

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 3919

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The world's rubbish dump: a tip that stretches from Hawaii to Japan | Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.
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