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These questions focus on the proper use of adverbs and time expressions.

W. I got it almost five years ago.

M. You did? It looks new.

W. Yes, it's still in really good shape.

Q. What does the woman mean?

4.) A.) The bike is in good condition. B.) The man needs to replace the bike.

C.) The bike is missing. D.) It is a new bike.


W. would you like some hot coffee or tea?

M. I like them both, but I'd rather have something cold.

Q. What does the man want to drink?


5.) A.) Something cold. B.) Coffee.

C.) Tea D.) Both coffee and tea.


W. How can I get to the shopping center from here. Not the one on campus. The one downtown.

M. You can take a bus or a taxi, but it isn't too far to walk.

Q. What does the man suggest the woman do?


6.) A.) Ask directions B.) Walk to the shopping center.

C.) Take a taxi. D.) Wait for the bus.


ANSWERS: 1-C; 2-A; 3-C; 4-A; 5-A; 6-B


Part B. In this section, you will hear a single, longer conversation between a man and a woman followed by a series of questions. Choose the best answer to each of the questions.


W. Hi, Bill.

M. Hi Donna. where have you been? I haven't seen you for weeks.

W. I know. I had to drop out last semester. I thought I had a cold, but it was mono.

M. I am sorry to hear that. What is mono anyway?

W. It's a virus, actually, that attacks your immune system. You really become susceptible to it when you stay up late. I didn't get enough rest. It was my own fault. I just kept going, studying late. I didn't get enough rest. You know the story.

M. Wow! All too well. I'm surprised that we all don't have it.

W. A lot of college students do get it. In fact, it is jokingly called the "college disease." I can tell you though, it's no joke.

M. So how are you now?

W. I'm still tired. But I learned my lesson though. This semester I'm taking twelve hours, and I'm not pushing myself so hard.

M. Good for you. I'm taking twenty-one hours. Sometimes I just don't know why I put so much pressure on myself. If I took one more semester to finish my program, then I wouldn't be so overloaded.

W. Listen, if you get sick like I did, you'll have to drop out and you'll end up with an extra semester anyway. So you might as well slow down.

M. True. Well, it's something to think about. Take care of yourself, Donna.

W. I will you, too.

Q. What is the main topic of this conversation?


7.) A.) The woman's health. B.) The woman's grades.

C.) The man's joke. D.) The man's stress.


Q. What was the woman's problem?


8.) A.) She was taking too many classes. B.) She was very tired because she studied too late.

C.) She had been ill last semester. D.) She may have to withdraw from school this semester.


Q. Why is mono called the "college disease"?


9.) A.) Many students get mono while they are in college.

B.) If one student gets mono, the whole college becomes infected.

C.) It is a joke about college students that the woman tells.

D.) The disease was first identified on a college campus.


Q. What advice does the woman give the man?


10.) A.) Drop out of school for a semester and return later.

B.) Study harder to learn all the lessons this semester.

C.) Take fewer hours each semester and add one semester to the program.

D.) Add extra classes to the program even if it requires another semester.


ANSWERS: 7-A; 8-C; 9-A; 10-C



Part C. In this section, you will hear a single talk followed by several questions. Choose the best answer to each of the questions.


Community College understands that everyone who wants to attend college will not be able to come to campus. So, as part of the Distance Learning Program, Community College offers a series of video telecourses to meet the needs of students who prefer to complete coursework in their homes, at their convenience.

These telecourses are regular college credit classes taught on videocassette tapes by a Community College professor. To use the materials for the course, you will need your own VS-type VCR player. Some telecourses will also be broadcast on KCC7-TV's "Sun-Up Semester." This program airs from six o'clock in the morning to seven-thirty, Monday through Friday, and a complete listing of courses is printed in your regular television guide.

To register for a telecourse, phone the Community College Distance Learning Program at 782-6394. The course syllabus, books, and videotapes will be available at the Community College bookstore. during the first week of classes, your instructor will contact you to discuss the course and answer any questions you might have about the course requirements. Then, throughout the rest of the semester, you can use either an 800 telephone number or an e-mail address to contact your instructor.

Q. What is this announcement mainly about?


11.) A.) The Sun-Up Semester" program. B.) The Community College campus.

C.) Video telecourses. D.) Technology for distance learning.


Q. Why does the speaker mention the "Sun-Up Semester?"


12.) A.) To clarify how to register. B.) To advertise the college.

C.) To provide a listing of courses. D.) To give students an alternative to video tapes.


Q. How can students register for a course?


13.) A.) They should come to the campus. B.) They can call the Community College.

C.) They must contact the instructor. D.) They can use computers.


