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Tourism Destination concept

Evolution of the definition “Tourist/Tourism Destination”

Webster’s Dictionary the place set for the end of a journey, i.e. a geographical area (a location, a resort, a region, a country, etc.) where the traveler intends to spend time away from home.  
N.Georgulas (1970) – areas with different natural and/or man-made features, which attract non local visitors (or tourists) for [a variety of] activities
Jensen, Hansen and Metz’ (1993) a geographical area, which contains landscape and cultural characteristics and which as in the position to offer a tourism product, which means a broad wave of facilities in transport – accommodation – food and at least one outstanding activity or experience.
WTO or Bieger (1996) a geographical area consisting of all the services and infrastructure necessary for the stay of a specific tourist or tourism segment. Destinations are the competitive units of incoming tourism. Destinations are therefore an important part of a tourism product.
Leiper (1995) places towards which people travel and where they choose to stay for a while in order to experience certain features or characteristics-a perceived attraction of some sort.
Cooper et al (1998) destinations as the focus of facilities and services designed to meet the needs of the tourists.
S. Pike (2004) place that attract visitors for a temporary stay, and range from continents to countries to states and provinces to cities to villages to purpose built resort areas
P.H. Kotler, J. Bowen J. , Makens, (2006) physical space in which a visitor spends at least one overnight. It includes tourism products such as support services and attractions, and tourism resources within one day’s return travel time.
UNWTO (2007) a tourist destination is an important place visited by tourists which represents the basic unit of analysis in tourism.
Buhalis (2005) amalgams of tourism products, offering an integrated experience to consumers. a combination (or even as a brand) of all products, services and ultimately experiences provided locally.  
Cho ( 2000) as distinct from origin or market, refers to the place where tourists intend to spend their time away from home. This geographic unit visited by tourists may be a self-contained centre, a village or town or a city, a region or an island or a country”

The destination is serviced by both private and public sector and can be done by:






Attractions (natural, man-made, artificial, purpose built, heritage, special events);

Accessibility (entire transportation system comprising of routes, terminals and vehicles);

Amenities (accommodation and catering facilities, retailing, other tourist services);

Available packages (pre-arranged packages by intermediaries and principals);

Activities (all activities available at the destination and what consumers will do during their visit);

Ancillary services (services used by tourists such as banks, telecommunications, post, newsagents, hospitals, etc)



Some unique features allow us to identify a tourist destination as such, distinguishing it from what is simply a local offering of a product or service that can be of interest to tourists; these characteristics are:




Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2315

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