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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

The Passive 2

Grammarway 3

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.

Tea 1) ………………... (make) from the leaves of the tea plant. At first, I 2) …………………………..(use) as a medicine, but it 3) ................................ (become) an everyday drink in the 3rd century AD. First, the leaves 4) ……………………… (pick) from the plant and they are spread onto a cloth. They 5)...................... (leave) there for up to twenty hours. Next, the leaves are rolled up until they 6) .......................... (break) into small pieces. Finally, the leaves 7) ................................(dry). The tea 8) ……………………….. (pack) into containers and sent to different countries. It 9)............................ (sell) to customers as loose leaves, as tea bags and as instant tea. To make tea, we 10)...............................(boil) water and 11) ........................... (pour) it over the dry tea in a teapot. This 12) ………………………….. (leave) for three to five minutes. We can then add milk, lemon or sugar. In Britain, It was the custom to serve tea in the afternoons with sandwiches and cakes. This custom 13) …………………………. (start) by the Duchess of Bedford around 1840. Today people 14)........................... (drink) tea all over the world.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.

A: Did you visit many places when you were on holiday?

B: Well, on the first day we 1) ………………... (take) on a tour of the historic monuments by our guide.

A: Oh. Did you go everywhere with him?

B: No, we also 2) .............................. (go) to some places by ourselves.

A: How did you manage to travel to the other places?

B: We 3)..............................(advise) to hire a car, but we 4) .................................. (choose) to travel on public transport because it is much cheaper.

A: How did you know which buses and trains to catch, though?

B: We 5)...........................................(ask) at the tourist information centre and we 6) ............................

(give) an excellent book which 7)............................ (tell) us everything we needed to know.

A: So, you enjoyed it then?

B: Oh, yes! We had a really great time!

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

Do you think Mars 1) ............................................ (colonise) by humans one day? The planet Mars 2)............................ (know) as 'the red planet'. The soil there is red and its surface 3) ................................. (cover) in volcanoes. Until recently, it 4)..........................(believe) that nothing could live on Mars, but during a recent space mission, tests 5) ................................... (carry out), and now it 6) ................................... (think) that life on Mars might be possible one day. During the space mission, special equipment 7) ............................... (use) to examine the planet. No form of life 8)................................ (find) yet, and so far, the planet 9)..................................(consider) unsuitable for inhabitation. However, we 10)............................... (tell) by scientists that, by 2020, humans 11).............................(send) to Mars, and that one day, special cities 12) ................................ (build) so that we can live there. It 13) ........................... (hope) that by 2150, Mars will be a wonderful place to live. If a colony 14)......................(build) on Mars, would you like to live there?

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.

AA burglary 1) ………………………….... (carry out) in the high street yesterday morning. Two men 2).................................. (enter) a jeweller's shop and 3) .............................. (order) the assistant to hand over jewellery and money. The thieves 4)............................................(escape) with jewellery worth £2,000, but 5)...................................(arrest) later, as they 6).....................................(try) to leave the country.


Β Floods 1) ...............................(cause) when a river 2) .....................(burst) its banks. This can happen if there 3) .....................(be) an unusual amount of rain, or if snow 4) .............................(melt) and the river 5) ....................................................(overflow). When a flood 6)..................................(take place), crops 7).................................(destroy) and homes 8).........................................(damage).


Ρ Tony O'Connell 1)................................(work) for a large company. Last year, he 2) .............................

(promote) to the position of manager. He 3).................................(give) a large office and a company car. He now 4)...................(have) a secretary who 5) ...................................(answer) his calls, and he 6) ..............................(pay) a lot more money than before. He 7) ...............................(feel) very happy about his job now.


D Dogs 1) .........................(be) very loyal animals. They can 2) ...................(keep) you company and 3).....................................(protect) you. However, you must 4) ..........................................(look after) your

dog. They have to 5) ...............................(take) for long walks and 6) .........................(feed) regularly. You may 7) ..............................(find) that dogs are expensive pets, but they do 8)................................ (make) great companions.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct active or passive tense.

1 This tree is very old. It…………………………..... (plant) in the 19th century.

2 This piece of music.................................................. (not/record) yet. I've just composed it.

3 The thieves ..............................(steal) the jewellery from the safe yesterday.

4 We began work early, but we.................................. (not/finish) until late.

5 Jenny...........................................(complain) to the manager about the faulty items at the moment.

6 This photograph .......................................(take) by my grandfather when I was five.

7 Don't touch the saucepan. You might ........................................(burn) yourself.

8 We .......................................(delay) because there was a lot of traffic this morning.

9 Not much ....................................(know) about this complicated subject.

10 I'm going home now because all the work..........................................(do).

11 The new nightclub............................(close) by the council last week.

12 Jessica....................................(run) two kilometers every day before work.

13 Jim's house is very modern. It ................................ (build) only two years ago.

14 Don't stay up late tonight, or else you .................... (be) tired tomorrow.

Date: 2016-03-03; view: 3801

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