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In this lesson you will:

· Become familiar with the Latin names of main chemical elements.

· Become familiar with the Latin names of acids.

· Become familiar with the Latin names of oxides, peroxides, hydroxides.


This lesson is divided into the following sections:

I. Latin names of chemical elements.

II. Latin names of acids.

III. Latin names of oxides, peroxides, hydroxides.

IV. Exercises.




All Latin names of chemical elements are neuter nouns of the 2nd declension:

E.g.: Bromum, i n; Iodum, i n; Bismŭthum, i n

There are two exceptions to this rule:

· sulfur - Sulfur, ŭris n (3rd declension)

· phosphorus - Phosphŏrus, i m (masculine)

Special attention must be given to the spelling of the following chemical elements:


Chemical element Latin English
Bi Bismŭthum, i n bismuth
Ña Calcĭum, i n calcium
F Fluōrum, i n or Phthorum, i n fluorine
Fe Ferrum, i n iron
H Hydrogenĭum, i n hydrogen
Hg Hydrarg¢rum, i n mercury
K Kalĭum, i n potassium
Mg Magnesĭum, i n or Magnĭum, i n magnesium
Na Natrĭum, i n sodium
O Oxygenĭum, i n oxygen
Pb Plumbum, i n lead
S Sulfur, ŭris n sulfur
Zn Zincum, i n zinc




The Latin names of acids consist of the noun “acĭdum”(acĭdum, i n - acid) and the concordant adjective of the 1st group:

acĭdum + stem of the chemical element name + -ĭc/ōs- + -um

à) Latin adjectives with the suffix -ĭc- and the ending -um correspond to English adjectives ending by –ic.


· arsenic acid - Acĭdum arsenicĭcum (Arsenĭcum, i n ® arsenic + ĭc + um);

· sulphuric acid - Acĭdum sulfurĭcum (Sulfur, ŭris n ® sulfur + ĭc + um);

· silicic acid - Acĭdum silicĭcum (Silicĭum, i n ® silic + ĭc + um);

b) Latin adjectives with the suffix -ōs and the ending -um correspond to English adjectives ending by –ous.


· nitrous acid - Acĭdum nitrōsum (Nitrogenĭum, i n ® nitr + ōs + um);

· sulphurous acid - Acĭdum sulfurōsum (Sulfur, ŭris n ® sulfur + ōs + um);

· arsenicous acid - Acĭdum arsenicōsum (Arsenĭcum, i n ® arsenic + ōs + um).

c) Latin acid names with the prefix hydro- ending by -ĭcum correspond to English acid names with the prefix hydro- ending by -ic (Acĭdum hydro­chlo­rĭcum – hydrochloric acid).

Attention!!! - Acid names used as drugs after pharmaceutical forms are written with the first capital letter:


· Tabulettae Acĭdi folĭci - tablets of folic acid

· Dragée Acĭdi ascorbinĭci - dragée of ascorbic acid




Latin names of oxides, peroxides and hydroxides consist of two words:

· First one: name of a chemical element in Genitive

· Second one: word “ox¢dum” (oxide), “perox¢dum” (peroxide) or “hydrox¢dum” (hydroxide) in Nominative.


· Zinci ox¢dum - zinc oxide

· Ferri ox¢dum - ferric oxide

· Hydrogenĭi perox¢dum - hydrogen peroxide

· Calcĭi hydrox¢dum - calcium hydroxide

Attention!!! - Names of oxides, peroxides and hydroxides are written after pharmaceutical forms with the first capital letter:


· Solutĭo Hydrogenĭi perox¢di dilūta – diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide


Learn names of acids:
1. acĭdum acetĭcum acetic acid
2. acĭdum acetylsalicylĭcum acetylsalicylic acid
3. acĭdum ascorbinĭcum ascorbic acid
4. acĭdum benzoĭcum benzoic acid
5. acĭdum borĭcum boric acid
6. acĭdum folĭcum folic acid
7. acĭdum glutaminĭcum glutaminic acid
8. acĭdum hydrochlorĭcum hydrochloric acid
9. acĭdum hydrosulfurĭcum hydrosulfuric acid
10. acĭdum lactĭcum lactic acid
11. acĭdum lipoĭcum lipoic acid
12. acĭdum nicotinĭcum nicotinic acid
13. acĭdum nitrĭcum nitric acid
14. acĭdum nitrōsum nitrous acid
15. acĭdum phosphorĭcum phosphoric acid
16. acĭdum salicylĭcum salicylic acid
17. acĭdum sulfurĭcum sulfuric acid
18. acĭdum sulfurōsum sulfurous acid
Learn names of drugs:
19. Camphŏra, ae f camphora
20. Chinosōlum, i n chinosol
21. Chloroformĭum, i n chloroform
22. Coffeīnum, i n caffeine
23. Hydrocortisōnum, i n hydrocortison
24. Menthōlum, i n menthol
25. Naphthalānum, i n naphtalan
26. Phthalazōlum, i n phthalazol
27. Prednisolōnum, i n prednisolon
28. Synoestrōlum, i n synoestrol
29. Talcum, i n talc
30. Tannīnum, i n tannin
Other words:
31. albus, a, um white
32. depurātus, a, um clear
33. dilūtus, a, um diluted
34. flavus, a, um yellow