Q. How can students contact the instructor?


14.) A.) By using e-mail. B.) By calling KCC-TV

C.) By writing letters. D.) By making video tapes.


ANSWERS: 11-C; 12-D; 13-B; 14-A


II.) Structure and Written Expression (18 minutes)


These questions focus on the proper use of adverbs and time expressions.


Part A. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.


1.) _________________ a novelty in American retailing, fixed prices are now universal in sales.

A.) It was once B.) Once it was

C.) That once D.) Once


2.) _______________ the Gulf Stream is warmer than the ocean water surrounding it.

A.) Wholly B.) Whole

C.) As a whole D.) A whole as


3.) According to communications theory, after the message leaves the sender, he ________________ controls it.

A.) not longer B.) none longer

C.) longer doesn't D.) no longer


4.) A symbol of the ancient competition, the Olympic flame burns _________________ throughout the games.

A.) in a continuous way B.) continuous

C.) continuously D.) continual


5.) Not until the Triassic Period ________________.

A.) the first primitive mammals did develop B.) did the first primitive mammals develop.

C.) did develop the first primitive mammals D.) the first primitive mammals develop


6.) Memorial Day, a holiday set aside to remember those who have died, is usually celebrated on ________________.

A.) thirtieth May B.) the thirtieth May

C.) May thirty D.) the thirtieth of May


7.) When a woman becomes pregnant ________________ in life, she encounters additional risks in delivering a healthy baby.

A.) lately B.) lateness

C.) latest D.) late


8.) In Xerox printing, the ink becomes fused to the paper as soon as _________________.

A.) the paper is heated B.) the paper heated

C.) heats the paper D.) heating the paper


9.) ______________ on clear days, one can see the snowcap of Mount Rainer from Seattle.

A.) Sometime B.) Some

C.) Sometimes D.) Somestime


10.) _______________ a bridge builder, Gustav Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889.

A.) While B.) When

C.) It was when D.) It while was


11.) Penguins, the most highly specialized of all aquatic birds, may live _______________ twenty years.

A.) before B.) since

C.) for D.) from


ANSWERS: 1-D; 2-C; 3-D; 4-C; 5-B; 6-D; 7-D; 8-A; 9-C; 10-A; 11-C



Part B. Choose which of the four underlined words or phrases in each sentence is grammatically incorrect.


12.) Beriberi had long been a common and seriously disease in parts of the world where polished rice was the staple food.


13.) Because national statistics on crime have only been kept for 1930, it is not possible to make judgments about crime during the early years of the nation.


14.) Because the outer surface of an airplane is made almost entirely of metal, lightning currents penetrate seldom to the interior or affect passengers.


15.) Sometimeseveral nationsbecome partners in a larger political state, as for example, the four nations joined in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


16.) That once a talented child actress, Shirley Temple Black has established herself as a career diplomat serving both as a representative in the United Nations and as an ambassador abroad.


17.) A tornado travels usually in a northeasterly direction, at a speed in the range of 35 to 45 miles an hour, and is preceded by heavy rain.


18.) Alcoholic beverages vary widely in content, ranging from only two or three percent for some light beers to as high to 60 percent for some vodkas and brandies.


19.) By 1880, A.A. Michelson measured actually the speed of light, laying some of the major foundations for the later work of Albert Einstein.


20.) When a child, Barbara Mandrell played the guitar, banjo, and saxophone in her family's band, but in 1981 she was named Entertainer of the Year for her singing, and she has continued her successful vocal career for several decades.


21.) An American college typically offersa blend ofnaturally and social sciences and humanistic studies.


22.) Overseas telephone service has been expandingfastly since its inauguration in 1927 when a radio circuit was established between New York and London.


23.) Unlike oxygen, which is chemical changed by our bodies into carbon dioxide, nitrogen is merelyexhaled back into the air.


24.) On the fourth July in 1884, the Statue of Liberty was presentedformallyby the people of France to the people of the United States.


25.) Because the snake can absorb the sun's rays direct, its food requirement is small and consists of a dozen or so meals a year.


26.) Although there are exceptions, as whole, the male of the bird species is morebrilliantly colored.


27.) Ghost towns like Rhyolite, Nevada, are communities that are not longer inhabited because changes in economic conditions have caused the people to move elsewhere.


28.) Although the "Lake Poets" Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey were friends, they did not really form a group since Southey's style differed widefrom that of the other two.


29.) Only rarely wins the same major league baseball team the World Series two yearsin a row.


30.) Beginning in the mid-1940s, plant breeders developed new strains of wheat that gave higher substantiallyyields per acre.