Exercise 1. Translate from English into Latin:

Oily solution of camphora for external use; chloroform for narcosis; liniment of synthomycin with novocain; solution of prednisolon for injections; glyceric solution of ichthyol; spirituous solution of iodine for internal use; solution of novocain in ampoules, solution of nicotinic acid; mucilages of althea root, diluted hydrochloric acid; boric acid; tablets of lipoic acid; dragée of ascorbinic acid, zinc ointment; clear sulfur, yellow mercury oxide, acetylsalicylic acid in tablets, tablets of amidopyrin and phenacetin of each 0,25; phenoxymethylpenicillin for suspension; oily solution of synoestrol in ampoules, powder for suspensions; suppositories with dimedrol for children; diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide; hydrosulfuric acid; nicotinic acid in tablets; acetic acid; phosphoric acid; magnesium peroxide; zinc oxide; calcium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide; benzoic acid.


Exercise 2. Translate the following prescriptions from English into Latin:

1) Take: Folic acid 0,0008
  Ascorbic acid 0,1
  Give of such doses number 30 in tablet form
  Write on a label:
2) Take: White mercurial ointment 5% - 25,0
  Let it be given
  Let it be labeled:
3) Take: Spirituous solution of salicylic acid 1% - 40 ml
  Write on a label:
4) Take: Acetylsalicylic acid
  Phenacetin of each 0,25
  Caffeine 0,05
  Give of such doses number 12 in a tablet form
  Write on a label:
5) Take: Ointment of hydrocortison 1% - 10,0
  Write on a label:
6) Take Dragée of ascorbic acid 0,05 number 50
  Write on a label:
7) Take: Tablets of phthalazol 0,05 number 20
  Write on a label:
8) Take: Tincture of plantain leaves 10,0 - 20 ml
  Write on a label:
9) Take: Salicylic acid 5,0
  Zinc oxide 0,5
  Talc 50,0
  Mix to make a powder
  Let it be given
  Let it be labeled:
10) Take: Yellow mercury oxide 0,6
  Ichthyol 0,80
  Ointment of zinc 20,0
  Mix to make an ointment
  Let it be given
  Let it be labeled:
11) Take: Chloroform
  Ethyl alcohol 95% - 20 ml
  Ethyl ether 10 ml
  Liquid ammonia 5 drops
  Write on a label:
12) Take: Clear sulfur
  Magnesium oxide
  Sacchar of each 10,0
  Mix to make a powder
  Write on a label:
13) Take: Anaesthesin
  Talc of each 10,0
  Mix to make a powder
  Write on a label:
14) Take: Coated tablets of glutaminic acid 0,25 number 100
  Write on a label:
15) Take: Ichthyol 1,25
  Zinc oxide
  Wheat starch of each 12,5
  Vaseline up to 50,0
  Mix to make a paste
  Write on a label:
16) Take: Phenobarbital 0,03
  Dimedrol 0,05
  Acetylsalicylic acid of each 0,15
  Mix to make a powder
  Give of such doses number 20.
  Write on a label:
17) Take: Salicylic acid
  Synthomycin of each 2,5
  Ethyl alcohol 70%-50 ml
  Mix. Give.
  Write on a label:
18) Take: Diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide 10% - 30 ml
  Write on a label.
19) Take: Menthol 0,1
  Zinc oxide
  Boric acid of each 0,5
  Vaseline 10,0
  Mix to make an ointment
  Write on a label:
20) Take: Benzoic acid 0,6
  Salicylic acid 0,3
  Vaseline 10,0
  Mix to make an ointment
  Write on a label:
21) Take: Boric acid 0,1
  Chinosol 0,03
  Tannin 0,06
  Cocoa oil 2,0
  Mix to make a vaginal suppository
  Give of such doses number 10
  Write on a label:
22) Take: Boric acid 5,0
  Zinc oxide
  Wheat starch of each 25,0
  Ointment of naphthalan 45,0
  Mix to make a paste
  Write on a label:





Date: 2016-03-03; view: 2126

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III. Liquid pharmaceutical forms in prescriptions | LATIN NAMES OF SALTS IN PRESCRIPTIONS
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