12.) "seriously disease" should be "serious disease"

13.) "for 1930" should be "since 1930"

14.) "penetrate seldom" should be "seldom penetrate"

15.) "Sometime" should be "Sometimes"

16.) "That once" should be "Once"

17.) "travels usually" should be "usually travels"

18.) "as high to" should be "as high as"

19.) "measured actually" should be "actually measured"

20.) "When" should be "While"

21.) "naturally" should be "natural"

22.) "fastly" should be "fast"

23.) "chemical" should be "chemically"

24.) "fourth July" should be "fourth of July"

25.) "direct" should be "directly"

26.) "as whole" should be "as a whole"

27.) "not longer" should be "no longer"

28.) "wide" should be "widely"

29.) "wins the same major league baseball team" should be "does the same major league baseball team win"

30.) "higher substantially" should be "substantially higher"


III.) Reading Comprehension (11 minutes)


(1) It has long been known that when the green parts of plants are exposed to light under suitable conditions of temperature and moisture, carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plant from the atmospheric CO2 and oxygen is released into the air. (2) This exchange of gases in plants is the opposite of the process that occurs in respiration. (3) In this plant process, which is called photosynthesis, carbohydrates are synthesized in the presence of light from carbon dioxide and water by specialized structures in the cytoplasm of plant cells called chloroplasts. (4) These chloroplasts contain not only two types of light-trapping green chlorophyll but also a vast array of protein substances called enzymes. (5) In most plants, the water required by the photosynthesis process is absorbed from the soil by the roots and translocated through the xylem of the root and stem to the chlorophyll-laden leaves. (6) Except for the usually small percentage used in respiration, the oxygen released in the process diffuses out of the leaf into the atmosphere through stomates. (7) In simple terms, carbon dioxide is the fuel, and oxygen is the product of the chemical reaction. (8) For each molecule of carbon dioxide used, one molecule of oxygen is released. (9) Here is a summary chemical equation for photosynthesis:

6CO2 + 6H2O ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2

(10) As a result of this process, radiant energy from the sun is stored as chemical energy. (11) In turn, the chemical energy is used to decompose carbon dioxide and water. (12) The products of their decomposition are recombined into a new compound, which successively builds up into the more and more complex substances that comprise the plant. (13) These organic substances, that is, the sugars, starches, and cellulose, all belong to the class of organic molecules. (14) In other words, the process of photosynthesis can be understood as an enzyme-induced chemical change from carbon dioxide and water into the simple sugar glucose. (15) This carbohydrate, in turn, is utilized by the plant to generate other forms of energy, such as the long chains of plant cells or polymers that comprise the cellular structures of starches or cellulose. (16) Many intermediate steps are involved in the production of a simple sugar or starch. (17) At the same time, a balance of gases is preserved in the atmosphere by the process of photosynthesis.


1.) Which title best expresses the ideas in this passage?

A.) A Chemical Equation B.) The Process of Photosynthesis

C.) The parts of Vascular Plants D.) The Production of Sugar


2.) The combination of carbon dioxide and water to form sugar results in an excess of

A.) water B.) oxygen

C.) carbon D.) chlorophyll


3.) Which process is the opposite of photosynthesis?

A.) Decomposition B.) Synthesization

C.) Diffusion D.) Respiration


4.) In photosynthesis, energy from the sun is

A.) changed to chemical energy B.) conducted from the xylem to the leaves of green plants

C.) not necessary to the process D.) released one to one for each molecule of carbon dioxide used.


5.) Which sentence in the first paragraph describes how oxygen is released into the atmosphere.

A.) 1st sentence B.) 3rd sentence

C.) 5th sentence D.) 6th sentence


6.) The word "stored" in the tenth sentence is closest in meaning to

A.) retained B.) converted

C.) discovered D.) specified


7.) The word "their" in the twelfth sentence refers to

A.) radiant energy and chemical energy B.) carbon dioxide and water

C.) products D.) complex substances


8.) The word "successively" in the twelfth sentence is closest in meaning to

A.) with effort B.) in a sequence

C.) slowly D.) carefully


9.) Besides the manufacture of food for plants, what is another benefit of photosynthesis?

A.) It produces solar energy. B.) It diffuses additional carbon dioxide into the air.

C.) It removes harmful gases from the air. D.) It maintains a balance of gases in the atmosphere.


10.) Which of the following is NOT true of the oxygen used in photosynthesis?

A.) Oxygen is absorbed by the roots. B.) Oxygen is the product of photosynthesis.

C.) Oxygen is used in respiration. D.) Oxygen is released into the atmosphere through the leaves.


ANSWERS: 1-B; 2-B; 3-D; 4-A; 5-D; 6-A; 7-B; 8-B; 9-D; 10-A


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